Private Technology

: 1071 Qualifications for Tender 3

The weapon system of Guan Ming above is strictly calculated only one and a half, a complete laser weapon system and half an automatic pilot weapon system.

Domestic autonomous driving is not based on big data in foreign countries and is performed according to preset procedures. It is controlled by artificial intelligence. It is far more accurate and complicated than foreign countries, and it is also more practical.

The autopilot weapon system is best known for its robot battalion in the last war, which directly hit A to push the name.

The reason why it is half is because most of a series of autonomous driving such as robots are based on Guan Ming's original robots. At the same time, the home robots used by Guan Ming are not weak, except for weapon systems.

Not to mention the laser, it belongs to the leading United States.

However, the data given to Guan Ming is not all relevant information. No matter what the reason is, at least Guan Ming knows that there are more advanced laser weapons in China, such as Death Light A, which once made a big splash on the battlefield. On this information.

However, these problems are not big, and Guan Ming does not want to build a weapon platform, but the problem is that the laser, the outermost toughened glass layer needs to be made detachable such as anchoring / inlaying ...

"Some trouble ..." Guan Ming rubbed his temples as he pulled out the artificial island design.

Guan Ming originally thought that the weapon system that the country could fill was nothing more than equipment such as silos. Therefore, many counterweight wells were added to ensure the convenience of the transformation. However, it was not expected that it was a laser, and even the document specifically stated that he hoped that Guan Ming could consider After the ascension to the air, land, and air, the suppression of warfare was attempted.

This also means that artificial islands need laser weapons in all directions.

"The artificial island under the water after removing the tempered glass is not completely semicircular. Do you want to develop it in a semicircular direction?" As for weapons, the double star is also very clear. You ca n’t put the weapon system inside the tempered glass. Regardless of the difficulty, this artificial island is used for both military and business purposes. If it is transparent, it will not work on both sides.

The best solution is to put a circle around the outermost part of the tempered glass when it is used for business, so that the artificial belt can travel in its own 'sea area' even in the sea.

If it ’s for military use, you can “undress” directly, and then ascend to the sky. As for whether the huge area of ​​tempered glass will be wasted after the ascension, will the sand that was bought back will be wasted. Don't even think about it. It hurts a lot.

"It's definitely needed, except for the buildings below the sea, where the viewing room directly below can see the outside, the rest of the place is closed and opaque." Guan Ming regretfully said that this time will cut away a lot of landscapes, but there is no way, completely semicircle is not Just for good looks, more for stealth.

It ’s like hiding your private house money. Why use “Hidden” and really hide it, because if you do n’t hide it, you will really have no money. Do n’t say Yaxiang Huanghe Tower at that time, you ca n’t even afford the hard white red tower mountain. !!

"Good boss."

Guan Ming's sorrow was not reflected in the double star. On the holographic projection, the somewhat uneven hemisphere became smooth.

Guan Ming is now thinking about how to put the weapon system into the artificial island, and the most important thing is how to wear the toughened glass.

However, these will not affect the upcoming bidding conference, even if it is tempered glass, Guan Ming will have to make some transformations during assembly.

On the last day of late May, Guan Ming wore a decent suit, while Mu Xiaoxiao wore a line of lilac chiffon dress, looking dignified.

He had a handbag in his hand and Guan Ming's arm in his other hand.

The tender was held in the Double Star Building. Relevant industries, large and small companies are gathered here, and almost all domestic related companies are gathered.

However, it is only bringing together domestic companies.

The time was 9:30 in the morning. With the help of Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming took to the podium.

Previously it was used as a press conference, and it was temporarily remodeled, but it didn't move much.

"Hello everyone, I am honored to invite you to my bidding conference." Guan Ming's attitude is much more modest than that of the press conference. After all, the target is different.

"Everyone should have read the briefings issued by our company before I came here. I am going to introduce them here again. This project is a man-made island project that I plan to invest heavily to build. I have only three qualifications for the bidding qualification of the conference. Quality, time and charity. "

"No matter how many orders you take, the time is one year, that is, the 365th day after the order is taken, the order you have needs to be completed."

"I don't say much about the quality. I believe you have seen the quality requirements of all orders. I can only say that behind high standards and strict requirements, there are more opportunities for cooperation."

"Finally, it is charity. In this part, my wife Mu Xiaoxiao was asked to explain." Taking a step back, Guan Ming stretched out his hand to draw a cues and motioned Mu Xiaoxiao to take a step forward.

It's very interesting. The order of today's bidding conference is very good. It is better than the previous press conference. Even at the time of laughter or other times, you can obviously feel everyone's restraint.

