Private Technology

: 1,111 Pros and cons of telomere length on cells

"Good boss." Double Star listed the usual habits and hobbies.

Without experiencing Guan Ming's university life, Double Star could not judge Guan Ming's reading habits, but could only rank them roughly according to importance.


"Shin's" The Beauty Researcher ", are you afraid that you haven't endured the socialist iron fist!" Looking at the **** on the screen, Guan Ming couldn't help voicing.

This wave of operations by Nishino Xiang is very skinny. This year's scandal of academic counterfeiting is very famous. As a result, you remake the film so quickly.

But think about it, there seems to be no problem. Looking ahead, the earliest online payment is probably the h website in Europe and America. Before Guan Ming, it was these h companies that promoted ar.

Sometimes we have to admit that human desire is one of the important driving forces for human progress.

The research direction of Xiaobao Fang Qingzi is unified in the field of stem cells, and more scientifically speaking, it is 'stimulating tactile multifunctional acquisition cells', referred to as stap cells, which are known as new universal cells.

However, at present, this female scientist has a cool posture, and her mentor seems to be late, and from the current data, this female science home is actually called 'Mrs. Island Country Curie', also I don't know if Madame Curie knows if she will tar her face.

Of course, Guan Ming didn't look at this for gossip, and it's not unreasonable for Shuangxing to rank this first.

Although he is not good at biochemistry, he still knows that stem cells have a great effect on beauty, organ transplantation and biorepair. Of course, they also have a good effect on diseases, such as stem cells for waist treatment.

"This thing is useful for Xiao Yu's scientific research?" Guan Ming wasn't sure what an academic counterfeit thing would do, was it to make Guan Mengyu take it as a warning?

Do n’t be kidding, let alone the awards, Guan Mengyu can't even mix the three works of the dissertation. Secondly, it is difficult for an academically costly thing to start.

"Ms. Er talked to the boss about telomeres last time. She once said that she can return to old age, but it is a certain eventuality. Short telomeres are aging, and telomere length is young. There must be a limit between telomere length. After that, you may return to old age, and you also have a high probability of death. "

"Xiaobao Fang Qingzi's academics do have the possibility of fraud, but through this paragraph, it can be extended whether telomeres can be extended to increase chromosome instability, resulting in cell damage and death."

Speaking, a few words were highlighted on the projected paper.

The reason why the field of stem cells is concerned is that stem cells can use telomerase to reshape telomeres to maintain self-renewal and multi-directional differentiation. Therefore, it is not surprising that telomeres and telomerase appear in the paper.

After looking at these words, Guan Ming pondered for a moment, and it seemed to make some sense. If you think down the double star, you can probably understand that the gene collapsed and the cell died.

"What do you think of this part of light rain?" Guan Ming asked for a moment.

Guan Mengyu's research in biochemistry is very deep, and Guan Ming doesn't think she will not notice this.

"Ms. Er usually does not show it, but it is likely that it is a cell with different functions. The threshold of telomere length is different, and it is difficult to be accurate for each function if the drug is acting. Presumably Ms. Er should want to find a relatively average For the safest experiment, the main thing is to pursue stability. "Double Star also doesn't think Guan Mengyu didn't notice this one, because like Guan Ming, he also thinks that someone can control the length of telomeres with drugs. It's impossible to not even see this.

Thinking of the little girl who was still looking for the highest change in telomere cancer, Guan Ming could not help but blew her nose and said, "When Xiaoyu returns at noon, remember to call her."

When it comes to his daughter-in-law, Guan Ming is better.

"Okay, boss." Shuangxing shut up and said nothing.

Continue to look at other papers. According to the papers collected by Double Star, the number of chemical directions is the largest, followed by physics, and then biology.

In terms of content, except Guan Ming can understand, the rest are incomprehensible, but there are quite a lot of interesting things in physics, such as 4 quark matter.

Two or three quarks usually appear together. Last year, a particle with four quarks was smashed. This made scientists in the physical world a big force, and then a series of 4 quark particles appeared.

Perhaps the biggest role of 4 quark particles is to prove the existence of strange state matter in the universe. To elaborate, Guan Ming is also geometrically aggressive.

Although English adds new words every year to ensure that it can keep pace with the times, this does not delay Guan Ming's reading and reading quality. It can be solved in a few single contexts. It is not as troublesome as imagined, of course. Not as simple as Chinese.

There are only 10,000 Chinese characters and hundreds of thousands of English words, so there is a reason for not learning English well!


After three knocks, the door paused for about two seconds and the door was pushed open.

Wearing denim shorts with straps, Guan Mengyu walked in with dead fish eyes, standing in front of the desk and watching Guan Ming, without speaking, the door closed automatically behind her.

I didn't expect this little person to respect himself, even if the other party really inherited his very precious heirloom DNA.

"I saw an interesting paper today. Come over and look at her." She waved at her, Guan Ming manipulated it, and picked out those few guesses about telomeres.

Of course, Nishino Shou must not let her see it, lest this belly-in-law find her mother to sue.

Last time, I just talked about Guan Meng Xiyu's question. Then the idiot can jump up and control Guan Ming's head. If the defendant is black, the idiot might be able to make tube two into a pencil lead!

"You actually read biological papers." A little ironically, Guan Mengyu walked around the desk, climbed to the chair beside Guan Ming, and looked up at the paper.

The excerpt is not much, it can be read in less than a minute, and the content is more about the effect of telomere length on cells.

"Hmm ... is there the full text?" He felt his chin slick and thought for a moment, Guan Mengyu asked.

"The whole paper is boring, it's a fake paper, but this idea looks very interesting, at least it looks very reliable." Shrugging, Guan Ming did not hide his thoughts.

"Fake papers can actually come out, which third-rate university newspaper?" Guan Mengyu's poisonous tongue is becoming more and more powerful.

"It's" Nature ", but this is a big problem ~ ~ The academic fraud on the island country side, I guess this author will play a diarrhea if he can't do it well." Having said that, Guan Ming Still transferred out the paper.

"There are good and bad ones over there, but if you can go to" Nature ", it may not be an artificial fake, but a nest of fakes together." Guan Mengyu criticized mercilessly.

"Who knows, let's just take it seriously. Do you think that too long telomeres can cause chromosomal instability?" Guan Ming didn't care about the fate of the researcher who was not a beauty, he paid more attention to Guan Mengyu's experiment.

If conditions permit, he doesn't mind letting the women in the relatives stand in front of Guan Ming with a young attitude. He would rather manage the mother to look younger and healthier than him, rather than to let the mother grow old.

Although it would make Guan Ming awkward to call a woman who looks younger than herself, after all, she is not a mother, and Guan Ming can bear it.

"I have considered things in this area before, but some things are still unreasonable, after all, returning to the old age and returning to the old age ..." After saying so, Guan Mengyu stopped and did not continue to talk, but quickly browsed the fake papers.

I didn't notice what she said at the end, Guan Ming only thought that this was a mumble during scientific research. There was also a small habit of Guan Ming. In addition to facilitating the recording of Double Star, he was more focused.

"Why, come out and have a meal ~" Mu Xiaoxiao didn't knock on the door, and shoved his head through the crack of the door, saying.

"Yes, it's noon ..." Guan Ming patted his head.

But isn't it, Guan Mengyu has ended the morning class sadly. She naturally needs to have lunch, then hug her sister with gratitude, and finally happily accept the afternoon class!

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