Private Technology

: 1035 "Into the Butler"

This is my mother!

Guan Ming was so sad, he suddenly remembered the experience of eating stinky tofu in the toilet at home, and the mother kindly turned on the exhaust fan, and then closed the toilet door outside.

Until now, the officials and the people could not forget the amiable smile of Guan Ma, with the firm eyes of ‘Do n’t dare to break your legs’, those small eyes, fresh memories.

Then one day, when Mu Xiaoxiao was in the villa hall and the durian was bright, she gave her daughter-in-law a glass of water kindly to prevent her from choking, and then she took the old man back to the room to breathe fresh air.

What a trough!

"... Is there anything else to eat at home? Let me warm it up." Guan Ming sighed and got up, ready to eat a supper that was not supper.

"The boss's supper tonight is an animal offal yak bone hot pot, and it is being eaten in the restaurant." The door of the room was opened one step ahead by Double Star.

"Are you ready over the kitchen? If you're not ready, get me some skewers, just wear the skewers and make the seasonings. I'll do it myself tonight and give me two more bottles of Island City beer." Tube I did n’t have a small barbecue someday, and when he heard the hot pot, he simmered.

Double Star: "Good boss."

The villas in Zhongnanhai are very large. Although this villa is only a 'guest room', it is also one of the 'guest rooms'.

The father and mother rarely eat supper, maybe they are too old. The two elderly people usually go to bed at nine at night, so the supper is also eaten by Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao. Most of the supper time is for the baby. After they rest, lest they eat with them, and then sleep and lie down.

After going to the restaurant, I saw that the idiot was sitting in his own position, and he didn't know if it was the lungs or the tip of his tongue. Mu Xiaoxiao used chopsticks to put it in the pot and stir it back and forth. Soon.

"Hmm? Is the work done?" Crouched his head to Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao pretending to be simple.

"Of course, the supper is good tonight ~" smiled at the dog head, Guan Ming didn't care about the childish behavior before the goods.

"Hey hey hey, nutrition, I'm the one who wants to nurse a baby now ~" Looking at Guan Ming's lifeless look, proud Xiaomu Xiaoxiao went online again.

"Okay, eat more, raise your child to fat, you are also fat ~" Glancing at the oil dish, there is no chili at all, Guan Ming said he disdains to eat this kind of food without chili.

Would you like to go out and say hello to other oil dishes without the hot peppers?

"Uh huh, I will work hard, do you eat?" With that said, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming with a look of vigilance and dragged a plate of fat sheep to his side. Guan Ming came to grab food.

"Just eat it by yourself, don't worry about me, I won't rush to eat with pregnant women." Guan Ming looked at the goods with the look of "caring for the mentally handicapped".

Eat it, you ’ll have a full mouthful to drool and watch Lao Tzu eat barbecue!

"Hee hee, you know you're the best ~" When he heard Guan Ming say this, Mu Xiaoxiao showed a stupid and contented smile, but chopsticks were stubborn, throwing all the food to eat in the pot for fast After eating, do not give Guan Ming a chance to speak.

"There is no best, only better ~" When seeing such a hard-working wife, Guan Ming's smile on his face became more `` harmonious ''.

In about ten minutes, Zhongnanhai's team of chefs prepared the ingredients for luck. In Mu Xiaoxiao's distressed eyes, Guan Mingshi applied a layer of chili noodles to the lamb skewers.

"Mixed balls, I know you are not at ease, you actually eat barbecue in front of me!" Mu Xiaoxiao said sadly.

The oily lamb skewers are served with the island beer at room temperature.

"How could it be that I was secretly watching me eat a barbecue, and don't forget that you are still breastfeeding ~" Guan Ming reminded her in kind.

In fact, giving birth to children is really troublesome for women. Before pregnancy, you need to adjust your diet and rest time, such as quitting smoking and drinking.

It is also necessary to adjust the diet structure during pregnancy. Dog meat, lamb meat and crab meat are forbidden to eat.

It is also necessary to adjust the diet structure during lactation, because the nutrition of the newborn comes from the mother. Perhaps the mother ate a popsicle, and the newborn will be cold and diarrhea.

Before and after two years, basically said goodbye to a lot of food.

"Eat and eat, I let you eat! Hum, double star, let the kitchen send two bunches ... no, ten loins, ten scallops and ten oysters!" Mu Xiaoxiao yelled cheekily.

"Good boss," the ubiquitous holographic projection projected a big smile.

Looking at the fierce Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming swallowed his saliva, but he didn't dare to say a word ...

It's all deceptive. Are those lords superman?

Didn't you say that a good daughter-in-law is gentle and water-savvy, why does it become stupid and rude to come to me? !!

Recalling the fear that was dominated by Mu Xiaoxiao last night, Guan Ming, with the heavy mood of going to the grave, decided that the waist must be eaten today.

Guan Ming is a perfect man in a new world with both face value and strength!

