Private Technology

: One hundred and twenty-five further use plans for human brain chips

Guan Ming said a few words of modesty, and then the chief giant asked Guan Ming volunteers how the human experiments were.

Thinking about it, Guan Ming said very cautiously: "Although I personally hope to do volunteer human experiments, there are too many uncertainties in it. If I knew the danger before, I think I would have a period of human body. No one dares to do experiments. "

Guan Ming's second-phase human experiment is imperative. If the internal and external environmental experiments are correct, then it must be implemented on the human body.

If the internal and external environment is wrong, it will still be implemented on the human body.

Guan Ming said this just to make himself more harmless, after all, he was really harmless.

"Human experiments, it's really troublesome ..." There were only tadpoles in the office, and the chief giant seemed to have a headache as he pinched his forehead as if removing the camouflage.

"If you use animals carrying human brain chips for experiments, can you avoid direct human experiments?" Thinking about it, the chief giant asked.

Lying down, still this kind of operation?

Guan Ming was shocked, and it was very embarrassing.

An animal with a human brain chip can understand the meaning of humans. If it is newly installed, the animal's mind is 'pure', which can remove concepts such as 'death' and can also accurately and quickly feed back to Manage various messages.

But the problem is, Guan Ming really wants human experiments.

When it ’s time to get animals, when can it be human!

Guan Ming now wants to show a smile that says "Boss is really powerful", but the smile on Guan Ming's face at the moment gives the chief giant a sense of "awkward crying, but trying to smile". It's funny.

"Don't worry about human experiments. We still pay more attention to this kind of things involving human life, and you are there. I believe the experiment will be fast." Seeing Guan Ming's expression, the total giant understood several layers of meanings. At least this assumption is operational.

"Actually, I'm not that powerful. I have only studied this thing for many years before I studied it." The smile on Guan Ming's face gradually disappeared, and he finally said with some discouragement.

"Guan Ming, also said that you don't like biochemistry?" The general giant laughed at Guan Ming, and then chatted a few words, comforting Guan Ming.

Guan Ming's father and daughter spent the ball in the office of the giant giant for half an hour before they kicked off. After all, the giant giant was delayed for one afternoon.

In the villa, on the sand, both Guan Ming's father and daughter Ge You were paralyzed on the sand without saying a word.

"唉 ~" Guan Ming couldn't help sighing, so sad, obviously he has achieved this level, and the result is that the general giant who doesn't understand technology is backhanded, so uncomfortable!

As for why those scientists didn't mention it in the afternoon, the main reason is that the level of confidentiality of the human brain chip is very high. At least some of those scientists are not clear about this thing.

"You say you, you have nothing to do with any human brain chip. What happened is this, I see how you deal with my mother, ha ha ha ~" Staring at the dead fish, Guan Ming's sigh seemed to light up Guan Mengyu's Tucao heart.

"I didn't expect the general giants to play this way, which is very embarrassing." I was too lazy to get angry with her, and Guan Ming was resentful.

Opened her mouth and closed her mouth again, thinking that tonight she was the only one in the house. It was not good for Guan Mengyu to force Guan Ming so that he would not be beaten.

After thinking about it, Guan Mengyu said, "What shall we do after that? If it is a human experiment, shall we do it secretly?"

"... Are you an anti-human wild scientist in your last life? Obviously you will monitor it, right, do you want to be exalted by the people of the country and the world? Wait, I remember you said before that you had an enemy. Great enemies, shouldn't you have done any anti-human experiments. "Guan Ming looked at Xiaobu awkwardly.

Unexpectedly, I didn't expect, I thought that if Guan Ming was afraid of the sky and the air, how could you give birth to such a small thing that you are not afraid of the sky and the earth.

If it hadn't been known that you were a traveler, I would tie you backhand and send you home, let your mother ... No, let your younger sister keep you guarded.

Your mother can't give it to you. You can't give it to you in this life. That's your father and me.

"Take a fart high, counsel, you are really counseling!" Put a lip, Guan Mengyu avoided the weight and despised the wave lightly.

Sure enough, Guan Ming raised his palms, signalling that the other party was only one step away from being beaten.

"Forget it, I don't want to, I'll go back to sleep first." Guan Mengyu greeted, a small round cake with a fence came out of the corner of the living room, this thing is a small anti-gravity aircraft.

Stand up, Guan Mengyu drifted towards the second floor.

There is no such thing at home, mainly because Mu Xiaoxiao is afraid to play flowers. This skin can be played with Guan Mengxi, it is really cracking!

Seeing that the girls were all gone, Guan Ming was too lazy to think about the other, patted his belly, Guan Ming slowly went upstairs, and after a network communication with his fool, he also slept sleepily.

However, Guan Ming's sleep does not mean that time has stopped. Tonight, there are too many sleepless people.

First of all, in Shanghai, all the family members who participated in the first phase of the human experiment were sifted again to ensure that the hair and dander of all human experiment volunteers were collected, so as not to be obtained by foreign forces and reversely cracked.

On the Imperial Capital side, first, the scientists picked up the night battles and started various filings to determine the content of the first two sets of experiments. Some higher-level scientists proposed to use the "military dogs" instead of humans for the third set of experiments. Of course, the so-called The "Military Dog" is just a dog with a human brain chip installed.

The general giant has a web conference with other giants to report the content of the meeting this afternoon, and start discussions and division of labor.

Did anyone know if Guan Ming was sleeping well this night ~ ~ Guan Ming would sleep very comfortably.

It ’s uncomfortable. When people get back to their thirties, the feeling of occasionally not sleeping with their daughter-in-law is like a high school student taking a vacation, and it ’s like a half-week vacation, so happy!

But to think about it, there must be some clever words, "I'm really not used to it without you." Looking at the cluttered, stupid idiot in the first half, Guan Ming pretended to be a resentment, and looked dissatisfied.

"Well, you know me now ~" Sitting cross-legged on the bed, proud of Xiaoxiao, at least she knew that her husband hadn't tilted his head to find a dog to play mini-games.

"Speaking of which you left early this time, I remember that there seems to be something remotely kissed now, and I would have brought it with you if I knew it." It may be that Guan Ming may often be away from home in the future. Out.


Is the current technology so advanced, and the remote kiss thing, is it possible to develop a remote ...

After much thought, Guan Ming scratched his belly and changed the subject bluntly, saying, "Where are the sons and daughters, are they all right?"

"It's still early, they're still sleeping, u ~ u ~ u ~ Spiral take off and control Xiaoming!" Mu Xiaoxiao is a woman with her own bgm. She may be rich and experienced, rich in milk, The white liquid penetrated Guan Ming's staggered face.

Is it that I am usually too lazy, or is it that you Mu Xiaoxiao is drifting again? This kind of remote provocative operation, have you thought about it all night!

For a moment, Guan Ming didn't know what expression to use to deal with the scene at the moment.

It may be that he is a bit skinny now. Through the network communication, Mu Xiaoxiao came up and sent a chrysanthemum kiss.

Just nothing real ...

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