Private Technology

: One thousand and sixty contributed all wisdom!

The documents were delivered, and Guan Ming naturally returned empty-handed.

The anime on the TV in the lobby has changed, it seems to be new recently, anyway, Guan Ming has no impression.

On the sofa, in addition to Guan Mengyu, who was lying on a raised shell, there was also Mu Xiaoxiao, who was paralyzed by Ge You. He didn't see the father and the mother. According to the habits of the two elderly people, the old man should be out, the old lady. It was probably pushing the stroller out to bask in the sun. Without the urging (dragging) of the younger sister, Guan Mengyu was quite energy-saving and environmentally friendly.

Although the two elderly people really like twins, how do you say, the mother is still a little feudal. Compared with her granddaughter, she cares more about her grandson. At least when the twins are so big, they do n’t enjoy the old lady's daily introduction to the sun and breath Chance of fresh air.

However, Guan Mingsong was relieved that no matter whether it was twins or Mu Xiaoxiao, there was not much opinion on this.

Guan Mengyu is silent and cold-headed. Mu Xiaoxiao occasionally complains to Guan Ming in private with his mother-in-law, but as for Guan Mengxi ...

You can't expect a person who can breastfeed her brother to hate her brother more favorably than herself. If it weren't for Meng Xi's sleep at night, she would habitually tighten people up, she would have carried her brother to sleep.

With his hands behind his back, Guan stared into the study without straying.

A sneaky glance at the closed study door, and then a small corpse-like girl, Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to know the final opinion on the artificial island.

The management of the man-made island is clear, and Guan Ming has not concealed Mu Xiaoxiao's ultimate purpose in making this thing, so Mu Xiaoxiao also very much wants to join Guan Ming's team and contribute all the wisdom to this man-made island!

You know she's a fool!

All the wisdom is estimated to be a little jin ... probably.

Eyes rolled, Mu Xiaoxiao froze and sat up, then bent over, looking at his own girl face to face.

Guan Mengyu :? ? ?

She looked at her mother-in-law with a grimace. She didn't know what strange thoughts her mother-in-law had to think about. She just hoped not to bring herself, so as to avoid lying on the sofa with her **** waiting to be beaten. .

"Xiaoyu, my mother has to discuss work with my dad, so can you just watch TV here obediently?" Forefinger pointed at the small nose, Mu Xiaoxiao tried to make his reasoning justified because he I always feel that Guan Ming will act on her own feet as a beautiful woman, which is confident that she still has it.

I'm all in the body here, how are you going to make me obedient? Do you want me to stop breathing?

Think about it, but Guan Mengyu would definitely not say that, otherwise the other party does n’t know how many brain cells to kill in order to come up with the second reason. She is too lazy to talk about her own mother. Anyway, such things as IQ are probably a one-time non-renewable resource for mother-in-law. If you are stupid, you need to be GG.

"Know your mother." Dropping the corners of her mouth a little, Guan Mengyu tried to make her look more in line with her age.

Observing the details, Mu Xiaoxiao felt a little sorry for the girl, a child who was only a few years old, and actually had to bear the loneliness and lies that this age should not.

"Mother will cook for you in the evening, and will help you take a bath and coax you to sleep, obediently, what's the matter of double star is just right." On the lips.

She rubbed her arm with disgusting force, and Guan Mengyu was still not used to being kissed by a beautiful and young woman, feeling GAY in GAY, and she didn't hide anything about it.

"Well, mother passed by ~" Mu Xiaoxiao was not angry at her behavior and performance, but showed a stupid smile that she thought was kind, and then she climbed up and killed herself in the study.

"Oh ~ woman." Sitting up struggling, watching the disappearing back, Guan Mengyu pulled out a stiff smile and shook his head.

"Miss Er, the character of the young lady is similar to that of the boss, so I think you have any misunderstanding of the word 'woman'." The projection on the desktop flashed a smile with a big yellow face.

"... you're a bit too lively." There was no usual milky voice, although it was also a loli, but I heard the coldness in it.

"This is the order of the young lady, and the boss and the wife have no special expressions about it." The ordinary smile turned into a wretched smile.


Guan Mengyu rolled his eyes and then started gesture operations. All the emoticons on the holographic projection disappeared and replaced with a bunch of data.


In the study, Mu Xiaoxiao squatted on the floor in a dog-legged manner and gave Guan Ming a lame leg.

"Artificial island? Who is your husband, who am I? This little thing will stump me? As soon as I go and get the giant in minutes, it's not too simple ~" With Erlang's legs, Guan Ming strictly implemented the 'big hero in the house' 'Glorious image.

After all, from the results, the artificial island is considered to be implemented. In the process, Mu Xiaoxiao cannot go up to ask other giants even if his head is diamond. After all, she and Guan Ming are in the same vein!

