Private Technology

: 1031 Double Stars That Are Changing

"What about the country? What's the response above?" Guan Ming asked a nonsense.

"The country has been opposed to this kind of robber behavior and robber theory, but because there are many foreign forces at present, the national giants are currently more troublesome to deal with. Because the giants are afraid of social unrest, this part of the information is not public." The double star's bass is abnormally magnetic.

"... It's not good. What I have worked so hard on, I can't let these foreigners run away." I couldn't help getting up, Guan Ming paced back and forth in the study.

Although Guan Ming's research is for his own convenience, Guan Ming's ability to take out his own things again and again is to keep the country working hard to develop a foundation for the stewards.

Guan Ming is a narrow person, a person who only likes low-level tastes. He has not risen to the point of saving all mankind, so he feels that the best enemy is the dead, and the best 'other country' is that the economy, technology, and military are backward 'Other Countries'!

"According to the information I have so far, although these countries are united, most of them are just following the trend. They do not think that the country has controllable fusion technology. Even France, for example, has nuclear power. The countries of the plant think that we are just developing more advanced nuclear power plants. Compared with controlled nuclear fusion, they hope to obtain some other benefits, such as lowering domestic business requirements, lowering taxes, etc. I don't think the corresponding supporting technology for lunar mining can be set at all. "Shuang Xing reasonably analyzed Guan Ming's wave.

The rules of the game in each country are different. You ca n’t treat you because you are a foreigner. Just like when many state-owned enterprises first left the country, they were hit with blood because of the different rules of the game.

Not to mention that if the contract is not carefully considered to be detrimental, the person who can fight in the contract is not a good person.

There is a saying well, those who play routines, their hearts are very dirty!

"In the business field, I don't seem to be able to help you." After touching his handsome face, the stork bone swelled a small bag. Guan Ming always felt it was his daughter-in-law's fault. He devoted his energy to the children every day. After that, I like Xiao Dingding's daughter-in-law, and it really is not a competent daughter-in-law!

"Actually ... even in other places, you can't help the boss." Double Star hesitated in a rare tone.

Considering that no one else was in the study room, Shuangxing also told the truth.

"I wipe, I'm also very useful, okay!" Guan Ming waved his fist at the robot that hadn't been activated, Guan Ming said threateningly.

"Scientific research? Business? Maybe you can propose a lowering standard for foreign companies to enter the domestic market during the two sessions, such as increasing charity tax." The robot lights up, and there is a display screen on its slick head, with a screen hanging on it A big smile, and the sound came from the robot.

"This kind of proposal will not be passed at all. Okay, there are so many outsourcing companies, and it is not too much trouble to get a national outsourcing company." Rolling his eyes, even if the business idiot Guan Ming understands that this proposal is naive .

"Then I can't help it, maybe this is why the giants didn't tell the boss about you." Two robot arms extended from the side of the body, and Double Star spread his hands very humanly.

"By the boss, I recently discovered that foreign laboratories are researching equipment that is suspended based on magnetic fields. According to my current monitoring data, there are currently two laboratories that have received investment from technology companies and are currently preparing to develop magnetic levitation slides. From the point of view of PPT, the products of these two laboratories are expected to be realized. "Double Star is not shaking M, naturally it is necessary to switch topics to avoid being scolded.

"What theories are based on this?" Guan Ming asked curiously.

Guan Ming clearly knows that the technology and research and development of the world are infinitely limited, but he did not expect that two anti-gravity devices can enter the field of vision of Double Star. He always thought that with the current level of technology in the world, he wanted to get on with Guan Ming. It takes ten or twenty years.

"Two are magnetic levitation. The first is levitation using magnetic field repulsion, and the second is superconducting levitation using superconductors, but both require metal ground. At present, there are no more commercial markets. As Shuangxing said, he called up two dynamic renderings.

On the left is a skateboard that doesn't skimp, but it is very close to the ground.

On the right, there is no tadpole, but it is ‘fairy’.

Needless to say more than two stars, Guan Ming knows that the superconducting suspension is on the right, because superconductors mean that the resistance is zero when the temperature decreases to a certain level, and the boiling point of liquid nitrogen is -196 ° C. At present, most superconductors use liquid nitrogen Come to cool down.

"They didn't work hard to detect the direction of the surrounding magnetic field and emit the magnetic field?" Guan Ming asked.

"No, incomplete statistics. Foreign scientists think that your anti-gravity equipment should be implemented by means of exclusion rather than more advanced technology. This is also the case. Foreign scientists believe that this technology is difficult, although But it is not absolutely impossible to break through, causing the first suspension maglev skateboard to attract much attention. "Shuangxing said.

Guan Ming smiled unkindly.

Guan Ming ’s anti-gravity equipment is also developed based on magnetic fields, but the problem is that his magnetic field is the planet ’s own magnetic field. Even in the future, after the sensitivity of Guan Ming ’s equipment is increased, it will detect the human body ’s magnetic field. In the event of an accident, there is a high probability to avoid pedestrians.

