Private Technology

: 1028 Breaking news from Mu Xiaoxiao

Chinese people like to talk about things while eating. Although it does not seem to be a good communication environment, it belongs to a folk custom. When you have no strength to change it, what you need to do is to adapt, adapt to this society, and respect this. society.

"Mrs. Guan, see that your breakfast is richer than Mr. Guan. Will your status be a little higher at home?" The hostess looked at Mu Xiaoxiao and smiled and joked.

Compared to Guan Ming's grounded breakfast, Mu Xiaoxiao's breakfast is much more refined. The shrimp and vegetable toast looks like a Mexican roll, and the middle outer layer is wrapped with wide seaweed, which is convenient to eat.

Walnut corn milk appears corn yellow as a whole, looks slightly sticky, overflowing with fragrance, exuding the taste of milk mixed with corn.

"Just call me Xiaoxiao at home. It ’s not because I'm in a higher position to eat these. It's purely a nutritious meal. In terms of status, he is still high." Putting down the spoon, Mu Xiaoxiao smiled in response.

After hearing this, Guan Ming smiled and said nothing.

The status depends on the occasion. Generally speaking, Guan Ming's status at home will be higher than Mu Xiaoxiao, but sometimes when Guan Ma is eccentric, Guan Ming slips down to the second last, and the whole family is the first. It is rhubarb. For several years, the status of rhubarb has not been effectively improved. It must be said that Guan Mingjia still has a lot of room for improvement in the care of animals.

"Oh, in fact, Mr. Guan rarely appears in front of the media, most of the time it is a press conference. It gives people a feeling of overbearing and serious people. As his wife, do you think Would the gentleman's usual personality be overbearing? "Said the host while eating her own breakfast, a simple fruit salad.

It ’s better to say overbearing than to be willful. Although Guan Ming wo n’t go online to stare at this star and gossip about this gossip, at many press conferences, if he does n’t like the questions raised by some reporters, he will directly refuse to answer and will not consider it at all. What would the reporter write when he went back, even when he quit the global market for the first time, it was arbitrary and there was no negotiation at all.

Simply, even decisively.

Even if Foxconn, who had taken over the management of the Ming dynasty, hoped that Guan Ming could consider it carefully, but the news got stuck on Liu Mengmeng. As Guan Ming's loyal dog leg, she knew Guan Ming as a person.

The market can be omitted, and the foundry can be changed again, but the boss is the only one.

"Haha, domineering? No, he is super fun at home. He is just not good at expressing his inner thoughts outside, so his performance will be much more straightforward. In fact, if you really understand him, you will feel He ’s super interesting. What I say is that since I knew him, the original rigorous and serious thinking that had been for scientists has been completely broken. ”Mu Xiaoxiao usually looks stupid, but she treats herself Have a clear positioning and work hard for it.

No matter whether it is business or scientific research, Mu Xiaoxiao can't help Guan Ming, so Mu Xiaoxiao thinks that what can help Guan Ming is to publicize and ease Guan Ming's mood.

The dignity and beauty in front of people is to enhance their own connotation, so that others feel that Guan Ming did not make the wrong choice in marriage, and he is a person who can be drawn to the hall.

The madness of the posthumous people is to activate the family, so that Guan Ming can change his mind after work. Don't think about the data that others don't understand all day, even COS, small movies, etc., after all, she She has given birth to three children and she is no longer a child.

Guan Ming supported her in charity, and even thrown two trillion yuan in one breath. In Guan Ming's opinion, he hoped that Mu Xiaoxiao would become more confident, and in Mu Xiaoxiao's opinion, this was to improve the overall reputation of the steward.

Although Mu Xiaoxiao's surname is Mu, she knows that the most important label on her is 'Mrs. Guan'. No one would think that the two trillion yuan was earned by her own efforts. It is not so much as Mu Xiaoxiao's donation. Said it was a housekeeper donation!

Where Guan Ming can't see, Mu Xiaoxiao is also working hard. Unlike Guan Ming's visible and tangible scientific research products, Mu Xiaoxiao's efforts are intangible and imperceptible, and are subtle.

Perhaps as she said, she is also a wise person, but she is always wise and foolish.

"Oh? Can you talk about Mr. Guan's usual performance? Scientists, it's really too far away from us." The host wiped his mouth with a tissue and looked cheerful.

"Is this really good? These don't seem to be included in the recording." Guan Ming strongly restrained the urge to roll his eyes, pouting and glanced at Mu Xiaoxiao, for fear that the goods would tell his glorious history of quilt farting and blocking the toilet.

Majesty is a very powerful word. Regarding today's achievements and status, even if there are no particularly harsh words and tones, the body of the CCTV team can not help but stiffen.

"For a whole day, you always have to talk about a light topic when you eat." Mu Xiaoxiao patted the back of his hand, Mu Xiaoxiao said unhurriedly.

Looking at the others, the atmosphere was not so relaxed.

