Private Technology

: 1,051, only 1 Yanzu

Arriving home was a little earlier than expected. As early as nine o'clock, the car had already entered the security around the school.

Although I haven't lived at home for some time, my home is still spotless.

Although the villa is good, it is really troublesome to clean it. From top to bottom, none of the housekeepers are cleaning lovers. Unlike Guan Mingyu, at least 1/3 of the day is cleaning the house.

Fortunately, Double Star can take care of this part of work and keep the family's hygiene in a very good state.

"I love taking a shower, oh ~ my skin is good, oh ~" Guan Mengxi jumped dry and jumped into the house, holding her sister's hand and rushing into the house, looking effortless.

Guan Mengyu found sadly that her weight of several tens of pounds did not affect her sister's performance at all. She doubted once again whether she inherited the power of her father and her sister inherited the power of her mother.

This power contrast is too obvious!

Thinking of a song I heard one day, Guan Mengyu looked down at his washboard, hoping again that this should never go with my dad!

"I'm going to pack my luggage first, and the children will leave it to you." Taking a look at the bouncing duo in front, Guan Ming thinks he can only pack his clothes.

Since Guan Mengyu leaked through the passenger, this little point refused to Guan Ming to bathe her.

Maybe the power of role models is endless. After finding out that her mother actually bathed her sister every day, she also stuck Mu Xiaoxiao to ask for a bath.

There was no pedophilia, nor diligence, nor was it lost or rejoicing. Guan Ming's mood was complicated at the time.

Lying on the bed, Guan Ming was in a good mood, still familiar.

The man lying on his chest had fallen into a doze, and Guan Ming, although physically tired, was a bit hyperactive. Unconsciously, he began to consider the self-driving electric car. After all, the model was designed by Mu Xiaoxiao. In addition to being challenging, it also has a little extra motivation.

The next day, Guan Ming drilled into the company's basement, preparing to test it while making research.

The wheel hub motor is a very interesting thing. In short, it is to stuff the power unit, transmission, brake and other components.

So structurally, a car using an in-wheel motor is definitely lighter than a car using an engine. However, due to the positional relationship, the unsprung mass will be increased. At the same time, due to the position problem, the model can be more flexible.

However, the quality of technology does not affect the use. What is important is how to choose. For models designed by Mu Xiaoxiao, if Guan Ming does not want to make the car too different, then he can only choose this way.

Although this model designed by Mu Xiaoxiao is very unique.

A large tire extends out of the middle of two leather dumplings, fixed on two robots, and the tire is suspended.

A thick wire is connected to the side of the tire, which can be controlled by the double star.

"Start the experiment," Guan Ming said through a bullet-proof glass.

You can hold your mouth full of water these days, and Guan Ming's fateful counseling will naturally consider her own safety.

"Good boss." As soon as Double Star's voice fell, the tire floated and spun up, a bit like a cartoon I watched a long time ago. The name Guan Ming forgot, but the car is a big tire. People sit in the tire. Looking at it now, maybe there will be such a strange car in the future.

"The speed of the motor is increasing. Currently 3,000 rpm ... 5000 rpm ... 8000 rpm, the current speed is stable." Double Star reported the data in real time.

There are two types of in-wheel motor rotors, which are outer rotor type and inner rotor type.

Outer rotor motor has low revolutions and no damping system.

The inner-rotor type selected high-speed inner-rotor motor has a high speed. With the advent of planetary gear reducers, the inner-rotor type is more competitive in power density than the outer-rotor type.

"Boss, do you continue to improve?" Double Star asked, 8000 rpm, which had been going on for five minutes.

"Continue to improve, keep it for 5 minutes every 2000 revolutions, and continue to improve without problems." Guan Ming wants to test the limit of this wheel motor.

Because the limit speed threshold can be set in the system only after the limit is determined, and the so-called limit is only the limit in the optimal state, or you don't look at the model, just look at the limit.

In fact, Guan Ming also needs to test the operating limit values ​​of a series of extreme environments such as high temperature, low temperature, wading, and dust. After the vehicle comes out, it needs to be tested as a whole.

In all tests, the ultimate limit speed must be gradually reduced.

At home, Ma Qingyun came in person and took the tea handed over by Mu Xiaoxiao with both hands, saying, "Madam, Xiao Xi is about to enter the group to shoot, don't you really go over and see?"

Ma Qingyun has been Mu Xiaoxiao's bodyguard for several years, and in some ways he also understands what Mu Xiaoxiao wants.

Last night's video Ma Qingyun saw it, saw the ridicule of netizens, and saw Mu Xiaoxiao's vision.

I hope Guan Mengxi becomes a star because Mu Xiaoxiao herself is full of curiosity and anticipation for the camera, but her status is limited and she cannot express anything in front of the camera.

After the video app appeared, Mu Xiaoxiao had the opportunity to show. Similarly, Ma Qingyun also saw her idea of ​​gradually becoming active.

Although there is no way Mu Xiaoxiao can actually shoot, Ma Qingyun feels that even if he goes to the crew to take a look, it is very good.

Ma Qingyun knew this because Guan Ming and his wife had the same idea as Guan Mengxi.

"It's ... forget it, the crew is very talkative." Looking at the corner over there, he was sitting on the floor with his sister to exercise on the ground, Mu Xiaoxiao finally shook his head.

There are so many people who know such secrets, it is not a secret.

In order for Guan Mengxi to fly into the sky in the future, even if Mu Xiaoxiao wants to go to the crew again, he must hold back now, otherwise in case of breaking news, he will not have such a strong impact.

"Well, okay, but if you are Xiao Xi, you should not have left you for a long time." This shooting content is only 10 minutes in the whole film, but this does not mean that it will take 10 minutes to shoot. It doesn't have to be one day to say a week to Dori.

Lighting, NG, makeup, back lines, etc. Even if you are dubbing later, you need to go to the shooting location.

The expectations for Guan Mengxi are very high, so everyone does not want to use the cut-out method to complete the shooting, that shooting is meaningless, enjoy life, and experience no fun.

I didn't expect Guan Mengxi to be really struggling in this circle, but everyone hoped that she could go step by step in this circle.

"Xiao Xi should be fine. She is very good. I will take care of you during this time, but do n’t worry. I will distribute the ingredients for her every day. I will also arrange a chef to follow you. When that happens, pay more attention Do n’t let Xiaoxi drink cold water. Just go to bed every day on time. ”Although Mu Xiaoxiao said it was okay, she could n’t help thinking about it.

Obviously a 20-year-old woman, but stiffly behaved like a 40-year-old look.

At noon, Guan Ming went home for dinner, but accidentally found that Ma Qingyun was also there.

"Hey ~ I haven't seen you for a long time. Just happen to have a meal together. Go and say hello to Zhou Wu, he shouldn't leave yet." Raising his hand, Guan Ming said hello.

"He doesn't have to, just happen to be home to see the girl." He quickly got up, Ma Qingyun nodded with a smile.

Guan Ming's car was picked up and picked up by Zhou Wu. The driver's seat was firmly fixed there. It is estimated that now opening the door of the room and whispering, Zhou Wu could immediately hear it.

"Is something wrong today?" He took off his coat and threw it on the sofa back, raised his trousers on his knees, and Guan Ming sat on the sofa with one buttock. Mu Xiaoxiao poured a cup of tea and pushed it in front of Guan Ming. .

Did not go to barely, everyone is an old acquaintance, seeing that the other party did not reject the invitation to lunch, Guan Ming knew that she had something to say.

"It's Xiao Xi's thing, it's like this ..." Barabara, Ma Qingyun explained in detail what Xiao Xi was going to join the group.

"Start shooting now? Is it a bit early, now the weather ... I remember it seems to be a summer drama." Guan Ming recalled "Heart of Flowers" and said a little puzzled.

Now global warming is not easy to say seasonally, but at the end of March, can you really see the natural scenery of red flowers and green leaves?

"Xi Xi is going to shoot an indoor drama. In fact, the film crew currently shoots all indoor dramas. Because the summer ball time is a bit short, if you put all the movies in Xia Qiu, it will be too late. Time, and now, the climate in Zhangjiajie is pretty good. "Ma Qingyun explained.

In fact, Guan Mengxi is now too late to join the group, because this drama has been filmed last winter ~ ~ To know that Guan Mengxi, who has a 10-minute show, is already the main actor. It's too late and too much to prepare for the group now.

Regardless of Ning Caishen or several other starring actors in the crew, they are all very famous people in the circle. It is wrong that Meng Xi brings funds into the group and has the government's support. Otherwise, people will change the story.

However, this part of the content does not need to talk to Guan Ming, at least Ma Qingyun feels that this kind of thing is not worth showing off in front of the Guan Ming couple, after all, in the current identity of Guan Ming, the pig can do things well.

"Well, you need to pay more attention to Xiaoxi, right, does the company understand the script? The latest Xiaoxiao shoots the video, you find someone to make some interesting paragraphs for Xiaoxiao, then it will be good to shoot." See Mu Mom was greeting someone there, Guan Ming said, and stood up and waved, beckoning everyone to eat.

"Some and some, I will arrange it when I look back." Turning his head and looking at Mu Xiaoxiao with a sweet smile, Ma Qingyun felt a little bit emotional.

Such feelings, perhaps Guan Ming is the only Yanzu in Mu Xiaoxiao's heart.

Later, Ma Qingyun could not help thinking of her husband Zhou Wu ...

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