Private Technology

: 10,80,50 million gimmicks

There is no plot that would be recognized in the imagination. Although there is a little loss in my heart, it is just like that. Guan Ming is not ready to live like a star.

The aircraft on Hongqiao T2 and the aircraft under the capital T2 are more for Guan Ming's security check, and they have to go through them scattered, unlike in the past, they just drove in.

I do n’t know if it ’s jealous or talented, all the safety is the rough guys who are barely forced to be handsome guys, are they thinner than Lao Tzu, so handsome than Lao Tzu, why look at me with a different look, Lao Tzu refuses to gamble , Refuse poison, refuse sunflower!

"Mr. Guan, do you take a night off or go to see the giant first?" Asked a service staff member in the driver's seat.

"I have rested on the plane, but the giants should also take a rest if they get there." It is now more than eight o'clock in the evening. The capital airport is on the sixth ring road in the northeast corner. The straight line distance may be 20-30 kilometers. Not to mention the traffic lights and other things, it is likely to arrive at 10 o'clock in the evening to Zhongnanhai.

"The giant has said that, as long as you are OK, there is no problem on his side." The car slowly speeded out of the international airport.

"Go to the place to talk about it. If the giant has a temporary problem or is tired, it will be fine tomorrow." Guan Ming didn't ask for anything, holding some tired rhubarb, Guan Ming looked at the scenery outside the window.

In fact, in China, ‘prosperity’ can be used to describe more than second-tier cities, but it ’s difficult to discern the prosperity with the naked eye without a thorough understanding of a city.

Emperor Capital also has one or two floors of self-built houses, as well as villages in cities. However, Guan Ming heard that the country is preparing to regulate in this regard. As for the results, Guan Ming is not very optimistic. There are not necessarily fewer people in the house, whether it is buying a house. Or the cost of renting will definitely rise, and the ordinary people will suffer in the end.

Take Sun Yanan, the deputy chief of the company, for example. This little rich lady has over a hundred properties in her name. I really want to say that it is impossible for her to afford a house. Similarly, she cannot live in so many houses by herself. As for what to do in the end, Guan Ming couldn't control it.

But Guan Ming is more curious about what kind of object this mushroom head will find in the end. If the door is right, isn't he looking for a contractor with the same name of a hundred houses?

"Sorry for being late. The private jets at home have all flown out. I had to catch a flight." Shaking hands, Guan Ming apologized.

"You, the rich, actually have civil aviation. This should be the biggest joke I heard this year." After the handshake, the giant took Guan Ming to sit down on the sofa.

I can feel that the other party is just joking, Guan Ming won't, and dare not care about it.

I also greeted you before I came here. Although the time is relatively short, it is not a sudden attack.

"Yes, the military architectural drawings of the artificial island have been revised. This time I want to give you a glance to see if there are any changes. I also hope that the country will provide some assistance in this regard. After all, high-tech materials , My authority is not enough, and if the island is artificial, I want to get it in place once. "Then, Guan Ming opened the file bag and pushed it to the giant.

It's ten o'clock now. According to Guan Ming's idea, let's all go to bed and sleep. What will happen tomorrow? As a result, the giant is still looking forward to this meeting. After the car comes in, it will kill the office.

"The permissions of the materials cannot be opened to you for the time being. You also know that there are many project groups that are not so simple, but don't be disappointed. I will go back to the expert group to evaluate your document, and then follow the data above Find the corresponding materials. "It did not mean to read it. The giant may think that the file is too thick, and it will not be finished in a short while.

"I can understand, I can understand, after all, something is safer than knowing it." Guan Ming nodded again and again.

Although Guan Ming, who has a double star, can theoretically go to the top secret projects in China without hesitation, but Guan Ming is always an individual. He also talks in a dream, and also drinks aggressively. If there is no door in his mouth, then he There are not many good days.

Unless necessary, Guan Ming will only read some documents that are not highly confidential.

"You are still so careful, when I got the news, Xiaoxiao is going to participate in a TV show?" He smiled and shook his head, the giant was too lazy to tell the truth.

"Yes, it may be that‘ Ms. Two Trillion ’has given her a bloodstream. During this period of time, she was stuck with me, and her head was almost big.” Guan Minghan complained and asked for mercy.

Mu Xiaoxiao hoped that his family would go to see the flowers together this month. Although Guan Ming refused on the spot, later he decided to take a day to go with everyone, but correspondingly, Guan Ming needed to work overtime to complete the set work.

However, judging from the character of Sage Guanming, it is very hard to work overtime. At that time, it is better to watch Mu Xiaoxiao dance a Latin or even a house dance.

Make an ambush in advance, and there will be drafts later ... oh no, it is the reason for delaying work!

This operation is suffocating ...

"The capable ones work hard, Xiaoxiao, I heard that, very good, very good, of course, you are also very good." Did not notice Guan Ming's words, the giant nodded with satisfaction.

In this case, it is not easy to go down.

In order to prevent the sky from being talked to, he smiled, and found that the giant didn't say anything. Guan Ming pointed to the file and said, "Giant, if you look at the file first, if there is something inappropriate, I will change it on the spot. change?"

"Okay, then I'll take a look first, feel free to do it yourself." Putting down the tea cup, the giant didn't refuse, although he didn't understand a lot of things.

Time lost a little while, on the other side, Mu Xiaoxiao finally finished today's filming.

Last week, I contacted "Running Man", and combined with Mu Xiaoxiao's talent skills, the screenwriter specially arranged the content of this issue.

The ultimate purpose of Mu Xiaoxiao and the show group is to give full play to Mu Xiaoxiao's talent skills, and at the same time skillfully apply to Mu Xiaoxiao's talent skills.

As for what the talent skills are, there may be a lot of fitness, skydiving, swimming, dancing, etc. in addition to a thousand throws (super rich), so the number is small, so that's what happened.

"My sister is really amazing. I just jumped to the end and almost got tired." Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao coming out of the bathroom, the only hostess came over to chat with Mu Xiaoxiao.

Everyone came to Yazhou this afternoon, except for make-up and other things, and the time was really low, so we arranged a dancing event. The top ones can choose the room first. Of course, the resort rooms are very good, and the most is decoration. The difference.

Although Mu Xiaoxiao's accomplishment in ballet is not deep ~ ~, compared to those funny hosts who dance children or even pole dance, her ranking will inevitably be NO.1.

"You are also very good, you can see that you usually practice." Wiping his hair, Mu Xiaoxiao turned back and smiled at her.

One year older than the other may be inferior to the other party in the entertainment circle, but the problem is that Mu Xiaoxiao only needs to be beautiful in front of the camera. Flattery will naturally have other people come forward.

For this program, Mu Xiaoxiao himself took 50 million as a bonus pool. Counting Mu Xiaoxiao's total of 8 people in the current program, he will eventually divide up the money by scores. From the beginning to the end, they are 1200, 1000, 800, 600, 500, 400, 300, 200.

However, there is a pre-condition for getting the corresponding money, which is to donate 1% of the total bonus in personal name for charity.

PS: Don't worry, the content of charity will not be too much, just to make the character (Mu Xiaoxiao) more three-dimensional. The plot that is also derived from charity may be related to an important plot when the twins grow up.

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