Private Technology

: One Thousand and Four New Year's Eve

"It's really irritable." Guan Ming was scratching his head, looking impatient, but there were only two people in the room, so he didn't need to pay attention.

"Just bear with it, after so many years, don't let people see our joke." Guan Ma patted Guan Ming's legs, calming his mind.

Because it was Guan Ming's eldest son, Guan Ming's relatives came pretty much. No matter how much he hated in the back, the relatives still had to be maintained.

But I'm not sure if it's because of mood, Mu Xiaoxiao's due date has actually been postponed!

"It's not this, it's Xiaoxiao, time is up, why aren't you born?" Guan Ming said anxiously.

It was probably brought by the surrounding environment. Guan Ming also had some inexplicable feelings about this production. Even when he dreamed the night before, he also dreamed of the fat man in his last life, and the whole night was the figure of the fat man. .

"This kind of thing is not something you can hurry. Don't think about it so much, that Xiaoxiao is in a bad mood." Guan Ma glanced at the coffee table and poured a glass of water for Guan Ming.

Today, Guan Dian needs to arrange the relatives of Grandpa Guan Ming. He may come back late at night, and Mu Xiaoxiao is already sleeping at this time. The twins are currently looked after by the rhubarb, so there is no need to worry.

"Double Star, has the data come out, when is the due date?" Guan Ming looked to the side and asked.

"Expected to be on New Year's Eve or the day before New Year's Eve." Double Star controlled the robot's voice.

"New Year's Eve, hope is not that day." Guan Ming sighed. On New Year's Eve, he would have to fly to Emperor's capital after breakfast, and he would be very busy all day.

"Double Star, how are the doctors resting? The equipment is okay." Looking at the robot, Guan Ma asked.

Under the tremendous pressure of Guan Ma, Guan Ming had to go out and ask the city hospital's obstetrics and gynecology doctor to come to the villa for delivery. At the same time, he also invited a special nurse to help her. As for the delivery room, Guan Ming's house was rebuilt half a month ago. During this period, even the obstetrics and gynecology doctors and nurses lived at their homes.

"Without any problems, the doctors seem to be in good shape." Twin stars projected the doctors and nurses who were busy in the delivery room.

"That's good, that's good." The old woman thought in disbelief.


"Sorry, I can't stand by your side today." Guan Ming adjusted his tie, looked at Mu Xiaoxiao with an apology.

After having breakfast, Guan Ming had no more time to accompany her.

"You have always been by my side, Bajia. Come on, my children and I will always watch TV." As a cheering action, Mu Xiaoxiao pushed Tuo Mingming to signal her to leave.

Today is New Year's Eve, but after eating breakfast, Mu Xiaoxiao still doesn't feel in labor.

Although the doctor said that he was born in these days, the double star judged that Mu Xiaoxiao was born at the latest. Compared with the doctor, Guan Ming believed in the double star, which also means that Guan Ming could not touch the new students in the first place. child.

For a father, this is a sad story.

"Brother, just give me your sister-in-law!" Zhang Danxue shouted, and then he gave Mu Xiaoxiao a sham.

"To give you a task today, just watch Xiao Xi and Xiao Yu, don't let them bother your sister-in-law, and your relatives will come during the day, don't be so hard, be careful that your dad will turn around and hit you." Guan Ming patted Zhang Danxue's head asked.

"Rest assured, I won't make trouble today, but are you sure your sister-in-law is born today?" Zhang Danxue stood sideways and asked.

Robots are not secrets, even if they appear in Guan Ming's house, everyone will understand, but artificial intelligence is not enough. This game should be absolutely a secret. The stewards are only known by Guan Ming's parents, Guan Ming's husband and wife, twins and rhubarb. .

Even in order to prevent the twins from talking out, Tian Qiantong would follow the twins every day, even today.

"There aren't that many reasons, just be obedient, I'll go first." Squeezing the fleshy face, Guan Ming waved and left.

The plane and route are ready, and Guan Ming needs to do is to arrive at the airport on time.

"Boss, it's the boss's wife that is about to give birth today." Zhou Wu drove in front and looked at Guan Ming in the rearview mirror to chat.

"Do you know all this? Your source is a bit extensive." Guan Ming froze for a moment, but he didn't expect him to know it.

"I have seen the itinerary from the security side today. Relatives of the boss's family have all come to the villa today. It is estimated that only the boss's mother is going to be born, so many people are here." I really didn't do anything special.

"Also, I have a reminder here. The big names in Shanghai also have application for visiting the villa, about 5 minutes ago."

"Why didn't you tell me such important news in advance?" Guan Ming frowned, and turned on the on-board computer to check the report submitted by Shuangxing.

"It was specifically requested by the big guy, and the double star has already notified the master." Zhou Wu explained.

On the computer screen, Shuangxing said: "According to the deduction ~ ~ the purpose of the Shanghai Stock Exchange is to be purely friendly and not include other things. Considering the task of the boss today, the Shanghai Stock Exchange may let the master keep them secret Don't let everyone disturb the boss. "

The so-called master is the father.

"There are so many things today." Guan Ming muttered.

The Spring Festival Gala is a very important program for Chinese people around the world. The opening time of the Spring Festival Gala is not strictly eight o'clock, but the moment when the TV is turned on in the morning, because on this day, all the news revolves around the Spring Festival Gala. It started.

In the plan, Guan Ming's appearance time is from 6.30 to 7 pm, which is considered as the prime time before the Spring Festival Evening.

"It's really messy." Through the window, you can see the messy corridor.

"There is nothing busy on the TV without being chaotic." Looking out the window, Zhou Wu nodded his approval.

"You can't say that, at least there have been no accidents during the Spring Festival Gala, without counting fake singing and playing video." Guan Ming wanted to say that the black three minutes of 2007, but with fake singing and playing video, black Don't mention this well-known thing for three minutes.

"Huh ~" Shrugging, Zhou Wu didn't want to make a statement.

"Let's go out and walk around, there will be a lot of stars to see tonight." Guan Ming wiped his mouth and threw the lunch box into the trash can.

"If you are a celebrity, the company will have more annual meetings, but unfortunately you haven't participated a few times." Zhou Wu said after Guan Ming.

"You're blaming me?" Glancing at the perfect middle-aged man, Guan Ming was definitely not jealous of his figure!

"Of course not. I'm just a pity for the boss. There are a lot of beautiful female stars at the company's annual meeting." Glanced at Guan Ming's dress, Zhou Wu also lowered his head to tidy up his placket.

ps: It is indeed "Song of the Newspaper". This is the melody of that time.

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