Private Technology

: 2013 Charitable Directions and Civil Poverty Alleviation

Guan Ming's donation this time is very large. It is not the kind that several provinces, cities, and counties can afford, but it benefits the low-income poor families nationwide. The main targets are single-parent families, orphans, out-of-school children, and There are several parts of child health care.

To some extent, the problem of left-behind children in poverty-stricken areas has been alleviated, and medical and education problems in poverty-stricken areas have been greatly reduced.

This is a huge support for the giants in charge of people's livelihood!

Taking last year as an example, all the people's livelihood projects such as social security, employment, medical care, family planning, etc. have just totaled more than 2 trillion, and Guan Ming has more than 2 trillion in hand, and the scope is still smaller. It means stronger effects!

At the same time, this can not only be calculated on the account. Directly donating these as the first Guanming of private enterprises will lead to a wave of donations of private funds. At the same time, some of these donations are not issued in cash, such as Children's education, whether it is the construction of a school or otherwise, is an investment of several years or even a dozen years, and the potential effect derived from it must be multiplied several times.

"Haha, good to say, we all understand your situation, and we are especially looking forward to your child's future, and it will be better to train a big scientist at that time."

The giant had been optimistic about Guan Ming before, but now he is better!

So much money is said to be donated and donated, which is much better than those who say "naked" after death.

"Don't dare to be too extravagant, do your best. I believe that the big names in Shanghai have also told you about donations. I rarely deal directly with the bank. The middle process is not clear. I need more help in this regard. Help, just let me sign the documents that should be signed by then. "Guan Ming is not a fool.

During this period of time, I watched the national giant running back and forth from home and abroad, provinces, cities, and cities. To say that the giant is just at home today, Guan Ming didn't believe it.

It is better to say that Guan Ming got on the plane to know what he came over. It is better than knowing that Guan Ming has just applied for a flight.

Having said all that should be said, it is not a bad thing to take the matter and walk around the giant, it is really too long for yourself.

"We all know about the donation. The other giants are not at home. I'll say thank you to everyone! You don't need to worry about the bank. I will stare at that time, but I will definitely need your signature after all. It is you I will always keep an eye on the subsequent appropriations, to ensure that every penny is used locally, and I will let people make a report for the use of the funds. My personal meaning is that it was successfully transported on the moon rocket. This event will be announced at a later press conference to let everyone know your benevolence. If the country ’s people ’s livelihood can only be developed by the country, it may take many years to develop, but if people from all walks of life work together, people ’s lives can be fast. Improved. "The giant face smiled and patted Guan Ming's knee, his face was serious and sincere.

"I'll be responsible for donating money. I don't need reports and future ones. You, I know, are not good at these." Guan Ming said with a little embarrassment. It wasn't that he was trying to escape, but he didn't think the giants would be here. It's sloppy here. Those who can become giants have their own political ambitions and have a strong sense of responsibility. There is no need for Guan Ming to supervise it. Besides, Guan Ming is not interested in any press conference. Right.

Even if there is no conference, he and Mu Xiaoxiao can donate so much in one breath!

"You must have this, you must have it. In fact, when you know that you have donated so much, several of our giants have also discussed the content of poverty alleviation by enterprises. Although only a rough outline has been compiled, you as a private entrepreneur. We also want to hear some of your opinions and opinions. "The giant raised his glasses and looked at Guan Ming.

"You said." Nodded, Guan Ming "exposed" a curious expression in a timely manner.

"Since the reform and opening up, our country has been driven by the rich first, and then the rich. Although the country has developed rapidly in these years, there are still poor counties and poor cities. How to make the economic development of these poor areas has been our concern over the years. Problems, the adjustment of the industrial structure, the expansion of the industrial scale, there are often problems of insufficient positioning and more wolves. Domestic entrepreneurs have an unparalleled sense of smell in the commercial field compared to ordinary people, so we We hope that enterprises can participate in helping poor areas, achieve targeted poverty alleviation, and revitalize urban and rural areas. We may open some pilots and invite some enterprises to participate. What do you think about this? "The giant asked.

When the giant said this, Guan Ming always seemed to have known each other somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

After Guan Ming was reborn for a while, he wanted to be a business ape. Later, considering the tragic deeds of his dad, he felt that unless he had a chance to be born again, he would not waste the rebirth casually, and do those who are against the sky. thing.

To talk about the combination of folk power and the village, Guan Ming first thought of the head of Niu Xiang ~ ~ followed by the richest village and finally Dongdong boss.

But if he is involved, it must be travelling in mountains and rivers, planting large counties for production, and may involve the layout of large funds and then make a profit year by year. But there must also be unscrupulous companies selling homesteads to make money Of course, the latter one is definitely something that can be done nationwide. In the case of a pilot, if you really want to spend money, then you have to spend money without spending money.

If you simply invest without paying attention to returns, it is estimated that few companies in the country can do it.

"... I personally feel very good. The country has developed very well over the years. The private capital is strong and the eyes are not bad. However, I still want to identify the source of private funds. In recent years, many foreigners have started companies in China. If foreign capital is really involved, many things will not be easy to control. "Guan Ming expressed his concern.

"This is certain. If I give you a pilot, what would you do?" The giant continued to ask.

Scratching his head, Guan Ming said, "In my case, I will probably increase investment in education and medical care. First, we will solve the problem of old and young. Then, based on the specific conditions of the pilot, try to develop a special" color "development route. Hi-tech tourism? Hi-tech farming and planting? Attract young people who go out to work, and then grow them. Take tourism as an example, you can try the combination of human resources and natural resources, such as building a high-altitude glass bridge. Every year, part of the money earned is re-educated, education and medical treatment, and finally a virtuous "virtual" cycle is reached. "

It is impossible for Guan Ming to build a high-tech industrial park or a labor-intensive industry in a poor county. The glass bridge is the one that impresses him most if he travels. Be free to read the latest chapter of "Private Technology Claw Book House".

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