Private Technology

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Everyone changed rooms and went to the small conference room, because the environment was relatively closed, and the other party could hear it without talking too much.

"I don't know why he came to me this time?" Some general giants previously hinted that Guan Ming naturally knew that the giants must have something to do to find him.

"There are two things I want to talk to you about this time. In terms of science and technology, the national eye project will be officially completed at the end of this year. Without surprise, this big guy can provide more information about the universe in the future. The data can be of great help in finding aliens. According to the following people, this thing can observe the entire galaxy. I believe that if there are aliens in the galaxy, this thing will definitely be detected. "The general giant said calmly.

Looking at the Milky Way in general terms, it is a galaxy with a diameter of 100,000 light-years, and if the sky eye, if Guan Ming remembers it correctly, it seems to be a 10 billion + radio telescope.

However, Guan Ming vaguely remembered that this thing was officially used at least 15 years ago in his lifetime, which was at least a year in advance, would it not be too 666.

Moreover, in this case, it seems that he can not afford to take a picture of him and talk.

"Is the Tianyan Project so fast? I have paid attention to it before. It seems that the construction period of this thing is expected to be 15 years later." Guan Ming doesn't want the country to get a piece of equipment that cut corners.

"There is still your credit here, whether it is robots or artificial intelligence, or network satellites in the sky, which has greatly accelerated the progress of national scientific research. This is your contribution!" Said the new giant in charge of technology.

"I've won awards and awards, this is what I should do, but if there is such a thing, we must be able to monitor it if there are related signals." Guan Ming always thinks that the giant's smile is meaningful, as if it contains some What he didn't understand, this was the sixth sense from the fat house. According to Mu Xiaoxiao, it was more accurate than the sixth sense of women.

"Try your best, at least we have one more thought." The general giant frowned and sighed, saying that he was not optimistic about the matter.

The start of the Tianyan Project is also to find aliens to a certain extent, but according to the previous light signals, alien civilization is not a good vision, because many think tanks have said that if there is an extraterrestrial civilization, Not necessarily good for humans.

"I'm coming to you today. In addition to this, there are other things about lunar mining. You should have some understanding of the current data of lunar mining." The general giant will soon adjust and continue to the next topic.

"I have read the latest information, but I still understand it. Is there any problem?" The existence of the dual star giants knows, but the giants do not know that the dual star directly takes over the national artificial intelligence.

However, as Guan Ming, his authority on artificial intelligence is sufficient to allow him to see a lot of latest information on scientific research, such as the latest developments in lunar mining, etc., so this kind of question and answer is quite normal.

The biggest problem with Luminary for Guan Ming is that he did not start the second transportation quickly, that's all.

"It's a bit of a problem. Today we are looking for you. I hope you can measure the current level of foreign technology in the field of space mining. At the same time, if we provide some relatively backward technology, will the other party have the possibility of catching up? If so, what is the probability and how long does it take? "The total giant said slowly, with a serious expression.

As soon as Guan Ming heard it, he knew that the things in it were not small. Perhaps the pressure on the giants was much greater than that judged before Double Star.

Guan Ming must not be blind on this kind of question. He began to think about the question of the chief giant, and the giants were silently drinking tea, waiting for Guan Ming's answer.

The main content of today's giant conference is about whether to provide backward lunar mining technology in exchange for the technology, products and ready-made mineral deposits needed by the country.

The current situation is not good for the country. Countries led by the United States are vainly trying to obtain the most advanced lunar mining technology for free. This is simply impossible. There is even no room for talks. The technology, meanwhile, can be exchanged for other things.

Western countries have long imposed technical blockades on socialist countries. Technical exchanges, export of related equipment, personnel exchanges, and even telephone and mail are prohibited.

There are many things coveted by many countries, and even the confidentiality of some things is so high that even Double Star cannot steal them, because the design drawings of many devices only exist on paper.

This time the opponent moved too fast, hit a time difference, and caught the country off guard, but even then, the country will not easily compromise. The giants need to analyze and analyze the technical difference between the national and foreign forces in space mining. , Whether it can lead foreign countries and so on.

If it is suitable, the giants don't mind knocking on a wave of ruthlessness. If it is not suitable, then let everyone fight together.