Guan Ming did not participate in the reception work, so it is naturally unclear whether there is a warning above. Although it is different from the "harmonious" in Guan Ming's assumption, this kind of restraint is not bad. This "simple and rough" is more complex Guan Ming's expectations for the bidding meeting.

"I am Guan Xiao's wife, Mu Xiaoxiao. After many exchanges and discussions with my husband, we have decided that starting from today, all partners and possible partners, if there are achievements in charity, it will take precedence consider."

"Specifically to this tender, our idea is that 1% of the total price of the default unit after receiving an order is used for charity. This amount will be included in the contract. You can choose any charity method, and the amount will be used. Supervision by three parties, and this tender is a tender for domestic enterprises, so the scope of charity is limited to domestic. Of course, if companies want to go to other countries and regions to do charity, we welcome, but 1% of the total order price must be in Domestic use. "

This kind of introduction is more of an 'official explanation', because the bidding fair is not a press conference, many things need to know the content beforehand, and then you can judge, even if it is an auction, people will give you a small content of the auction in advance. Booklet, not to mention this kind of bidding conference that involves its own productivity and production level.

"The artificial island project is huge, and the use of funds is unprecedented, so do n’t worry about whether you will earn less, whether there will be no orders, etc. We do n’t mind sharing it for everyone, after all, everyone makes money, and the corresponding charity is also We can do more, but we have specifications for the upper limit of all orders, that is, it does not exceed the market price of last year. "Guan Ming added aside, lest 100 pieces of straw hat break.

Then Liu Mengmeng came to power and began to host the tender.

Shao Tianyu's position is mainly due to the company's inadequate physical capacity. Whether in terms of productivity or production level, it does not stand out in the industry. It belongs to the middle level.

"Guanming's big project is bigger and it's a good year again ~" Looking at the price and quantity of the project displayed on the huge screen on the stage, he couldn't help feeling.

"Boss, then we can never have another production line? The domestic infrastructure has been very good over the past few years, and it is estimated that there is at least one wave in this project." The production director around him encouraged.

Shao Tianyu's company produces concrete mixing equipment. Although he is not sure why Guan Ming does not produce it himself, or even buys a mixer, these problems are not serious. He only needs to know that in the current situation, it can be done in the next year. After working overtime for a full year, at the same time, in the light of Guan Ming's current reputation, as long as the quality passes, there will be no situation that the final payment will not be returned.

"Production line? ...... wait a minute and see what effect Guan Ming's bidding on foreign countries will have. If the response is enthusiastic, then find a bank loan. Anyway, there is a Guan Ming contract. As long as the quality is not broken, the bank will definitely lend money to Ours. "After thinking about it, Shao Tianyu also thought it was a good opportunity.

The country's GDP growth has ranked first in the world for successive years. Regarding the increase in the intensity of infrastructure construction, let alone repair bridges and roads, and even the real estate industry has developed rapidly.

However, it is a pity that I heard that the state has to regulate real estate, and it is not a joke, but it does n’t matter if you think about it. After all, the company is not in a first-tier or first-tier city, and from the perspective of Shao Tianyu ’s net worth, it is not enough to buy. Can't afford the room.

"Unfortunately, Guan Ming does not provide the total amount of the project. It is only a tender once a year, otherwise we will be more confident." The production director could not help but feel a bit sorry.

At present, not many people know how big the Guanming artificial island project is, but whether it is the vaguely leaked information above or the briefing provided by Guanming before, it will not explain the hugeness of the project all the time.

There were countless people like Shao Tianyu present. On the one hand, they hoped to take advantage of this opportunity to rise a wave, but on the other hand, they were afraid that they could only get one year's order, and then they were short of power.

Guan Ming's office, looking at the big names in Shanghai, Guan Ming smiled and said, "In addition to eliminating unqualified products and enterprises in time according to production levels, the main time is the time-consuming modification and assembly of artificial islands. After all, artificial islands You also know how big it is. The overall assembly is not realistic ~ ~ For large projects and large projects, there will always be a big opportunity. Instead of tea, I thank you for them. ”Holding up a tea cup, Shanghai Stock Exchange The guy motioned for Guan Ming.

"Reciprocity and mutual benefit, this is all I should do." Glanced at the immediate feedback hall on the holographic projection, Guan Ming nodded with a smile.

PS: It ’s been a long time since I thanked you for the reward. It ’s March first. Thank you: Spread Wing Snake, Nopil, Xibei Xi, Hongchen is very pure, Book Friend 513195352, Love, Red Sword, Li Feimo.

Thanks a lot!

Probably the update was not stable during that time, so I am sorry to thank you, because sometimes I think it is not worth it.

It's a difficult time now. I re-examined the past and felt that I was too concerned about negative comments and subconsciously ignored those who encouraged me.

Sorry and thanks!

Not much to say, more extra deductions.

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