"The serious image of my business for many years can easily be disillusioned ~" Shaking his head with emotion, Guan Ming acquiesced in Mu Xiaoxiao's actions. At least through the action just now, Guan Ming also knew that the goods would have a choice to say.

It doesn't matter how you say it, Guan Ming also has the right to intervene in the final cut.

"You see, in fact, he is good at talking, just go along with Mao Mao." Mu Xiaoxiao reached out and motioned to the other side to continue eating.

"This is really ... one thing, one thing, it seems Mr. Guan really loves you." The host did not know what to say.

Guan Ming didn't say anything about eating in silence. In his opinion, now is the link of Mu Xiaoxiao, and he doesn't want to make a noise.

"Oh, keep talking. In fact, I usually like surfing the Internet. I have also read some guesses and guesses from netizens about me and him. Although many things are contrived, I feel very interesting."

Suddenly remembering something, Mu Xiaoxiao first covered her mouth and smiled, then shook her head, and put the hair that fell from her ears behind her, leaning forward slightly, a chattering posture.

"You also know that my husband is from Daocheng. The seafood and dinner are essential for seafood. It is the type that is necessary for every meal throughout the year. Some time ago I became pregnant. He gave me a plate every time he ate. Peel the shrimp and eat it. Every time when you peel the shrimp, you will find it very troublesome. Then I tried to make a special shrimp peeling machine. Then my mother-in-law told him that the machine must have bacteria or something. Then he sighed and continued to peel me. That looks like an aggrieved one! "After that, he gave Guan Ming a charming look.

Amorous feelings!

Guan Ming stared at Mu Xiaoxiao with a stunned expression—I didn't expect you to be such a person! You still have this operation! You're from Shouzi!

"I didn't expect Mr. Guan to behave like this at home. It's too lifelike, subverting our perception of Mr. Guan!" The host also looked at Guan Ming with a look of admiration.

She did not doubt that what Mu Xiaoxiao said was false, so she naturally felt that Guan Ming's actions were not easy.

"Look at it, isn't it fun? It feels very childish." Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and arched an eyebrow.

"It is true that I have interviewed many celebrities in the business world before, and they will be very time-scheduled. Just talking about eating, many big guys will hurry up to eat, and even some big guys will find eating a troublesome and time-consuming process. The thing is, Mr. Guan is so ... caring about Xiaoxiao, will he be divided into scientific research time? "Without Guan Ming's permission, the host naturally would not call Guan Ming's name, she didn't know that Guan Ming didn't care. Call it that.

"This may be what sets me apart from others. Scientific research is just a personal hobby for me. It is a preparation for life. Maybe I have spent time sleeping and forgetting to develop a certain technology, but my focus is still on the family. Compared with scientific research, I more enjoy the feelings brought by my family. "This topic is not suitable for Mu Xiaoxiao to say, lest she be hacked, Guan Ming gather her expression, and after speaking, he habitually aimed at the host a little head.

"Maybe this is why only Mr. Guan has such achievements in the world. When interest becomes a profession, perhaps the original passion will dissipate a lot. It seems that Mr. Guan has his own unique opinion on maintaining his passion for scientific research." A few words were made for Guan Ming to control the direction.

"Don't listen to him blindly, when he is busy, he really can't care about anything. My first baby is a twin. You ask him, so far, has he taken care of the children alone?" The image was damaged, and Mu Xiaoxiao's look of bitterness and hatred began to leak.

"I also take care of it, light rain." Looking helplessly at his daughter-in-law, Guan Ming always felt that this topic shift was a bit blunt, although it was for his own good.

"Xiaoyu, my poor little daughter, who is so young, is often brought into the study room to teach him that he wants to train Xiaoyu as his successor and what he needs to be a scientist. I really suspect that Xiaoyu thinks about childhood when he grows up. Would you feel that life is dark. "He sighed deliberately, Mu Xiaoxiao spread his hands at the host ~ ~ successor? If you remember correctly, the two of you seem to have been married for only 6 years. The host recalled the information of Guan Ming and asked.

"Yes, the twins next year." Nodded, Guan Ming said.

"But why don't Mr. Guan raise two children together? After all, Mr. Guan's teaching level ... is also obvious to all." The host said with a smile.

"Black history is sloppy ~" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming with a grin and said something cold.

The so-called teaching level and dark history naturally mean that he once served as Mu Xiaoxiao's tutor, and Mu Xiaoxiao was successfully admitted to Fudan University.

"In fact, it is not that he does not teach. He and I think that the future of children still depends on their personal hobbies. To tell the truth, the words of this family, whether they grow up as scientists or businessmen, can get rid of the title of" giving children " And it is really difficult to make a career. Early education is not as natural as it is to see the children's choices, but fortunately, my younger daughter seems to like the scientific research. "After the teasing, Mu Xiaoxiao explained it seriously. Lest there be too much interpretation from the outside.

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