Private Technology

: 1044 brush videos

"Well ... this ... here ... uh ..." Mu Xiaoxiao spoke intermittently, but the picture was in line with the core values ​​of socialism.

Because this article is frowning to draw the design, it is no different from stick figure. Every time I write down, I am very hesitant, obviously hesitant.

Looking at the front face of the design, the flat is almost the same as that of a bus, but it is still obliquely observing the degree of 75 ° ~ 80 °. The whole looks rectangular, and it has a fight with the van. All of them.

The most distinctive feature is the seat part. There are 4 seats in the car. The front 2 and rear 2 are normal, but the seats in the rear 2 are lower than the front 2 and the backrest of the front 2 can be completely lowered. This design idea Obviously the car is a moving bed.

The roof is okay, it has electronic windows, and it is super-large. Although it is not convertible like some sports cars, but regardless of the field of view, it is much larger than the current mainstream models. How to open it?

Fortunately, Mu Xiaoxiao did not design the chassis to be the same as a sports car. Otherwise, the car is not a road in the country, and the city roads are struggling. A speed-belt chassis can be scrapped.

From the appearance point of view, you cannot say that it is completely useless, but there is definitely no more strictly prohibited data to support this model, and this model certainly cannot run at the speed of a sports car, and the wind resistance is too great.

And I don't know if Mu Xiaoxiao eats too much chicken paw. If you really want to make it according to the design on the drawing, probably every side of the car will be uneven.

"Oh, I forgot to keep the engine position ~" Mu Xiaoxiao lay on the table with a throw of the pencil, and said very depressed, still writhing childishly.

Daughter-in-law, are you sure your purpose of this visit is not to experience a study?

"Honestly, I'll deal with the engine or something, but it's not a very troublesome thing." She took a handful of her rich PP, Guan Ming said angrily.

Recently, the waist has been eating diligently, but there is no occupation that is so hard that it is necessary to go to work every day without vacation.

"Hey hey hey ~" Just like the weasel ate the old hen, Mu Xiaoxiao gave out a meaningful smile, and then, like a lively one, was not honest.

"Okay, just the drawing, come down and talk about how to shoot video ~" Seeing that the electronic watch on the desk has reached 11:15, Guan Ming feels that with his great strength, he must not end the battle before lunch. Therefore, she would not scratch the roots, and would scratch her itchy flesh and get her up.

As for why Guan Ming is so honey-confident, this ...

"Hey, it ’s like this, we two imitated a video where our two face to face were stuck together, then I sang, sang and sang you come over and kiss me, then I leaned back and dodged, and you held your hands together I have to kiss my waist, and let you give me a good video in the end. ”It ’s all my husband and wife, let alone kisses. Both of them have bathed more often than Guan Ming squatted after marriage, so She said that there was no embarrassment at all these times, and the most important thing was that there was no third person in the study.

After hearing what she said, Guan Ming remembered the video, but in the video, it seemed that they were just married young couples or younger couples.

Although Mu Xiaoxiao is only 25 years old this year, Guan Ming is already 31.

I don't know why, when thinking of age, Guan Ming felt that he was very brave and the thief was beautiful ...

"It's okay, but this video has light requirements, and the background ..." Looking at the study, which was decorated in brown tones, Guan Ming felt that the scene was not very good.

"Come and go, go to the bedroom, there are pure white sheets as the curtain, I'm ready ~" After hearing Guan Ming say this, Mu Xiaoxiao pulled Guan Ming out with joy.

"Mom, where are you going ~" Guan Mengxi, who was sitting on the carpet in the lobby, looked up and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, his hand was really playing with a hard plastic duckling.

My brother is sleeping, my sister is lying on the sofa, and Guan Mengxi is now boring.

"Going upstairs with my dad, coming down in a while, watching my sister obediently, waiting for lunch together." Squatting on his hips, Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and pinched Meng Xi's head .

I do n’t know if it ’s a lot of nutrition for breakfast today. Guan Ming feels that his eyes are attracted by his wife ’s buttocks today. He obviously did n’t wear the stretch pants, just ordinary khaki high waist wide leg pants. ...

"Well, I'll watch my sister! I'll be obedient!" He nodded strongly, Guan Mengxi got up and lay on the sofa after he had spoken, holding his sister in his arms.

Guan Mengyu looked up and looked at her mother with dead fish eyes, she had nothing to say.

Why is it so simple to tune the tiger away from the mountain, and your younger sister still wins?

With Mu Xiaoxiao doing the preliminary work, Guan Ming just has to show his instincts.

The white curtain was very wide. After the curtains were closed, the room was much darker.

A group of lights came over from the sides of the two, and two large heads appeared over the white curtain.