"Of course, husband, you are the best, great ~" With a thumbs up, Mu Xiaoxiao also showed a surprised expression in coordination.

Although the expression was false and artificial, it also satisfied the low-level boring vanity in Guan Ming's heart. He nodded his head in restraint, and Guan Ming continued to say, "So, if you have any private goods about the artificial island, please tell me quickly, after that, I want to consolidate into one file. "

The integration document is required above, and it is also a process that Guan Ming must have. Besides, the artificial island should be high-tech + play, or even black technology + play.

If it is just something that is not different from those playgrounds, it will definitely destroy the style of the artificial island.

For example, a haunted house in a playground can be more realistic with a holographic projection. This kind of real and virtual interaction can be done without a VR headset.

Even for many things, Guan Ming uses high technology to complete more interesting gameplay, such as ejecting people into the air to play free fall, and even each visitor will get an identity pin, ring or something when entering the island.

"Yes, I'll finish the task soon!" Mu Xiaoxiao stood up quickly and stood solemnly, standing up quickly.

"Then let's do it separately and try to make the plan in the shortest time possible." Guan Ming struck a ringing finger that was not too loud, and Double Star controlled the chair over and pushed it behind Mu Xiaoxiao.

Guan Ming has a lot of things to do. At present, the area of ​​the artificial island is unknown, but in terms of shape, Guan Ming is generally inclined to the shape of a crescent moon. At the same time, it covers the 3 ~ 5 layers of protective fences at the outer periphery, completely surrounding the island. Closed guardrail, only the top of the guardrail can enter and exit such as sea water and even ship space.

Bottom guard rails can be combined to prevent danger from the deep sea (shark / submarine infiltration).

Fences of different heights will isolate most large-scale marine life without blocking the flow of seawater, ensuring that the seawater is all living water.

For the crescent-shaped island, Guan Ming hopes to divide it according to the play area or theme area. Whether it is a castle-style haunted house or cliff-style diving extreme sports, you can find a good place, even the beach, Guan Ming I also hope it can be divided into pink, yellow, gold, white and so on.

Of course, whether it is sand or the previous guardrail, the requirements for funds are very large. In Guan Ming's vision, the guardrail should be transparent material, so that people can see the deep and dull bottom of the sea, but Guan Ming felt that most of the deep seas were afraid that they would not find this stimulation.

Look at the manuscript, and then look at Guan Ming, who is working hard. Without knowing what to think, Mu Xiaoxiao laughed and made a sound.

"Hmm? What's wrong?" Guan Ming asked her with a tilted head.

"It's nothing, I just think Xiaoxi would be fine at home. I think she will design something that looks like a little yellow duck." Mu Xiaoxiao originally wanted to say that the hard-working Guan Ming was good-looking, but she was a mother-in-law. She also felt that such words were too shy.

"Haha, Xiao Xi's words are really inaccurate." Guan Ming laughed and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao's manuscript at the same time.

It may be based on Guan Ming's practice. She did not directly indicate the data or plain text, but described it with pictures and short text.

Looking at the roller coaster with at least ten full rings like the copper coil, Guan Ming suddenly remembered the euthanasia roller coaster, the rotation was fast enough, the centrifugal force caused the blood to flow down, and then the brain supply was insufficient and hung up.

"Xi Xi is not at home, but I also need to take Xiao Xi's ideas into consideration. I think we need a little yellow duck-shaped building, a restaurant? Or a flying balloon? I will ask if it ’s raining, if you ’re Xiaoyu ..." Barabara, Mu Xiaoxiao said as he started to record a new sheet of paper.

Without reminding Mu Xiaoxiao of the design loopholes, Guan Ming watched her with a smile on her face, with a similar feeling of quiet years.

At the same time, on the other hand, accompanied by the big names in Shanghai, the giants welcomed Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots who came to the Mainland for development.

Guan Ming can not pay attention to international news, but Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan must pay attention to ~ ~ I understand your concerns, but you can rest assured that in terms of investment, the country will treat the same, and will not deliberately favor one side, of course Now, if you want to run an enterprise in the country, you must first respect the laws of the country, followed by the customs of the country. "The giant expression is still cool.

The meeting with Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan was one of the important reasons for the giants to come to Shanghai. There are countries that want to attract funds for development, but more importantly, they do not want these rich people to become a dust of history.

The country is developing too fast. To those who are used to waiting and watching, the country has made rapid progress without slowing down, and these people who want to achieve a ride are not even on board. The car.

Now they are not only unable to obtain maximum profits from the beginning to the end, but also have to fight against foreign capital and new emerging faces in the country at the same time, which makes their compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan uncomfortable.

This is a more formal conversation. If it is not the identity of the other party, then there is no need for the giant to come forward.

Since the giants have come forward, they also represent a certain tendency, and the unknown reasons of the giants are also other factors.

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