Private Technology

: 1,109, thinking for others

"You actually drink too much, how could my husband be so wasteful!" While rewarding Guan Ming with a knee pillow, Mu Xiaoxiao thought brokenly, and his little hand kept pressing Guan Ming gently on his temple.

I had a drink with the bosses at noon. As a result, I didn't drink for a long time, and my body didn't slow down.

Fortunately, he was drinking good wine at the time, otherwise Guan Ming could explode his head at the moment.

"Low point, low point, too high!" Scratching the mattress sheet is a gesture. Guan Ming is too lazy to talk even now, like a sleepy sleep.

I don't know what Moutai, this staying power is too fierce.

After eating half of lunch, Guan Ming drank and rested. To be honest, it was a shame!

"Yes, yes, low, low? Don't you drink water?" Kneeling turned into sitting with legs stretched out, placing Guan Ming's head of at least two pounds on his thigh, and Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming's head.

I don't know if it is an illusion. From the front, the face of the previous Chinese character seems to be rounded up.

Years may not just be a pig-knife, but also a file, and people with corners and corners have simply filed the corners and become social people.

"Don't drink, I'll just lie down." There was no desire to retaliate, and now Guan Ming belongs to the one who just drank.

No one asked Guan Ming what to drink, and of course no one would stop Guan Ming from drinking.

"Let's lie down then." Both palms clasped on Guan Ming's eyelids, so that the sun would not pierce his eyes.

It's a pity that he didn't move him just for the sake of convenience. As a result, Mu Xiaoxiao was sitting with his legs stretched out, but there was no support behind him.

As soon as he fell asleep in the setting sun, Guan Ming opened his eyes comfortably, only to find that his wife-in-law's chest seemed a little bigger.

"You ... are you stunned?" Mu Xiaoxiao, who stood up, Guan Ming yawned, watching Mu Luoxiao, who was sitting on the bed like another Luo Guo, asked.

"It's not you, hey ~ I have no support this afternoon, I'm exhausted ~" For a while, Mu Xiaoxiao, like an old lady, moved slowly to the bed, couldn't help mourning and squinting. .

"You are mentally retarded and won't put me on the pillow." Crying and smiling Guan Ming pushed forward and started massaging his wife's waist.

I haven't learned serious massage techniques, after all, unscrupulous massage techniques are not used on the waist.

"You big pig hoof, am I not afraid to wake you up!" Mu Xiaoxiao turned her head to look at Guan Ming with an expression of indignation;

"... You ask Shuangxing to bring the robot back as a backrest, or even lie down flat. The bed is not nowhere, you guys, I really don't know what to order," Guan Ming smiled and shook his head, but in his heart he said How much is still a little touched.

After all, if the two are out of place, Guan Ming may at most stay by her and watch her fall asleep. This kind of action of pressing the thigh for a long time without support behind him may not be able to do it in this life.

"This ... I forgot ..." Mu Xiaoxiao smiled weakly, and probably now she is aware of her "stupidity".

"Did you have dinner?" Looking at the table on the nightstand, it was almost seven o'clock late.

"Not yet. My mother took a look. Are you hungry?" Mu Xiaoxiao hummed and put her face on the mattress.

"You take it easy, and then go to eat together." Guan Ming didn't think of anything else, pressed her waist with one hand, and scratched her temple with one hand.

Maybe it's too old. After waking up, my head is uncomfortable.

"By the way, I watched the news in the afternoon. The second-generation holographic projection was mixed at night. How do you say?" Hands were stacked, then his face was pressed on the back of his hand. Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the tube with this slightly awkward movement. Bright.

She usually lays on her side, besides pillowing on Guan Ming's big chest, because she thinks her face will be enlarged.

"Miscellaneous reputation? No, the product should be very good." Guan Ming jokingly said.

Guanming's remarks abroad do not care at all, and domestically, it is estimated that no one is right.

"I went out and watched it. Foreign countries say you want to block the entire personal computer industry. Many listed computer companies have fallen miserably. In China, I have deliberately watched it. Lenovo fell so fast that he doubted his life. Smashing people's rice bowls, the domestic is stronger, the words are not fierce, and at the same time deleting posts is faster, the foreign ones are miserable. behavior.

In front of Guan Ming, pretending to be tender may be her talent.

"This is the era. Our generation is still stronger. Although there are frequent job changes, but I can find a job anyway. I heard my dad said that in that era, if there was a business failure, it would be laid-off and unemployed. In fact, Many self-employed bosses or whatever are laid-off workers of that era. "

Guan Ming had thought about the negative impact of this leap-forward technology on society, but the problem was that he would always do it if he didn't do it.

It could be ten, twenty years, or three or fifty years.

Guan Ming has no way to become Renminbi, and there is no way for everyone to like it. All he can do is do some persuasive work beforehand, and at the same time tell people some ways.

"Okay, I'm fine here, let's go to eat ~ I haven't seen the children in the afternoon, I blame you for this asshole!" Climbed up and patted Guan Ming's belly, and then crawled to the ground, obviously Pippi sequelae.

I didn't chase her out like I did before, but suddenly I found that if she had more in her life, I would probably never be bored.

"La la la, la la la, la la la ~~" Guan Mengxi was there for a long time, when Guan Ming's head stretched out, he found that this little man was holding his cheeks with his hands, shaking his head and tail, watching Guan Meng in the stroller shaking You, Guan Mengyou, stretched out his hand in the air and didn't know what to grab ~ ~ Wake up, let's eat quickly. "After seeing Guan Ming, Guan Ma urged.

"Woo ~" Guan Ming answered, then scratched his buttocks and walked to the restaurant.

The villa was designed by Guan Ming himself. He did n’t have much experience at first. Now it looks a bit unreasonable. From Guan Ming ’s perspective, he can see the stroller in the hall.

Suddenly found that her eldest daughter actually pressed her buttocks and pressed her hands on the stroller, which was very awkward. After all, the stroller was not warped, indicating that her strength had been adjusted.

"Well, stupid, do you say our girl, isn't your son too sticky?" Guan Ming shaved a couple of meters and couldn't help but say.

Fearing that his wife-in-law was thinking too much, she also deliberately used the pronoun ‘stupid’.

"Jumbo, which girl are you talking about?" He couldn't raise his eyes and couldn't keep his eyes open.

The main reason is that there is a large pot of crabs on the dining table. Whether it is during pregnancy or breastfeeding, the crabs are not suitable for her. In order to prevent the roundworms from being hooked, she bowed her head all the way.

"Of course it's the boss, and the kid is too lazy to die every day." For Guan Mengyu, Guan Ming always kept his own crude words.

"It's better to be older. When your son is seven or eight years old, he's not only your big girl, but maybe you're bothered." Mu Xiaoxiao said indifferently.

"It seems that you have experience. Didn't you suffer a lot ~" Guan Ming laughed at it with a smile.

Raised his head, tusks his teeth at Guan Ming, and then continued to eat meat.

However, don't slow down a bit just now.

However, the reduction in movement was so small that Guan Ming did not notice it.

Is it really too sticky?

Mu Xiaoxiao sighed in his heart, and flashed various pictures in his mind.

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