If you don't let them play, your child will cry, and the family will blame themselves for making the child cry.

Let the child go, the child laughs, but the family will complain too cruelly, let the child play outside personally.

Guan Ming considers himself a loving father. Isn't the role of a loving father suitable for a fat man? The coach is obviously a good guy too!

"I blame you, Xiao Xi is so small, you can rest assured that she is playing outside alone, what to do if something goes wrong!" Furious, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming with the wrong look of you, It seemed as if he had done something crazy.

"If you don't like it, you can say it early, anyone can do it!" Rolling his eyes, Guan Ming hated this kind of player. What's more, when talking on the Internet, he said nothing and started to blame Lao Tzu when he hung up You have the ability to speak in front of you!


Lao Tzu's perfect loving father influence!

Think of Guan Ming's itchy hand, always want to give her a beating!

"I'm a good mother. How could I say such things? Isn't it all that my father said." Mu Xiaoxiao said for granted.

Silent for three seconds, Guan Ming started to take off his pants ...

"Aunt Qingyun, Dad said that after the shooting, give me a day of free time, will you take me out for fun ~" Biandian ran out, Guan Mengxi hugged his thigh directly, and looked up at Ma Qingyun.

Somewhat embarrassing, Ma Qingyun first smiled at the bald head actor, then squatted and pinched Guan Mengxi's head, the voice was softer, and said, "Your dad really took you off? If I call back later If your father says nothing, be careful! "

"No, no, Dad really said that he could play for a day. Teacher Tian is by his side, so don't worry about homework!" With a serious face, Guan Mengxi nodded hard, and his head fell on Ma Qingyun's thigh.

Fortunately, Ma Qingyun wears small trousers for convenience, otherwise it will be more embarrassing.

"It seems that Xiaoxi's father cares about her studies." The bald head was not good enough to leave and eased his embarrassment, and nodded at Ma Qingyun with a smile.

"Yes, Xiao Xi is the big baby in her father's house!" Ma Qingyun said naturally and confidently, bending over to hold Guan Mengxi.

Influenced by Zhou Wu, Ma Qingyun didn't consciously hang the steward's glory on herself, and at the same time maintained the reputation of the steward. Although her child can't keep up with the rhythm of the steward twins, she also wirelessly looks forward to this, even her She thought that if she could, she wouldn't mind being Mengyou's mother-in-law.

There is no scientific basis, but Ma Qingyun can feel that the IQ of the twins is very high. Maybe this little who has not yet been weaned will be very smart.

"There are other babies at home! Brother and sister ... and mother!" Guan Mengxi said solemnly with his fingers.

"Haha, yeah, brother, sister and mother are all treasures at home, just like Xiao Xi!" Ma Qingyun laughed.

With such soft sound and content, I could not help laughing when I heard it.

"Xiao Xi's play is over soon, her family will come to visit the class?" Bald tried to ask.

The mystery of Guan Mengxi made the whole crew couldn't help paying attention and fear.

When Guan Mengxi first joined the group, in addition to tangible wealth such as villas and cars, he also had some intangible help.

For example, Ma Qingyun said that as long as the film is not mapped and reactionary, there will be no problems after the review, and the local government will also help when shooting.

For the former, the crew hasn't decided yet, but the latter has been verified. This shooting is probably the smoothest of all the previous shootings!

For various road closures, as long as the crew needs, the government will act immediately. Of course, there is a lot of money to be paid, but the approval is absolutely fast!

"No, my dad is busy with work. My mother has to watch my sister eat. Grandma just said that my sister has eaten less recently. Mother is really. My sister is already thin. What should I do if I lose weight again!" Guan Mengxi was unhappy.

My sister is okay, she's too thin, she won't eat without feeding her!

But my younger sister was very considerate, knowing that she wanted to hang out and said that she was very happy at home.

Should I ask my dad to send my sister over to play with me?

After thinking about it, Guan Mengxi felt that his brother also needs his sister. If he is not at home, the younger sister must be at home. Although the younger sister looks proud and not close to the younger brother, the care hidden in his heart, Guan Mengxi thinks It can be seen, absolutely, definitely!

Giving a fist, Guan Mengxi's expression is full of sacredness, and his face is full of drama, which shows that the two adults are a little aggressive.

"Xi Xi's family has a lot of work, so time is not available, but everyone still trusts the crew. Whether it is the director or several starring actors, Xiao Xi's father is very agreeable." Ma Qingyun, a social person, talked about the society.

Maybe Ma Qingyun's attitude is a little obvious. After a few words of conversation, the bald head retreated.

The villa is a serious villa, and the director and starring also invited to live in it.

In the director's room, several leading actors gathered.

"Just watched you chat with the little guy and asked whose child it was?" With a glance at the bald head, the director beckoned and motioned for the other party to come and sit.

"Can't ask, just now the little guy said that his family is busy with work, and the family can't go away." A bottle of mineral water was opened from the coffee table and he took a few sips, said bald.

"This parent is too unattractive. The child is so young that he dares to release the film alone, and he is not afraid of something wrong?" The heroine said a little unhappy.

This is a man's play, and if Meng Xi's addition does not thin the man's play, it will naturally compress time on the heroine.

"What happened? What can happen? In this situation, who dares to let the little ones do something wrong?" The other actor asked, instead.

Guan Mengxi can bring a positive image to the crew, and naturally can also bring negative effects.

Hello everyone, my best is the best ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ otherwise how smooth the filming before, how troublesome the filming will be afterwards.

"But speaking, which wealthy and official in Mongolia is the surname in the country? The play on Zhangjiajie was completely unaffected by the outside world." The hairy protagonist asked casually.

What is not affected here is the script creation of Guan Yu Zhangjiajie.

"It's definitely not affected. I don't know if I have a surname in China, but the top wealthy people in the country still have this ability." He bald his head and said.

"It's better to say Guan Ming, at least we all know he has three children!" The other starring stared.

"The problem is that you don't know if they are two women and one man." They spread their hands, bald heads didn't mind, after all, they were old friends.

"Okay, don't think about that much. There are still scenes to be filmed tomorrow. Now I'll talk to you ..." The director came forward and ended the chat.

Ps: motion sickness, motion sickness, half asleep, half awake, tired dog!

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