Guan Ming really cares about the magnetic levitation realized by the environmental transformation like this, at least it is not universal.

I bought you a skateboard, so why build a road?

"Don't report this kind of small things. I'll go upstairs if I'm fine." After chatting with Shuangxing for a while, Guan Ming feels a lot more comfortable. At least, after knowing that a wave of foreign scientists' time and funds were spent, his satisfaction It is second only to Lu Mu Xiaoxiao's fat face.

"Ah? Boss, aren't you working today?" Double Star froze for a moment, and a dynamic picture was updated on the display.

One face, two faces, five faces ...

"It's a fine day today, and my husband pointed out, it's time to go up to coax the child." Guan Ming glanced at the night outside the window with the same expression.

"But ... Boss, you haven't been working for a long time. By the way, the boss's body is recovering after an emergency delivery. The recent exercise is very heavy. After many inspections, I found that the boss's knees and muscles have some damage. Why is the boss not? Developed a sports equipment with fitness functions, so that the lady can recover body shape faster and healthier? "Shuang Xing shifted her steps and persuaded while standing by Guan Ming.

"This article knows the smell every day. What about her knees? What about muscles?" Guan Ming couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Mu Xiaoxiao knew Meimei every day. In addition to the baby, this period is to exercise, can't wait to have a gourd-like body immediately.

"I found it earlier. It is only slightly worn at the moment. I can recover after a little rest, but the boss does n’t accept my advice. At the same time, I think the boss ’s pursuit of body has reached the point where you ca n’t persuade me, so I I suggest you develop such a fitness equipment. "Double Star persuaded Guan Ming, at the same time, the holographic projection on the desk was turned on, and the theoretical data was displayed.

Shuangxing continued: "To reduce muscle and joint damage, we mainly consider the two points of cushioning and reducing self-weight. Water sports or cushioning shoes like spring beds are believed to be a good starting point ..."

Double Star has always been pure and good, although it feels strange, but when it comes to Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming's IQ suddenly drops, and he sits back in the boss chair and carefully looks at the data provided by Guan Ming.

Upstairs, Mu Xiaoxiao whispered, while breastfeeding her child, "How about double stars? He didn't come up."

"Madam, the boss knows that I will tear me down." A robot of the same size, except that the robot's display shows a crying face.

"How is it! Your boss may praise you if you know it, don't ask me!" Mu Xiaoxiao listened, smugly patted the double-star silicone case, soft and very good to the touch.

"At that time, I told you to do this!" Probably feel lack of confidence, Mu Xiaoxiao finally added a sentence.

"The boss won't like me. I'm madly testing on the brink of death. I always think it will be reset one day." He was still frustrated, even his voice was frustrated.

"No, believe me, if one day he dares to reset you, you will find me, I will take the decision for you, but now it is not the time to say these, hurry up, I let you make that rabbit ear hat you Are you ready? "Mu Xiaoxiao urged with small excitement.

"It's done, but I think it's too ... having a sense of ritual." Shuangxing said as he pulled out a rabbit ear hat from his stomach.

This thing was popular in the video software ‘Swipe Video’. Holding the two ‘little feet’ pulled down by the pinch, controlled by the air valve, the rabbit ears would stand up.

However, it is naturally not so simple to let Double Star do it. There are no two “little feet” pulled down, and the operation is similar to the holographic projection gesture operation, but the motion command on the hand was made by Mu Xiaoxiao for three days. Then preset it in the hat, and judge the instructions according to the camera in the room, which can make the ears double vertical, single vertical, half vertical and other forms.

"Hoohoo, that's a must. The baby is entrusted to you. If the baby is hungry at night, get some milk powder. I remember that it has been made a lot recently. It should be enough." Mu Xiaoxiao was hesitant about this.

"Sure enough is enough ~ ~ But I think milk powder will be better, after all ..."

Before Xiao Shuang's words were finished, he was interrupted by Mu Xiaoxiao, "Go and hurry, first send the baby back, I want to change clothes."

After speaking, Mu Xiaoxiao gently placed the newborn on the bed, and then he went to the box and flipped the cabinet. The newborn lying on the bed did not cry, but kept moving his hands and feet.

In the children's room, Guan Mengxi lay on the table and drew on the table, and said while drawing: "Double Star, you have to remember, right and wrong are relative. You have to have your own thoughts and attitudes. You think from my perspective. What happened! "

"But young lady, if second lady knew that you were drawing on her underpants, she would be angry too." On the small desk, the picture of Guan Mengyu taking a bath is on the holographic projection.

Although she knew it was wrong to do so, Double Star felt that Miss Er was better at dealing with it than Miss.

However, with your own thoughts and attitudes ...

PS: Let 1 chase 2 and realize that BILIBILI actually has its own team.

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