Private Technology

: 1,102 for the rest of my life

"Shuangxing, what's going on with that drug? Have you investigated it clearly?" Guanming had no mood to send Liu Mengmeng. After the study door was closed, Guan Ming's face sank.

The binary star is very intelligent, but perhaps the binary star itself is an auxiliary tool that learns based on Guan Ming's needs. Therefore, the physical knowledge system and calculation volume of the binary star are much higher than those of biochemistry. .

Perhaps the country has invested heavily in domestic biochemical research and allocated a lot of calculations, but some things can't satisfy all just by looking at the calculations.

Subjective initiative is a very dazzling attitude. In the same high school, some people can be admitted to Peking University, and some people can only go to Peking University Jade Bird.

"Through experimental comparison, Miss Er's drug should indirectly control estrogen based on regulating endocrine." Silence replied for a second.

"Endocrine?" Guan Ming froze for a moment.

Endocrine is a very large word, and it is another important functional mediating system besides the nervous system.

When Guan Ming first developed the human brain chip, he thought about looking for a way to control the body outside the nervous system. He considered endocrine, but gave up after looking at the data.

Without him, too complicated.

The endocrine system can be divided into two categories, one is endocrine organs, such as pituitary, pineal gland, thyroid, etc., and the other is endocrine cell clusters, such as pancreatic islets in the pancreas, interstitial cells in Gao Wan, etc. And many endocrine synthesis is not synthesized in the same tissue or organ.

For example, the somatostatin that people pay attention to is synthesized by tissues or organs such as the lower brain mound, islets, and gastrointestinal tract. It is a bit like modern industrial production. A market-oriented finished product requires n processes.

In any case, this is not the reason for the double star slack.

"Why do you say it now? Don't you monitor it all the time?" Guan Ming got up and paced in the room with his hands behind him, somewhat annoying.

It does not mean that this drug is out of control of Guan Ming because it is too good, let alone that the tooth is reborn, or that you do not care if you regenerate Guan Ming.

Guan Ming cares about the attitude of Double Star!

The intelligence of Double Star is more and more similar to human beings. Guan Ming, the creator, had imagined that Double Star would be fully anthropomorphic in 50 or 100 years, but from this point of view, this time will be greatly shortened.

Guan Ming has the authority to counter double stars, and can order the double stars to format and cannot resist, but the problem is that he does not want to destroy what the double stars show.

Regardless of the perceptual things, Guan Ming can withstand the consequences of formatting every five years. It may be a slowdown in scientific research, a delay in the space program, etc. These are all ok, no problem.

But the question is how to deal with the data within five years?

Guan Ming also hopes that in the future, when he is aging, he can upload his memory to the double star, whether it is replacing the double star or purely deducing the memory, Guan Ming feels that this is a wealth left to the steward.

Guan Ming could n’t go beyond the restriction of the double star after he was seventy or eighty, because when he was really that age, if there was a problem with the double star, it meant that he did not have a second chance to modify the mistake, and what would happen in the future. No one can be sure.

It is said that when they are young, they come out, because young people have the capital for failure.

Are the capital parents? Are they siblings?

No, this capital is time. Use time to exchange for social experience, and then use social experience to find a point in the society that suits you, so that you can embed it in this society, and create a shelter for the wife, children, and parents. .

It's not because you don't have social experience when you are old, but you are not allowed to take risks.

"It has been reviewed before, but due to Miss Er and the boss, I don't think Miss Er currently shows offensiveness, especially the research and development object of the drug itself is the boss lady. A more superior and unconstrained research environment can develop faster Developed a superior product. According to my follow-up of the project team, the effects of the drug in different age groups on the body are different. Since the experiment was all female, the data shows that the best is 16 to 24 years old. I'm 26 years old ... "

Double Star does not justify, but returns the data honestly.

The holographic projection on the desk suddenly projected a few charts, which listed the amount of medications, food content and final results of women of different ages.

It may be because the tooth rebirth was more characteristic in the past, and the binary star specially called out experimental data on the tooth.

"Regeneration of teeth involves the absorption of calcium. The older the age, the weaker the ability to absorb calcium. With the same dose and food, the elderly will obviously have teething later than the young people. Even when the total amount of calcium is the same, Older people are teething later than younger people. "

"Females of different ages have different levels of estrogen and collagen. Through experimental comparisons, young people are much better than older people even if the drugs and nutrients are absorbed in equal amounts."

"At present, the experiment is only in the first phase, and Miss Er has not yet carried out tests on different doses of different ages."

Guan Ming went to the desk and looked at a chart, sometimes waving his hand to turn the page.

It can be seen that these things are not limited to a single endocrine, because from the experimental results, women in their 20s who have made rapid advances are also excited and insomnia after taking medicine, not to mention those who have gray hair and black teeth and have reborn Yes.

But Mu Xiaoxiao is 26 this year ...

Guan Ming didn't want Mu Xiaoxiao to be seventy or eighty with a face and figure in his twenties or even ten years. To be honest, by then, Guan Ming might need a crutch, and it would be pretty useless.

And Guan Ming also knew that this was just his own wishful thinking. He knew that if Mu Xiaoxiao was made aware of the drug, she would probably take it out of her mind.

It ’s not that she loves beauty, because she is 'Mrs. Guan', a 'Mrs. Guan' that must be the perfect image in her heart!

"Boss, actually Miss Er ..." The words weren't finished, and the door was pushed open a gap. Mu Xiaoxiao came in with a probe.

Double Star did not continue to talk, but chose to pretend to die.

"My husband, what are you doing? Hurry up and eat ~ ~ It's over six o'clock." Seeing Guan Ming standing at his desk with his back to himself looking at the data she couldn't understand.

Jumping in, a tiger leaped on Guan Ming's back, and his two long legs were wrapped around Guan Ming's waist like a snake.

Although Guan Ming has a little physical scum, but for this tonnage, as long as it is not malicious, this collision is not a big problem, and he does not even need to hold the table to maintain stability, or he cannot avoid leaning forward to buffer.

"Look at something, you eat it first." No need to look back, the apple muscle can feel a heat, the other's long hair lingering around the ear, itching.

Holding her **** with both hands, Guan Ming's mouth pulled out a smile that was not too happy, although this smile Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't see.

"No, no, what to do if you are tired, go out to eat together ~" Mu Xiaoxiao twisted her body hard around Guan Ming's neck, just like a small child, she started to play various sounds.

"Oh, obediently, I'm a bit busy, and I'll play with you again." She patted her buttocks, Guan Ming comforted softly.

"Then ... then I will accompany you, and then you will have supper with me at night!" Duoting, Mu Xiaoxiao said unwillingly, subconsciously that he should not disturb Guan Ming's work.

"Xing Xing Xing, can I go out for dinner now?" Guan Ming laughed at her, but what came out of her heart was more moved, and she couldn't help thinking of her last life and her life.

When she was in poverty, she kept on.

She was careful when she was rich.

Guan Ming can't conquer the world. For him, his greatest glory is this woman, loving him as much as loving her.

Snow is you, bland is you.

Poverty is you, Ronghua is you.

The gentle heart is you.

Your eyes are where you are ...

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