Private Technology

: 986 experiments and movies

Not angry, not angry, not angry.

Biological, biological, biological.

Although she was thrown into the blind, looking at this dead fish eye, Guan Ming always had an idea to release her to the sea and resurrect her!

"I'm just researching and developing based on the knowledge I've got so far, so it's unclear whether this thing will work. Your mother is still pregnant now. You have a lot of time to go to the experiment to see if this thing works. At least until your brother is not weaned, your mother is absolutely not allowed to take messy drugs. "Guan Ming took a deep breath and slowed his violent heart.

"It's for sure, but you still need to be in this area. Even if Meng Liting can help, I can't find her directly." Guan Mengyu nodded naturally.

"Don't be Meng Liting or Meng Liting. I can't control what your last life was like, but in this life you are just a junior. Your words and deeds will directly affect your sister and your brother. I don't want them to be ignorant of politeness in the future." Ming was relatively strict about this.

Understanding politeness is a good habit. Although Guan Ming sometimes does not understand politeness, this does not prevent him from eagerly expecting children.

It's as if Mu Xiaoxiao hasn't expected her wisdom in this life. She just hopes that the children don't inherit her cerebellum that has shrunk to a trip when she grows up.

Hearing Guan Ming's words, Guan Mengyu rolled his eyes, but he did not mention it wisely. Guan Ming occasionally called Guan Dao ‘Old Guan’.

"By the way, how are you going to experiment? What do you need me to help?" Now that things have begun, Guan Ming doesn't mind getting things done, at least not to be urged by the little ones every day, just like urgency.

"It's very simple. You can contact the hospital, get some cold and fever samples, and then take drugs such as white plus black or Gankang, and record the time and effect of the medication including temperature and other data in detail. Use this organ simulator to compare the differences between the two, but now it is certain that there will be differences, but this thing is mainly to observe the pharmacokinetics, I need a certain amount of correct data to infer Is this thing reliable? "

Guan Mengyu didn't compete with Guan Ming at this time. After all, there was a patient who Guan Ming was able to pull a van tomorrow.

"Okay, I'll call back in this regard, and let Meng Liting follow up." Guan Ming nodded, indicating that he had done it.

This kind of thing is not a problem at all. The Shanghai stock market in December is already winter. Although it will not be very cold, but what kind of cold is a rare disease, even Guan Ming can let the school to organize a physical examination, and then specifically check the medicine. Finally, the statistics came to Guan Ming.

However, you must not use this trick when you have no choice but to use it. After all, this is an uncle's school with a lot of uncles.

"Then I'll wait for your patient. By the way, you can do more of this thing, so that you can get more data in a short time." Guan Mengyu also went out and placed the order directly, what a penny? Do not give Guan Ming.

"You just have to do it to Shuangxing directly. You can tell it how much you need. It has drawings." Guan Ming is money like dung, and he doesn't care about his little girl's splurge.

Guan Ming then talked to her about the drug of the future and took her away from the company.


"Boss, this is the final script. The above is a plot about Xiao Xi, and the following is the entire script." The next day, Ma Qingyun killed him and gave Guan Ming two materials.

"Have you talked over there?" Although it was Mu Xiaoxiao who was in charge of Meng Xi, Ma Qingyun also knew who paid the wages for himself, so he asked the husband and wife to report when they were both at home. Neither side was guilty.

"It's been discussed. At present, all the funds invested in the movie are about 92 million yuan, including two cars, a villa, and costumes. Finally, 30 million have been directly entered into the account of the crew in an advanced situation. The revenue part of the company accounted for 32.5%, and then the company and Xiaoxi's share, that is, the contract signed with Xiaoxi's guardian boss, was that Xiaoxi would receive 90% of her profit for the company, and the remaining 10% would be used for the company's daily life. Consume. "

Maybe he became the company's director, Ma Qingyun's mouth is slippery than before.

"92 million only accounted for 32.5%? A bit of a loss." Mu Xiaoxiao said puzzledly.

There are outsiders, Mu Xiaoxiao still gives Guan Ming face, for example, even if she is no longer curious about the contents of the file, she can't grab the information from Guan Ming, but asks her own questions.

"The main reason is that this director is too famous, and I heard that the director has contacted the publisher, and at the same time signed a guarantee on the gambling, and according to what I know, the director's guarantee income for this film is 150 million. RMB, and the box office must be over 500 million to start to get the excess ~ ~ In fact, if there were n’t some officials lobbying in the middle, we would n’t have been able to get so much. ”Spreading his hands, Ma Qingyun said he had already Did my best.

"Although I didn't expect Xiaoxi to make much money, but 92 million was invested, and how much is the box office, so we won't lose?" Li Xiaosheng, a liberal arts student, couldn't mentally calculate multiplication with more than four digits. Mom, the math teacher, verified it in person.

"It can only be more than 800 million. In addition to film special funds, business tax, theater division, etc., there are other piecemeal things, but don't worry about this. The company has dug two teams to follow up money and Legal matters, and even if there is a problem in the middle, it is estimated that as soon as the boss is early, people will stop and dare not move. .

The steward has money, a lot of money, so much that the entire family can't eat enough interest. Maybe it will be more troublesome to deal with some unlisted companies, but for those companies that have already been listed, the steward is really not bad.

Regardless of the cost, he smashed the stock market, and even if it was Maotai, the housekeeper could be a happy one.

"Money is a trivial matter, but on the villa side, I don't think the decoration is good." Guan Ming, who was looking through the documents, said at this time.

"Oh, that villa is a one-off, because Tianmen Mountain is a tourist attraction, my trustee here contacted the local government, and finally obtained a temporary building permit, but after the filming, it will be demolished and restored to its original appearance. So there is no luxury. "Ma Qingyun said quickly.

PS: The national football team is not strong, one by one. Although I can't play the national football team, it is a pity that I can't see the national football team in the World Cup.

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