Private Technology

: 1,113 Lunar Experiments

"The command post, command post, and here is the lunar mining base. At present I have officially entered, and the test bodies 1 and 2 performed well."

"Lieutenant Colonel Cui, this is the command post. Please check the integrity of the equipment immediately. If there are no problems, please start building the hydroponic plant warehouse immediately."


In a large scientific research institute in the Imperial Capital, a middle-aged man wearing a space suit was constantly checking the integrity of the equipment on a large projection composed of 4 holographic projections, and a giant appeared in the room.

As Guan Ming thinks, lunar mining is only one part of the earth-moon transport, and space experiments are indispensable for people on Earth.

While learning that there are extraterrestrial civilizations, the giants are also constantly adding plans for outer space travel.

During the second earth-moon transport, the country stuffed an astronaut, a male, a female, and two white mice. In addition to observing the impact of the surface of the space on the human body, the main purpose of the transport was to build a space for human activities, and The effects of outer space on the fetus (rat). & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

The universe is full of various rays. If humans want to set foot in outer space, the first thing to consider is the harmfulness of cosmic rays to the human body. Considering the years and decades of space journeys, sexual impulses and newborns are absolutely necessary for humans. considerate.

The former may be controlled by drugs or even psychological enlightenment, but the words of the latter are definitely an unavoidable topic.

The reason why the country wants to open second births is because the number of newborns is decreasing, and it is because the aging is increasing.

In today's society, even if there is no war, many countries will face the decline of their populations and even face the danger of annihilation.

Not to mention, look at the old neighbouring island nations. The newborns are only in their early teens. This is the annual birth rate, and it is still decreasing year by year.

A bit crooked, using two healthy mice to conceive naturally in space, and then give birth to a fetus. Use this to study the impact of outer space on the fetus and how good it is. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

In the future, the project team is likely to transport a few pairs of white mice to allow their offspring to cross breed. Finally, look at the differences between space mice and earth mice that have been completely cultivated in space, including differences in behavior and genes. This is to deduce the direction of future genetic changes for astronauts.

"The second batch of supplies must be delivered in a timely manner. It is necessary to ensure his food and clothing. If there is a problem, he must report it in time. If there are technical difficulties, contact Guan Ming." When talking about the first half, The giant looked at a middle-aged man in military uniform. When it came to the second half, the giant looked at the old man in a white coat.

"Isn't Guan Ming only good at the physical direction? Is this genetics a bit reluctant?" Although it is possible to have today's experiments, Professor Wang will thank Guan Ming in the end, but the majors are different, and everyone will be barely together. And more is speechless. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

What can Einstein talk about when he meets Bethune? Is it because the other party has worked in China that he reached out to let him look at the waist, or because he is a western doctor, so take a picture to see the spine.

"Reluctantly? Not at all, Guan Ming belongs to toothpaste. You squeeze it a little, he makes a little, he is not as simple as you think." The giant said with a smile, meanwhile, he recalled the human experiment volunteers Their performance.

What an amazing medicine, even teeth can be reborn!

If you didn't look at the information, the giants would almost forget Guan Ming, but someone who has developed a type 1 diabetes drug!

Say what biochemistry is not good, isn't it good! This is very good!

The most frightening thing is whether this drug under development can prolong life. If it can, it will have a great impact on the entire world. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Guan Ming, who was far away in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, didn't think too much. Although he couldn't say he had enough, he felt that as long as he died before his children and daughter-in-law.

Looking at the news that Shuangxing had just passed, Guan Ming thought for a moment and said, "Unless there are special circumstances, please don't tell me about this kind of thing, lest I say something later."

After all, Guan Ming is not a professional actor and has not studied psychology. If there is any sign of the giants, it will be a tragedy.

"Good boss." A projection in a space suit disappeared instantly, and the double star responded.

Speaking of which, the scientific research plans of the two mice seem to go hand in hand with Guan Mengyu, or ...

Don't tell her, if she has the ability in the future, she will be notified naturally, Guan Ming thinks he can't afford to tell her in advance.

If you ca n’t even achieve that, marry an honest person! & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Guan Ming continues to write his thesis ...

Recently, the Moon 6 mission has been launched worldwide, with fast performance in the United States, Russia and other countries. Nasa has announced that it will restart the moon landing program at the end of this year. The intention of this moon landing is to establish a semi-permanent moon experimental station. Explore in the universe.

There is no mention of helium 3 and other lunar mineral deposits, but those with a head can understand that if you can return to the sea, the lunar soil will be a little bit more.

Earth and moon rockets fly back and forth. Empty warehouses are the least cost-effective. Even taxis know that they will not be empty when they come back, let alone rockets.

"It feels like the country is making a mistake, and finally managed to reach the international leading level in the space sector ~ ~ As a result, we have to go for a deal. This time, the technology trade went out, but it also lost its leadership. "

"There must be other reasons in the middle that we do n’t know. Besides, there are hundreds of billions of dollars in this wave of transactions, which is not a loss. Besides, our country ’s technology will be updated very quickly. Maybe the transaction is still out What about second-rate technology? "

"Wu Mao upstairs, is it interesting to forcibly wash the floor? If you lose, you lose, and you care about first-rate or second-rate."

"If the moon is semi-permanent, it should be very troublesome. Before that, the country fired a lot of rockets for that mining point, but why do our country call the mining point and foreign countries call the experimental station? Maybe I know something. Insider? "

Seeing Ms. Sister calling herself and Guan Mengyu taking off her electronic glasses, she wondered if she would let the cheap dad pick up something and see if there was any chance to get more space data.

For example, it is very interesting to think about leaking the mouse directly to the surface of the moon for ten seconds and then taking it back to analyze the genetic composition.

If the picture of Meiman's intermediate heroes really appears, it is estimated that this world will be very interesting.

"Sister, sister, hurry up and help my butt!" Putting his hands on the crotch of the teacher, Guan Mengxi turned to greet her sister.

"Come ~" Get up weakly, Guan Mengyu always thinks that the reason why her younger sister is so hard to learn Latin dance is probably to envy the other person's figure and work hard in this area.

Regarding the figure and appearance, this young lady and sister always have honey juice confidence and honey juice expectation.

Even Guan Mengyu couldn't figure out why the younger sister had paid attention to this so early. She obviously wanted to play with her older sister when she was as big as her.

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