"First of all, we must determine to what extent the provided technology lags behind, but no matter how much provided, if there is no such black technology as extraterrestrial civilization, I think that in my lifetime, they will not exceed us, but this is not to suppress The development of the other party, but I can guarantee that my research and development speed is faster than the other party, but also better than the other party. "Guan Ming groaned and gave a relatively conservative answer.

Guan Ming is a man with a golden finger. At the same time, he has dual-star and network satellites already laid out. He can admit that he is lazy, but he definitely does not admit that in a certain scientific research direction, someone will work under Guan Ming's efforts. More than his presence!

At the same time, on the biochemical side, he still has a Guan Mengyu. On the whole, it may be in the direction of mathematics and philosophy, but the steward has no absolute advantage.

"That's it, that's good." Nodded his head, said the head giant after making eye contact with the other giants.

"Let's provide the technology? Will it be too bad? After all, the other party will develop a little bit." Guan Ming asked hesitantly.

Technology, as long as the world only owns it, will never be outdated.

Deep-sea fishing earns more than shallow-sea fishing, but shallow-sea fishing is more time-saving and labor-saving. Similarly, cosmic mining is far and near.

The mining point inside the Milky Way is N times that of the solar system, but the time and resources consumed are much larger than those mined in the solar system.

In the absence of moving means such as the speed of light and wormholes, even if it is backward technology, it is very disadvantageous to hand it over.

"It's not a gift to the other person, but the benefits are still there. Whether it's inventory or other things, there should be no shortage of one, and if you have it, we don't have to worry too much." At the beginning, the chief giant smiled. Shaking his head, signaled that Guan Ming had not developed as hard as he imagined. Although the country has not yet become the strongest on the ground, the country that is already on the rise cannot be coerced.

Combatting the army, the warrior seeks the situation, and does not blame others.

From a long time ago, the giants have begun to seek momentum, but now the situation is unsuccessful, and it can't be as frustrating as mercury.

"That's good. I'm not good at this. If there is anything I need to help, I won't quit." It's about the country, and Guan Ming also said decisively.

Guan Ming's counseling is based on the strength of the country. If the country is not powerful, then his counseling is like a soft persimmon, and anyone can pinch it twice.

"Very well, I have a mission to arrange for you. After the two sessions, I hope you can go to Tsinghua University to give a lecture, elaborate on several levels of cosmic mining, and try to put the level of science and technology possessed by moon mining. Talking about the first point, give some thoughts to foreign countries, and provide a few good-looking solutions at the same time. "Even if there is no monitoring equipment in the room, the general giant's words are still a bit vague.

Guan Ming considered it for five seconds, and probably understood what the other party meant. It was nothing more than fooling foreigners to make them feel value for money. At the same time, the so-called "plans" are theoretically flawless, in fact, they are useless. Kind of.

As for why Guan Ming was chosen, he felt that his brand was hard enough. Although he rarely said anything in front of the media, he basically said it one by one, and the credibility was relatively high.

"It's okay, but before the speech I need to know what level of technology the country is prepared for. For space mining ... I suggest that you don't provide more than unmanned operations and robots, at least let the other party throw real people up." Guan Mingxin Figured it out and said.

The core skills of lunar mining include robots in mining, rocket recovery in transportation, stellar in energy, artificial intelligence in general, and network satellites ~ ~ In terms of priority, rocket recovery is the lowest because This technology may be cracked within ten years, followed by robotics. This is also a hot spot in current technology. As for the latter three, Guan Ming feels that there is no one for three or fifty years, and the full version is basically impossible.

"This is certain ... In fact, we also have some needs this time. You also know that whether it is chip lithography equipment or various machine tools, although it is currently being independently developed in China, you do n’t need to worry about it. After seeing Guan Ming's worried expression, the total giant could not help but explain it.

There is a difference between active trading and passive trading. If these things are not part of the negotiation, even the hard steel world, the giants will not relax.

It ’s amazing that everyone fights with real swords, but not without confidence.

Robotic forces, artificial intelligence, network satellites, and even a billion people may really cause great trauma to their country, but the giants are very sure that if they do it, they will surely hammer all countries back to the 1960s!

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