He felt that it was time to show off the real technology tonight!

A lot of food was stuffed, and Guan Xiao, who was propped upstairs by Mu Xiaoxiao, suddenly felt that the wine was drinking a little bit tonight. If you drink too much, you can lie in bed and die ...

The next morning, looking at the daughter-in-law who was still smiling during her sleep, Guan Ming felt that there was nothing difficult in life. If there was, it was because the waist and oysters were not enough.

Guan Ming originally wanted to take out the manuscripts for the two sessions one day, but after lunch, Mu Xiaoxiao was taken to the lobby to watch TV.

"What's so good about it? The words of" Naruto "are updated at seven in the evening, no, today is Wednesday." Guan Ming was a little confused.

What other anime is worth updating today?

"Anime and animation, you know how to watch cartoons all day long. CCTV at one o'clock in the afternoon has our show, asshole, so don't take your heart off!" Mu Xiaoxiao patted his knees sadly, as if Guan Ming had gone dark and astray. .

"Oops, it's almost time. Hurry and watch. Hurry up and watch yesterday's program yesterday night. Xiaoxiao performed really well yesterday!" Mu mom quickly put the fruit plate on the coffee table and said with a look of joy. Then, she shouted loudly at the kitchen side, so that the daddy quickly came to watch the show.

What else can I say? Guan Ming had to look good. After all, he is not a hardworking person. He must be an unqualified salty fish if he has a chance to touch the fish but does not stroke well.

"For charity, different people have different interpretations, and for love, different people have different expressions. Let's" walk into the butler "and see how the Guan Ming family interprets charity and how it is expressed." Qingliang The female voice sounds good, but Guan Ming always finds it a bit awkward.

Why do hundreds of female donkeys scream in the middle of the night? Why cant TT be repeatedly hacked? ... Welcome to "Into Science"!

Mu Xiaoxiao: "In fact, he is a very awkward person. You also know that the things he invented have no competitors in the market, and they all make a lot of money. Remember that when the company exited the international market, the company vice president ran Come over and ask him if he needs to raise the price a bit. After all, he has withdrawn from the international market. His income was cut and then cut. But he said no. He said that the company made less money. In the future, it would be better to spend money carefully. The price may be a big burden for domestic users. I have even seen the price reduction plan he wrote, but it is a pity that after exiting the international market at that time, the company had no confidence in the price reduction. "Mu Xiaoxiao spread his hand.

Moderator: "It's a pity that Mr. Guan's products are really excellent and also very marketable. Regardless of the growth rate of the country's economy, there has never been a price increase for his products. This is already very rare. However, as a consumer, I have to mention that Mr. Guan does not seem to have a new idea ~ "

Mu Xiaoxiao: "I don't know about this. After all, I don't understand the circuit diagram or anything. When he married him, he told me that he was responsible for making money to support his family, and I was responsible for spending beautiful money."

Moderator: "Haha, I didn't expect Mr. Guan to be so enlightened ~"

Barabara, the two kept talking.

"Into the Butler" is a series of programs that interpret Guan Ming and his wife in various aspects. It can be described as a ‘documentary’, with few narrations and the like.

"When did I write a price reduction plan?" Guan Ming looked at Mu Xiaoxiao with a grimace, and thought back for a moment, it seems that his product only sets the profit each time, and the remaining price is determined by Liu Mengmeng. To deal with.

For example, the single profit of the holographic projection is 7,800 yuan, which includes taxes, costs, foundry, channels, etc., and then rounded up to the price of 20,000.

Price reduction?

Impossible, isn't this a knife for your own A?

"The editor's editor, if you don't edit it nicely, how can you make your image more noble ~" Mu Xiaoxiao put his hand on Guan Ming's lower abdomen, and then turned the hillock's belly twice and said with a smile.

After that, he took an electronic eyeglasses from the coffee table and handed it to him, saying, "Now, take a look. Your comments on the Internet are very positive ~"

Guan Ming took the electronic glasses with doubtfulness ~ ~ Although the information is not equal, some lies are really outrageous, okay, can netizens believe?

Don't say, netizens are really ...

"I always thought that Guan Ming's belly was fed by lobster and abalone. I did not expect that he ate the tofu brain for breakfast. You are such Xiao Ming!"

"Resolutely resist any shrimp peeling equipment. Manual shrimp peeling is an essential dining culture for shrimp!"

"But if Guan Ming treats children differently, I don't always feel good. I won't say if little girls can become scientists in the future. After they grow up and even get married and have children, their mentality will definitely change."

"Hockey, I don't mind being Guan Ming's eldest son, even if my eldest daughter is not a scientist, she has a rich dad!"

"MMP, you gentlemen are enough. Guan Ming's children are up to 6 years old this year! I won't wait for the next one if I don't get on the bus. The next kindergarten ~"

Looking at the comments on yesterday's program, Guan Ming always felt that the style of painting was a bit wrong.

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