Private Technology

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"We have no doubts about the artificial island. After all, you Guan Ming took the lead. We still believe in you, but you do not seem to mention the specifications of the artificial island. How much money are you planning to invest?" The giant looked at Guan Ming and asked Road.

The investment specification means the specifications of the final product. One dime can not even buy two slices of bread, let alone a burger with meat.

Even if the national scientific research is about investment funds, not to mention this is still an artificial island playground to be opened to the outside world.

"At the moment, no specific funds have been determined. My words are 500 billion yuan. There is no upper limit, and the artificial island cannot be built in a day. From my current profitability, investing while making money supports this A project is not a big problem. "Guan Ming said cautiously.

500 billion looks very much, but for artificial islands, the price is far from enough.

The Liaoning aircraft carrier has a capacity of 67,000 tons and a cost of about 25 billion yuan. This is still made by a large country and has already saved money.

Intuitively, this is the number of 20 aircraft carriers, but in reality, this is just a base price.

The reason why controlled nuclear fusion can be successful is that special materials are indispensable and the cost is extremely high.

The reason why anti-gravity equipment can sensitively capture and emit magnetic fields is also because of special materials.

Otherwise use love to generate electricity? Stop it. If you can use love to generate electricity, oil will be worthless for a long time!

"500 billion? Where are you going to put the location?" Asked the big guy in Shanghai and looked at the giant.

"I'm going to place it in the middle of Sanya and Sansha City, where the climate is good." Guan Ming said honestly.

"In theory, such artificial islands are not allowed to be built by individuals, even in the sea, they are all national territory." The giant said slowly, while giving the big names in Shanghai a look.

"But don't worry about it, the theory belongs to the theory, but in reality, there are many places that can be operated." The Shanghai big man said with a smile.

One with a red face and one with a white face?

Please! Although we are not familiar with it, my advice is that you understand it. Even if you do n’t know it, you can always try to force it. Maybe I ’m more face-to-face than you think!

Although Guan Ming admired the giant's fear of himself, but ...

"I don't have any pursuit of taxation. Really, I mainly want to experiment with the whole thing." Although there is a considerable part of it because of his wife and children, Guan Ming will definitely not say that.

A bitter smile affectionately appeared on his face, and Guan Ming spread his hands.

Seeing his expression, the giant smiled slightly and said, "In fact, taxation is still second. Can you resist such a large investment alone?"

Holding his hands on his knees, the giant looked at Guan Ming, his expression returned to a serious level.

It may be the reason for work, so I have a serious face for a long time, but Guan Ming is curious about why the country wants to get involved in this project.

The tourism industry ca n’t do it all at once, and if the island is artificial, let ’s not say when the construction period will be completed. It is estimated that the minimum amount is 10 or 20 years or even 50 or 80 years. Guan Ming never made any plans to return to the book!

However, the participation of the state is also beneficial. The previous approval and manufacturing, and subsequent security will be much lighter.

"This project should not make money. If you make money, it may take many years. If the country participates, it will not be appropriate. I mean that the probability of losing money is very high ..." Guan Ming has a way to make money, so he pays It doesn't matter if you pay for it, even if you pay it to the bottom, your family won't eat bran meal!

But the country is not the same. The country has a lot of money. Just like drinking water in the desert, the output is limited every year. If you use it a little more, it will be a little less.

And this kind of investment is not a little bit, even if it can win the number one in the world, it is difficult to get back the money in a short time.

He smiled and shook his head. The giant said: "This kind of investment also has the meaning of scientific research. If the number is small, we can also treat it as if we didn't see it. Expect too much, even if the country has input, the number will be limited. "

"Uh ... Actually, it's not necessary. Anyway, while I make money and invest, I can resist it ~" Scratching his head, Guan Ming smiled a little.

Even Guan Ming, an unscrupulous person, suddenly thought that the country wanted monkeys to steal peaches. Unfortunately, even peach trees are not planted now.

"It ca n’t be carried, it means that your investment in this project is very strong, so if you do n’t have time in poverty alleviation work in poor areas, we do n’t force it here, oh, first 20,000 100 billion, 500 billion more, you are really rich, haha. "The giant said with a joke, and the big boss in Shanghai also laughed.

"I'm still afraid that there is too much pressure on your side, so ah, you can rest assured." Seeing Guan Ming was still a bit worried, the big names in Shanghai also quickly explained.

"So ... what about the poverty-stricken areas?" Hesitated, Guan Ming looked at the giants, and looked at the big names in Shanghai.

"It's okay, but the man-made island thing can't lie to us anymore." The giant warned Guan Ming.

"Can't, it's not flickering this time, in fact, I want to help the poor in Sansha City, and later extended this artificial island." I'm not sure if I left any bad impression, Guan Mingyi explained.

Everyone is a social person, Guan Ming doesn't want to be laughed on the surface.

"Oh ~ I dare to think of you!" He laughed suddenly, and the giant continued to say, "Go back and do all the content, and then come to Emperor's capital, this thing still needs multiple arguments ~ ~ The giant didn't say much What, but Guan Ming knows that there must be other content in it, such as doing a water pressure test, etc., perhaps, it may also be equipped with a weapon system, which can be turned into a maritime combat platform at a critical moment.

But these don't matter anyway. Anyway, for Guan Ming, this thing is the family's playground. The more weapons the better, after all, the steward is very sad.

After talking for a few words, Guan Ming retreated.

After reading the briefing of Double Star, Guan Ming knows how busy the giant's two-day trip is, and naturally he won't endure the other person's stinginess.

Ps: At this level, I am no longer ready to make a hard change. The main line is still (Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao's daily life), the science and technology is not good, and I ca n’t change to fantasy or science fiction that everyone wants.

It's sad that I can't attract more readers, but at least I can't leave old readers.

Sorry to those friends who have always wanted to watch hard science fiction. If you change it, this can't be changed, and the knowledge reserve is not enough. I pretend to be too self-righteous ...

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