Private Technology

: 1,134 Penalties for stealing a stalk?

There are a lot of things to do, but most of them need to be considered, and a considerable part of them are non-scientific research directions, which is a bit of a pain for Guan Ming.

It's not that research will be simpler, but that interest will be the driving force, and things will be faster and better.

"Eh ~ I have realized what it means to be a father like a mountain after I have a child ~" Mu Xiaoxiao lay resentfully lying beside Guan Ming.

In the dark night, I will give you a Guanming: black face question mark.JPG.

"I'm not, I don't have it, it's impossible!" Guan Ming decisively denied the triple combo.

Your sister, although you are younger than Lao Tzu and often call Lao Tzu a dad, this does not mean that Lao Tzu will really start with his own children.

With that said, won't your conscience hurt?

"Cut ~ I'm immovable like a mountain, the child is completely my belt." