Private Technology

: 1,127 Brainstorming

Throughout breakfast, Guan Ming's father and daughter talked about the world, didn't talk about heavy topics, and didn't talk deeply about the drugs. After all, Guan Ming was really not good at drugs.

At eight thirty in the morning, the doorbell rang on time.

Zhongnanhai has a dedicated human brain chip user as a senior service staff, which is mainly used to collect feedback and contact for those who have enough levels.

After all, in the eyes of many people, artificial intelligence is far less flexible than human brain chip users, even if the former is difficult to make mistakes.

Mr. Guan, Mrs. Er, today the meeting was held at the Institute of Oncology. The journey is a bit long. It may take about half an hour to drive. The car started smoothly, said the service staff who acted as a driver.

An unmanned driving system with a dual-star monitoring car theoretically does not require people to drive, but the significance of this service person is not just driving.

That troubles you. Looking at the eyes in the rearview mirror, Guan Ming nodded with a smile.

This is all I should do. With the approval of Guan Ming, the waiter nodded a little excitedly.

There was an outsider, and the father and daughter didn't talk too much. Ma laid the chair back down, and began to close his eyes, especially Guan Ming.

When people reach the age, they need to take good care of them, and returning to the cage does not hurt the body.

Alas, the car was at the place, and the service staff gently awakened Guan Ming.

With seven points of sleepiness and three points of pressure, Guan Ming got out of the car and looked around. The current location looks like it is not a suburb. It is a bit like a police station police station urban management team.

There is a row of cars on the parking lot, there is a doorman, and the small building is not high, that is, the fourth or fifth floor. It is not sure whether there is an elevator.

Haha, welcome Mr. Guan to the Institute of Oncology. After seeing Guan Ming get out of the car, a white-haired old man walked over with a smile.

Ah, I've been over and over and I can't talk about it. For a moment, I was a little stunned, but I felt that the old man was familiar and was one of the participants yesterday.

Why is it a tumor instead of a stem cell? Guan Ming said he didn't know, anyway, it wasn't Zhongnanhai.

Come in, the emperor in June is hotter and hotter than the Shanghai market. The old man first bent over and pinched Guan Mengyu's head, then sideways motioned for Guan Ming to enter together.

The Shanghai market is already in the rainy day. Occasionally, it will be interesting to travel, but it will actually be troublesome if you live for a long time. Listen to my daughter-in-law, when their home arrives in the rainy day, they even use a fan to blow the quilt. Guan Ming was somewhat online at this time. If I remember correctly, the old man should be 'Wei' or 'Wei'.

Every place has the beauty of every place. It may be that Guan Ming summarized himself as a Southerner in this conversation, and the old man had no choice but to speak down.

It only appeared after entering the door. This small building still has an elevator. At the security check, it looks more formal, but no one came to do security check for Guan Ming, because Guan Ming's status and security are much more important than this study. By.

However, the tumor research institute seems to be a signboard of a hospital. In theory, it should be a hospital. Guan Ming muttered in his heart.

In my last life, Guanming was concerned about grandma cancer, so Guanming also paid attention to domestic high-end cancer hospitals. Even her sister-in-law was preparing to raise funds for the old lady to go abroad for treatment, but unfortunately the old lady did not read the book, but Facing life and death calmly but far away those who are full of economy.

Today's meeting has far fewer participants than yesterday. The person on the official site seems to have only the deputy minister in charge of the unit attending. At the same time, the old people in the liberal arts also did not attend. It may be that the ethical requirements of animal experiments are relatively low. After all, even mice have inbred lines, and even the price is more than double that of kmirr mice in closed groups. You can't rule out inbred lines in any animal experiment. Money is not a big wind. Scraped.

Time is tight, we haven't had time to summarize our ideas. Each of the three projects has to say something, seek common ground while shelving differences, and try to make the experiment more complete. As for me, I'll just throw the bricks and claws. If there is something wrong, I hope everyone can correct it.

After saying a few words of shame to the old man, we took the initiative to direct the topic to animal experiments.

The first experimental project was internal cause, yesterday Mr. Guan mentioned the far and near completeness of the gene and

In Balaparadi, Guan Ming's expression was serious, and he nodded from time to time, looking like he agreed, but in fact Guan Ming's eyes were dull.

Who am I, where am I, and what am I going to do?

I have heard a little bit about gene mutation, and I know a little bit about gene mutation, but are these two things the same thing?

The 'Wei' old man explained for ten minutes, extending from the experimental guiding ideology (internal cause proposed by Guan Ming) to the experimental purpose, and then the specific experimental content, including how to introduce genes in the external environment is not extreme enough, or under normal circumstances mutation.

It is assumed that the drug has a manifestation of a malignant direction. If the malignant expression is induced in the experiment, it means that the drug does have this risk, if not, the opposite is true.

The content of the director is very detailed. I have a bit of immature thoughts. I hope everyone can give pointers. It is mainly on drug targeting. Since it is an animal experiment, I think it can add a targeted non-stem cell telomerase activation content. Simply deactivate a certain cell type and see how the response will be. The human body has a total of 22o cell types. Even if it is trial and error, I think it is necessary to try it and find a limit value. Mr. Technical Support. A slightly younger middle-aged man, at the end, smiled and nodded at Guan Ming.

Er, this is not a big problem ~ ~ But different types of cells need to be re-tested and matched with drugs, so it may be delayed in time, and it is best to prepare the cell types that need to be activated in advance. With the corresponding information, that's even better. According to this book, Guan Ming said the content of Guan Mengyu.

No problem at all. The smile on the face turned out to be self-conscious, and the middle-aged people were very happy that their opinions were adopted.

You need to know that although this experiment will not be made public, the problem is that there is everything in the process experience. When he is busy with this drug, his technology will definitely increase. After that, whether it is a dissertation or the position of deputy director of the institute. Go, this is a rare opportunity!

For the mouse, I suggest to make more batches according to the standard, such as the same age / different age, same gender / different, same species / different, closed group / inbred line, etc.

During the experiment, I personally think that using

Walking around one by one, in addition to Guan Ming and Guan Mengyu sitting next to her, all the scientists present went around and continuously expanded the previous large framework.

After walking down a circle, the content of the internal cause experiment was basically set.

Then came the external cause experiment. Like Guan Ming's high temperature, high pressure, low temperature and low pressure, many environments were not only reached in an instant, but to be maintained throughout the experimental process.

For example, in a 38 ° environment, in addition to the normal needle, the mouse needs to be thrown into the environment at this temperature after being exposed to see how it behaves.

If it is a benign exhibition, it is likely to be hair removal, but not all hair removal is beneficial, and the specific situation will have to wait until the result of a physical examination.

: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish you all a happy family!

If you are outside, do n’t call your family ~

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