Private Technology

: 995 Is this special science fiction?

It is said that the data cannot be falsified, but this is also within a certain range. In fact, if you look ahead, you can find the famous Schoen event. The German actor was even once known as' Einstein II ', The media at the time were discussing when he won the Nobel Prize.

Although Schoen was eventually investigated for counterfeiting, it still shamed the scientific community.

With Guan Ming's current reputation and strength, if he is fraudulent, he may not even be questioned openly and privately by top scholars. Even considering that he has artificial intelligence, if he is fraudulent, he may really be able to do everything and nothing. The one without loopholes, except that you can't repeat the experiment.

Of course, the country currently "controls" network satellites and artificial intelligence. There is no doubt on the Sagittarius civilization, but it is only the above and its scientists do not doubt it.

"Is there a problem abroad? If a real hammer is really needed, we can tell the other party the time of the collected data and let them do a self-check." Guan Ming thought for a moment and said.

There are not many optical space telescopes in the world, but there are also many. The number of observatories on the ground is even larger. If you specifically find data for a period of time, it is estimated that at least 40% of the mainstream countries in the world have this data. Only before They didn't find it.

"Well, it's still a little bit worse, if there is a device that can actually observe it now." Sigh, the total giant's expression was a little worried.

Not sure why the other party said so, but it is estimated that there are other problems in this area besides scientific research.

"I can only try this part. If neutrinos are involved, my progress is relatively slow." Guan Ming shook his head. The theory is always his weakness.

"Speaking of photons, I have talked with those scientists before. They put forward the idea that photons and electrons can easily react and cause photon loss. Then, for a distance of more than 20,000 light years, the data needs to be complete. It is basically impossible, but the observation data also tells us that the signals carried by these photons are very readable and the content is very complete. Does that mean that the Sagittarius civilization first clarifies the existence of our planet, and then uses airdrops? A similar method is used to transmit signals at a fixed point. If so, does it mean that the signal carried by the photon is not the information 20,000 years ago, but is now and instantaneously, but this raises a question, which is why Sagittarius civilization To do this, what do you think of this part of the guess? "After speaking, the chief giant couldn't help but pull out the cigarette case and glanced at Guan Ming.

Zhiming Guanming quickly found an empty glass from under the coffee table, and poured water into it as an ashtray.

Even if the affluent is like Guan Ming, he is reluctant to use Mao Po as an ashtray.

"I haven't really considered this statement before, but it is really possible to say so!" Guan Ming nodded thoughtfully.

Guan Ming paid attention to the existence of Sagittarius before ignoring the meaning of distance!

Guan Ming only cares that the information carried by the optical signal is very complete, but he subconsciously ignores the terrible behind this completeness!

There is nothing wrong with the total giant ’s words, at least it is theoretically true, because there is no scientific way to explain why photons pass through a distance of more than 20,000 light years, and the loss is very small!

Sagittarius civilization knows the existence of the earth?

Is Sagittarius sending a message to the Earth?

Why did Sagittarius send this message, and what does it mean?

Even the source of this signal is really the civilization produced by Sagittarius?

At the same time, Guan Ming also understood what the former giant said.

The general giant is not worried that the foreigners do not believe it, but whether the foreigners will contact the aliens privately in the movie, or even the foreigners may have contacted them!

This is so sci-fi! !!

"In this case, we seem to be doing useless work." Guan Ming said with a bitter smile after thinking about it.

Everything Guan Ming has done before is centered on the Sagittarius civilization. If the other party has mastered the technology of 'airdrop photon', it means that this extraterrestrial civilization may not be a Sagittarius civilization, and because of the airdrop, Neutrino directional observation methods are also questionable, because the data to be analyzed is definitely not small!

Seeing the cigarette case on the coffee table, Guan Ming could not help but ignite one.

The smoke is a bit stubborn, which is why it hasn't been smoked for a long time.

"It can't be said to be useless. If this possibility really exists, I think we have to go in two directions. The first is to study why extraterrestrial civilizations emit such signals, and the content is similar. I think even Signals can be sent remotely, but there are also costs. There should be other meanings in it. Secondly, try to express yourself and make yourself more competitive. "Seeing Guan Ming's response, the general giant continued to say.

In fact, when those scientists put this reasoning on the table of the giants, the giants were also very confused. Unfortunately, he only saw the report after receiving the peace prize, otherwise he would not have published any extraterrestrial information before. Civilized speech too.

But in other words, since it can be put on his desk, it shows that this thing has also been considered a lot, the credibility is not low, at least there is no major fault in logic.

"Then how do we need to express ourselves? War? Technology?" Guan Ming couldn't help getting up and wandering around in the living room ~ ~, playing with soot.

"Both of these are alternatives, but I think it's still based on technology. I remember you said before that you want to apply for a device that can fly. Now, you should think that the thing you want to make is not small. "Said the giant.

"It's ... not a small one." After a moment's choke, Guan Ming didn't expect the giant to say this.

Guan Ming did talk to this before. At that time, I wanted to say hello. Now, the above is also very concerned about the application of anti-gravity equipment.

"Hurry up, get better, get bigger." The chief giant smiled and nodded, but didn't say anything else, but let Guan Ming breathe a sigh of relief.

"I try my best, after all, there is still room for improvement of anti-gravity equipment, and energy is also a problem." Guan Ming took a new seat and threw only two or three cigarettes into a glass. For one or two seconds, the cigarette **** The flames went out.

"This is not a big problem. Lunar mining will start soon. At that time, a certain share will be allocated to you. Considering your contribution in it, go at the cost price. The new materials you submitted last time. It ’s also a cost price, and I ’ve heard that those scientists who study gravitational waves and electromagnetic waves have sharpened their minds to prepare for a big guy. ”In the end, the giants could n’t help laughing.

"Well, I see." Grinning, Guan Ming nodded.

It can be felt that the giants do not want to make any kind of favor in this.

But the sale of helium 3 has its own humanity.

PS: I don't know how much more I owe, but I can be sure that I owe it. Since the code is out, I won't hesitate. Don't tell me how much I owe, I'm afraid I will have nightmares at night!

Today's Xi Erqi opened the sea view mode, but unfortunately there is no fish.

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