Private Technology

: 1,020, did my dad drink it?

Carefully fluttering in Mu Xiaoxiao's arms, looked at his brother close at hand, Guan Mengxi bit into the newborn's granary with a bite.

Xiao Budian didn't realize that his granary had been robbed. Instead, he ate while holding his fleshy little hand on his sister's face, and looked at it without looking, trying to see what it was.

"Hey ~ it's not good, mother, why not give my brother milk?" Looking up, Guan Mengxi looked at her mother and mother with a bit of disgust and asked, presumably he felt like giving his brother something so bad. A kind of abuse.

"Milk is not nutritious, so my brother can't drink milk right now." He took out the paper towel and wiped it. As soon as the paper towel was thrown away, the granary was caught by the little ones. .

"Then why do my sister and me drink milk? We won't drink this every day, too." Guan Mengxi said bitterly, she likes to drink milk with three spoons of sugar every day, but this amount of her Just tried it a few times.

"Sister, stupid, we are older children, so we can only drink milk, this is for the younger brother!" Sitting next to Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Mengyu also focused on his younger brother with Yu Guang.

Although Guan Ming usually speaks very indifferently, Guan Mengyu can tell when he is telling the truth and when he is telling the truth. From the performance of his younger sister, regarding Guan Ming ’s strong physical skills, It should not be a lie, and from the analysis of her own sister's DNA, no bad genes were found.

Therefore, this little brother may become a scientist like himself in the future.

Start to train him into his assistant in advance?

It's not impossible, but the question is: Can my dad agree?

After all, Guan Ming started from the application of science and technology on the physical side. According to Zi Cheng's father's business, it seems that his brother will also develop in this direction in the future, but only if he is as clever as the younger sister.

"Well, sister, you're not right. My dad also drank it. I have seen it, isn't it dad ~" He snorted heavily, and Guan Mengxi was obviously dissatisfied with his sister calling herself 'dumbass'.

"Ha? What does this have to do with me?" Guan Ming made his expressions a little bit better, and at the same time thought, it seems that he didn't do this after his son was born.

As Guan Mengxi said, it's really not as good as milk. Now Guan Ming can't forget the Mu Xiaoxiao who shoved a refrigerator and finally threw it away with tears.

"Furfurfur ~ Dad is a kid who is not growing up ~" Mu Xiaoxiao simulates Doflamingo's laughter, but in Guan Ming's opinion, his daughter-in-law had a 'stupid' engraved on his forehead!

"Can such words be spoken in front of the child? You stupid, Ba Ga!" He pierced the opponent's head with an uncomfortable finger, Guan Ming can't wait to poke out a 'dummy' character.

"Oh, oh ~ Dad is also a child ~ Dad is also a child ~" Guan Mengxi cheered on the bed cheering, a puppet flung into Guan Ming's arms, and patted Guan Ming's belly.

Pia ~ pia ~

The sense of rhythm is very good, Guan Ming thinks this little point is very talented in percussion, if the strength is lighter, it is better.

"Dad is an adult, mother is a child, as stupid as a child." Crossing the armpit of her elder daughter, Guan Ming lay in bed and lifted her up high.

Unfortunately, Guan Ming's arm length is obviously not as long as Guan Mengxi's body length. At the same time, Guan Ming's arm strength is difficult to lift this small bag of rice.

"A child isn't stupid, mother can't represent a child!" Raising her cheek, Guan Mengxi bowed her head and glared at her own father.

"You are in disguise saying that your mother is stupid, sister ~" Guan Mengyu couldn't help crying and laughing. Although she also felt that her mother was as stupid as her sister, the problem is that her mother has reacted and glared at you. Are you not afraid of being hurt afterwards? Spanking?

"Eh? Anything? No, absolutely, absolutely no!" Hands crossed in front of him, Guan Mengxi shook his head again and again, indicating that he is a loyal puppy leg of his mother.

Hee hee, Mu Xiaoxiao used childish accents to communicate with the children. It wasn't until nine o'clock that he was taken back to sleep, but Guan Ming couldn't sleep this early. The oldest child in the world is the biggest. The lights are off. Newborns can cry tomorrow.

Probably all the energy was released before. Guan Ming didn't want to talk at this time. Looking at the scrambled son and the nursing daughter-in-law there, Guan Ming put on his electronic glasses and started to work.

Many jobs, such as scientific researchers or IT code farmers, need to take the administrative route if they cannot make breakthroughs in technology.

Guan Ming had the idea of ​​administrative administration in his past life, but also had the opportunity, but before he officially stepped up, he was officially reborn / reborn.

There must be supporting policies to support poor areas. Although Guan Ming can use money to make everyone in the area a millionaire, but since this type of administrative work is arranged, he thinks about sustainability Development is the same regardless of the birth of talents or economic growth.

He wanted to build on that place and develop it, not to give them a sum of money and let them live in big cities.

Guan Ming took this task, in addition to he was a persuasion, he also considered the issue of reputation.

Being able to go deep into a certain place, take a place to develop, and benefit the people there will bring huge prestige to Guan Ming. If the talents in this place continue to grow in addition to economic growth, it would be more perfect, as The red base of the year.

Of course ~ ~ Considering that his son was born, Guan Ming feels that he needs a ‘reserved place’ to choose a daughter-in-law.

Guan Mingxin is not that big. He traditionally thinks that girls from rural areas are more hardworking and hardworking, and don't expect much success or frugality from his daughter-in-law. As long as he has a good character, Guan Ming doesn't have too many requirements.

"Boss, do you need the company's organization team to do this?" Shuangxing asked when Guan Ming was inquiring about the reform of poor areas.

"Not for the time being, come and do this later." Obviously it was a matter of fame. Guan Ming didn't want others to divide it, although it seemed to be troublesome.

"I haven't decided on the region yet, should I collect relevant success stories first?" Shuangxing continued to ask.

"Check it out, by the way, sort out the limited technology the company can use." Guan Ming thought for a moment and said.

"Good boss." Double Star should deal with this.

Originally I wanted to do it, but considering that the place has not yet been set, many things are also thought freely. When I look it up, Guan Ming becomes a gossip about watching the news.

During the 13-year New Year, the biggest gossip is that the 12-year gossip is summarized. Whether it is the scenery's cutting knife door or Zhou Dong's girlfriend, it is everyone's point of view.

The content and results of the former are obvious. It is possible that good actors should be able to fool the public in reality.

In the latter case, netizens commented that Zhou Dong was paying tribute to Guan Ming, because Zhou Dong's gossip girlfriend was born in 1993 and is only 20 years old. If Zhou Dong can marry a gossip girlfriend this year, then the woman will be aged From the point of view, it is already a copy of Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao.

However, everyone is sensible to ignore the age difference between men and women. Guan Ming is only five or six years older than Mu Xiaoxiao. According to Zhou Dong, he was born in 1979 ...

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