Double Star held her mobile phone and stood about one meter away to start shooting.

"Three, two, one ..." The bass of the male middle is still full of females. As soon as the double star's voice falls, the nice female voices appear.

"What do you want me to say and do, you can love me ..." Singing in unison, although Mu Xiaoxiao's singing is very out of touch, but her eyes are first-rate.

I like a person not because the other person is a perfect existence, but because there is at least one place in the other person that can impress you.

In reality, it may be money, rights, status, fame and even appearance and body.

Humans are all emotional animals. Most of the so-called love at first sight are also judged by appearance. After all, at first sight, you can only see by appearance.

It is undeniable that Guan Ming likes her filial piety to her parents, and that she sometimes commits double skins, but in appearance, what attracts Guan Ming most is not the pair of headlights and rear lights, but the bright and clean eyes.

Those pair of talking eyes, even if you just look at you so simply, will make you feel that she is telling you the cleanliness and purity of the world, like the snow falling from the sky, spotless, like the clear lake, quiet and far away .

Slightly tilted her head, Guan Ming grabbed her waist and lowered her head.

The corners of my eyes are slightly curved. Although I am still singing, I can feel that the other person's breath is a bit messy, and I can also feel that the other person wants to laugh.

The body leaned back a little, but it couldn't bear the strength of Guan Ming. In the end, only the nice background music of the female voice remained, and as time went by, the music disappeared.

Double Star silently put away her phone, then put her arms in her belly and hid in a corner to pretend to be dead.

In the dining room, Mu Xiaoxiao stretched her hands from the back waist to her legs and sat on the chair to prevent the skirt from being pleated.

"I'm sorry, my mother is late, don't be angry, OK." Face to face, Mu Xiaoxiao coaxed Guan Mengxi.

"Huh! I'm starving, my sister is also hungry!" Holding Mengxi with both hands, Guan Mengxi's mouth was so tight that he could hang the oil bottle, he said unhappyly.

Guan Mengxi is an obedient child. She cares about eating on time and hinting about taking a nap, because she knows that she can grow faster.

I usually have lunch at 12 o'clock, but today it is 12:30, which makes Xiaobudian very angry, because late lunch means that you have to sleep late at noon!

The spirit was refreshing and Guan Xiaoming, the beloved wife protecting his son Guan Xiaoming, sat on the main seat and nodded at everyone to signal for dinner, and then began to peel shrimp for his wife.

Regarding the peeling of shrimp, Guan Ming has become a skilled worker. He does not need to use civilized utensils such as knives, forks and wooden spoons. He started directly. Anyway, he washed his hands before, and can achieve the level of a shrimp in three or five seconds.

"Xiaoming, we are going to go shopping in the afternoon. Do you have anything to buy?" Guan Ma said as she peeled shrimp, her elderly peeled shrimp was mainly fed to the two children, liberating Mu Xiaoxiao, and making her eat more Smoother.

Guan Ming's black face question mark, have I been excluded from the ‘us’ group, we are family!

"Shouldn't you invite me to come with me? And family activities, it would be bad for me as a homeowner!" Even if it was a little bloated, Guan Ming said very politely that he could go out.

"Hmm ~ hahaha, the owner? Well, the head of the family is my dad!" Mu Xiaoxiao taunted a wave of face, and incidentally flattered.

Hearing Mu Xiaoxiao's words, Guan Dad smiled and nodded contentedly. He pointed at Guan Ming with chopsticks and said, "You must have no time. Honestly work at home. In the afternoon, we will take our children and our children to play. If you want to play, You can have fun when you return to Shanghai. In a few days, you have to go to Tsinghua to give a speech. In the past few days, be prepared to avoid shame. "

There is no problem in theory ~ ~ But Guan Ming always feels that this is the old man revenge himself!

Old lady, it's your daughter-in-law who won't let you go back, but it's not me!

Facing the genuine owner, Guan Ming's eyes were rather resentful.

Slender white fingers pinched a shrimp, Mu Xiaoxiao hippie smiled and squeezed his mouth, and then bowed his head to discuss where to go with the girl.

Life is fair to everyone. If you own something, you lose something. If you want something, you have to pay something first.

Since it was decided to use Mu Xiaoxiao's design plan, Guan Ming was also on his knees to make this design plan a reality.

However, once the exterior of the car is determined, the internal structure will need to be greatly changed. It is not only to determine common functional areas such as the trunk, but also to pay attention to the vertical height of the seat. For a 4-seater sedan, let's say nothing else, there must be an engine!

Although Guan Ming's car is mainly electric, it is actually a hybrid of gas and electricity. It should be a little oily just in case.

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