Private Technology

: 1,053, 300 kilometers of waters

Regarding poverty alleviation by enterprises, although the state has not documented it, the state is currently publicizing this matter. After all, this is the proposal of the Guanming Committee and it can also arouse the public's vision and build momentum in advance.

But well-informed people already know that this matter is currently being conceived, and it belongs to the kind that is inseparable.

Entrepreneurs who have heard the proposals of the Guanming and the NPC and CPPCC naturally put their eyes on this, but they are not as convenient as Guanming because they cannot choose, and not all poor areas can be selected.

"Poverty alleviation? This is all right, but I'm not in a hurry anyway." Lying on Mu Xiaoxiao's thigh, Guan Ming said indifferently.

It may be that the goods are hard-working recently. Although the body shape is definitely stronger than before, the fat on the thighs is a little less, and it is not as soft as before.

"Dad talks to you, get up ~" Rubbing Guan Ming's big face, it's like rubbing spiral pills. Although Mu Xiaoxiao's legs are closed to make him lie more comfortably, in the presence of her husband and mother-in-law She was still a little embarrassed.

Although her label is ‘stupid’ in the heart of the whole family, stupid does n’t think so.

Mu Xiaoxiao feels that she is an intellectual, beautiful, generous, gentle, and virtuous woman in front of her father and mother ... 800 words are omitted here ...

Your face was almost swollen by you, Guan Ming crawled up, and then Ge You lay on the sofa paralyzed, looking like a natural house in the depths.

"How can this be free? There should be arrangements for you on this part. Tell me, your mother and I are very curious." Guan Da ignored the interaction between his son and daughter-in-law.

Daughter-in-law is all good, just a little bit stupid. Guan Dad has a good relationship with many rich people. Naturally, they also listen to these rich people complaining about daughter-in-law or something.

Honestly, when I meet a daughter-in-law who is stupid but loves her family, she is much better than those delicate daughter-in-law. When family is a comedy, everyone is naturally happy, but when the family gets along with the palace fight drama That's the big mold.

At the very least, when the father and mother can see what Mu Xiaoxiao is thinking, this feeling will give them a sense of superiority in intelligence, but it is best not to let that stupid person know ...

Glancing at his father and mother, Guan Ming sat up and sat up reluctantly: "Just let me find a poverty-stricken area first, and then after I have an overall idea, I think this place is OK, then report it up, and then Arranged above. "

It's a bit like playing "Warcraft". Everyone is going to race immediately, but Guan Ming can choose his own race, which has a great advantage.

Do you like long-eared elf soft sisters, or human sisters in wizard robes, or loli the rabbittail vitality orc?

"What are the poor areas? And, what kind of areas are you going to choose?" Guan Dad thought for a moment and asked.

In fact, these things are already relatively core content. In the past, Guan Dad did n’t go to ask about these. Even if he said he was responsible for this, he just wanted to manage Guan Ming for everything after it was determined. Mingneng has more time and energy for scientific research.

Incidentally, I will enrich my old life, but these are incidental. The father-in-law of the son said that he is a selfless and great loving man!

"In my case, I still want to find the seaside. No matter the island city or the Shanghai market, I am more used to coastal areas." I realized that my dad was really asking things, and Guan Ming also set his posture.

"It ’s like this. If it ’s coastal, you have to have a clear sea, because I ’m going to engage in a high-tech + tourism model. Some high-tech cultural attractions will be introduced in the middle, or something similar to an amusement park to attract tourists. If the water quality is not good, , Then it would be better to go to the old forest in the deep mountains to find the natural scenery. "

For this problem, Guan Ming had considered it before. The high-altitude glass bridge is very distinctive, but the characteristics of subsea restaurants are more obvious. There can also be many recreational projects at sea, whether it is kayaking, bungee jumping, diving or even the environment. To a certain extent, Guan Ming can also replicate the Maldives.

Look at the tourism industry in Maldives. Each year, one quarter of GDP can be contributed. Tourism is the first economic industry in Maldives!

Guan Ming didn't expect to fully copy Maldives, nor did he expect GDP to reach this number, but even a few discounts, for a poor area, this is a crazy and drooling number.

"It's really hard to find such a place. Let's talk about the poor areas of the country first. You have a list." Ask Dad how many Macau casinos there are. Maybe he can count as many treasures, but when it comes to the list of poor areas, this is where I'm sorry, he doesn't know much.

"Double Star, bring up the country map and mark the list announced by the country last year." Guan Ming is a lazy man and extremely unwilling to move by himself.

On the coffee table, a holographic projection projected a map of China.

A huge map of China, with most of the blue on it, the rest of the red is slightly more than the green, and the rest are white.

White is a non-poor area, blue is a poor area, red is a transition from poverty to a non-poor area, and green is a new poor area.

A few days ago, the state announced a total of 563 poverty-stricken areas (counties) last year, but according to the map, most of the poverty-stricken areas are inland. After all, coastal areas represent transportation and priority development.

"Double Star, call out the coastal areas that meet Xiaoming's requirements." Guan Daddy said.

"Good lord." As soon as the voice of the double star fell, the map of China disappeared, and finally three detailed maps appeared, all of which were coastal cities, and at the same time there were profiles.

But these three places did not meet Guan Ming's requirements, and even Guan Dad frowned.

All three areas are dominated by offshore fishing, and although the surrounding waters are slightly clearer than other areas, this is only a relative term. There are mountains nearby, but there are no towering mountains and no more conspicuous land. landscape.

This is a big flaw for the tourism industry.

"How about Sansha City?" Guan Ming asked curiously after seeing the place selected by Shuangxing.

There is a logical judgment inside the double star, and there must be factors that must be excluded in the exclusions, and it is naturally shown to Guan Ming that the inferior is the best.

"Sansha City is small in size, and the city needs to undertake land security work. It is strongly not recommended that the boss choose this place." Shuangxing said, while projecting detailed information of Sansha City.

Guan Ming has not been to Sansha, but the water quality around Sansha is very good. It is said that the sea water is clear, so Guan Ming had the idea of ​​going to Sansha.

However, Guan Ming did not expect that Sansha City was still a national gate ...

No matter how big the economy is, it is not as big as homeland security. This is the most basic common sense.

"... At the current level of the country, do you really need to worry about this? On the other side of the South China Sea, it has been quite quiet recently." Recalling that there has been no news in the South China Sea for at least half a year.

Since the last wave of combat effects, the peace in the Asia-Pacific region has been unprecedented. Hello, hello, everyone, I don't see any other countries that dare to grin.

After all, some things are not blown, they are made with real swords. For these small countries in the Asia-Pacific region, telling the truth, it may take only a day or two, at most not more than one week.

In this context, no one really dares to jump out casually.

"The South China Sea has always been peaceful recently, and the defense of the country is mainly in case, in the future, I can't say for sure." After a few seconds, Shuangxing said the result honestly.

"You don't have to play with those hangs, the inland is inland, the problem is not big." Guan Daddy doesn't want to touch the mold, don't look at him as a wild observer, but the problem is that he counsels.

The housekeeper is young and old, exuding a strong scent of persuasion from hair to toenails!

"But ... the land really doesn't mean anything ~" Guan Ming scratched his stomach and said with some embarrassment.

Do n’t talk about it, just talk about Guan Ming, it ’s really a bit mean, the more you do n’t let him do it, the more he wants to do it, if you do n’t care about my father, maybe Guan Ming thinks about it for a few days, automatically Looking at the inland consciously, but Guan Dad said that Guan Ming really had a little idea.

"Don't fool around, there are a lot of people in the family who are in trouble!" Guan Ma can't understand many things, but he can see the expressions of his unlucky husband and his second son.

According to her elderly people, the country is so large that there is no place to choose from. You have to say that you are not adapted to the weather in the central and south-central areas. Then you go to the northeast and there are poor areas there. You have to die in a difficult place. Isn't that all right to find a pump.

"Rest assured, I will ponder this part." He waved his hand, Guan Ming perfunctory.

Guan Ming didn't have the patience to listen to the old man and the old woman mumble, and when they saw what they wanted to say, Guan Ming got up and went to the study.

Looking at the back, Guan Ma jumped angrily and yelled at Guan Ming as an unlucky child, still begging to scratch him with a tickle.

Mu Xiaoxiao stole the fun ~ ~ also came to comfort the Guanma, saying Guanming hit twice, it doesn't matter, you can't be angry anymore, and Guanma smiles.

It's also because Guan Ming didn't listen. If he listened, he could turn his head and drag his claws to call her dad!

"Zoom in the map of Sansha City and the nearest coastal area, and report the specific situation of this sea area at the same time." After entering the study, Guan Mingrui commanded vigorously.

On the desk, a holographic projection projected a large map measuring 1.5 meters high and 1 meter high. At the same time, there was a detailed text beside it.

Sansha is one of the four prefecture-level cities under the jurisdiction of Hainan. It is located in the county-level city with the southernmost area, the largest area, the smallest land, and the least population. It is also the second prefecture-level administrative region built by the islands.

However, it is worth noting that due to geographical location, there are deficiencies in drinking water and electricity in Sansha City, which also greatly limits the development of Sansha City.

Sansha City is 300+ kilometers straight from the south of the country, Sanya, and Guan Ming's sight is on these 300 kilometers.

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