Private Technology

: 107 makeup artists

The grandmother ’s arrival gave Guan Ming the biggest impression that he had food at home. He arrived at the company less than five minutes after leaving school. He drove into the elevator to the fifth-floor parking lot, and then took the elevator to the seventh-floor to find his mother to eat.

However, the more painful thing is that Double Star has not yet been able to control the entire building, and the elevator needs to get off the car and press it manually, but fortunately, the elevator is customized, and it has also considered what happens if Double Star is not present.

In Guan Ming's vision, the future calculation of Double Star will be divided into several parts. First, the company building and villas and some other facilities are controlled as voice assistants. Among them are security, street lights, and even the elevator just now can be operated by Double Star. To control.

Then allocate the amount of calculations and complete the scientific research tasks that Guan Ming issues, such as studying some things that Guan Ming wants.

Finally, it is the monitoring of the virtual industry, which refers not only to "Magic World", but also to a number of issues such as network security.

The circuit inside the building has been preset, and it will wait for the double star to be in place, but it is foreseeable that there is no time in the near future, at least the day of the press conference cannot be completed.

The game server, which is the same size as the supercomputer where Double Star is located, took a little more than a whole day, which included the detection performance part, but this was done by many people, mainly because the handling process was troublesome, and It was only at this time in the company that the server in "Magic World" turned out to be a super computer. At this time, the women in the company realized that the security door behind the security door was not an empty room.

The game server is placed on the fourth floor of the underground. The elevator to the underground is independent and has an independent password. However, Guan Ming said that in addition to the double star monitoring in the future, he also needs to have biological entities such as fingerprints and irises. Verification of characteristics, but Guan Ming has not yet achieved this level, mainly due to the lack of hardware, and software did not start doing it.

The new company moved, in addition to the original drawings, there are still a lot of things to buy, such as the new generation of dual-star supercomputers. Guan Ming, however, saved a lot of money and directly bought the best hardware on the market. Regarding the hardware, Guan Ming didn't think he was eligible to apply for purchase, but it didn't matter. After all, Guan Ming currently valued photonic computers. Even the supercomputers that have not yet been successfully assembled are just a transition product.

"Your son is very good. He is a rare talent. You can see that you two have worked hard to educate your children." This is what Qian Junhao said, right at the dinner table, right next to Guan Daddy.

Regarding the arrival of father and mother, some people have noticed that although they are very ordinary in terms of job and job nature, they have another identity, which is to control their parents.

Guan Ming's self-evaluation is a very homey person with poor interpersonal communication. However, from the perspective of outsiders, Guan Ming is a person who is secretive and difficult to reach.

Talented people are somewhat different. For example, Zhang Ye, a writer in the late Qing Dynasty, said that the epitaph he wrote to himself said 'OK'. Of course, at that time, or in ancient times, such preferences were considered literati The more common life of Yashi ...

From the company to the school, the old couple ate this meal and no meal. No one felt that there was anything wrong with it. They only felt that they were less invited. After all, Guan Ming is still young and promising, and this is still not leaking holographic projections.

Guan Dang Guan Ma said that this period of time was tormented. If Guan Ming didn't say that there was any news that he liked someone, then Guan Ma might really observe the women in Guan Ming Company carefully, but she knew what Guan Ming's personality was, from the tone You can hear something.

"It's almost tomorrow, this time is really hard." On the night of the 12th, the three members of the housekeeper family sat on the sofa and watched the news webcast. The content of the three forbearance didn't care, it was just to make the large living room more Click on the noise and be lively.

"Tomorrow we will not be here. Some reporters will have an impact on our lives." Guan Dian was also relieved. Although Guan Dian's interpersonal communication is the strongest among people, it is also limited. This kind of father, what kind of son, is the most normal state of the father before the promotion.

Guan Ming is not surprised when it comes to the choice of the father and mother. The three of them are willing to be bland, or they are not much motivated. Perhaps the motivated mother is more motivated. After all, she handles the rice, oil, and salt at home.

号 # 13 The weather is very good. Guan Ming is not bad, mainly because it is too early in the morning.

The ribbon is cut at 9:30, and Guan Ming needs to come out for the welcome at 9 o'clock at the latest, and he needs to make an hour before makeup. For Guan Ming, he is very uncomfortable during this period, and his biological clock belongs to 9 o'clock in the morning. Wake up, get up more than an hour in advance, it is very difficult, if not expecting today ’s product conference, he would definitely rely on the bed.

"My son is also handsome in his dress up." Guan Ma was watching as his son was put on makeup.

Well, Guan Ming can hold on, and there is also the credit of the management mother.

"I gave him the sleepy way." Guan Dao drank a cigarette and leaned aside to joke.

The makeup artist is not a beautiful young girl or a fancy young woman. Although she is a man, she is not **** or gay. She is a little chubby. It is said that she is the only master in China who only uses powder makeup.

"Guan is not a person in the entertainment industry. It is estimated that he rarely touches this one. If he has enough time, it can be carefully crafted. If it is one hour, it is still a bit compact." The man said.

Guan Ming ’s identity, of course, he knows that although he has made a lot of big stars makeup and is considered a big coffee in the makeup industry, the problem is that money is in place, and many things are not a problem. At the same time, he is also envious of Guan Ming ’s life. Attitude, being able to sleep and waking up naturally, is a big temptation and difficult expectation for his profession.

"Fortunately, I usually don't need makeup, otherwise it's really troublesome. If I don't mind, I hope to find you in the future to make up ~ ~ After all, there are press conferences and something, it's better to be handsome." Guan Ming said with a smile, Guan Ming is not sure of the identity of the other party, or it is not sure from the vague memories of his last life. If the rumors are reliable, he will make up for the mother in the future. No problem!

"If you can give me a ticket to the conference every time, I promise to be on call, and I look forward to every press conference of the president." Lu Ning agreed quickly, because he just heard the family of three. Discuss one exaggerated device, one that has only appeared in science fiction movies-controllable holographic projection!

Near the press conference, the holographic projection naturally does not need to be kept strictly confidential. In fact, since yesterday, the company ’s people have known this device, not to mention the excitement and surprise of the company ’s internal staff. Only when it comes to dinner, Qian Junhao only knew the news And the news is so vague that it only knew that Guan Ming was about to release a very avant-garde high-tech product.

Wu Guanming stated that he was quite satisfied with the security personnel.

In addition to the previous company personnel structure, the company has 7 additional chefs, 12 security personnel, and 1 male and 2 female 3 bodyguards. Except for the chefs, the rest are retired by special forces, but not in the same batch. It was Qian Junhao who made inquiries from various parties, and then selected the match for Guan Ming.

Soldiers have many duties, even if they are retired, they still pay attention to many aspects, but after retiring, many things have no feedback channel at all. Only one day, someone leaked the news to Qian Junhao, and it was so vague. Ming is already very relieved. Although he is the one who pays these people, in other words, if these people really die for Guan Ming, let alone Qian Junhao can't rest assured, Guan Ming will be uneasy at that time. what.

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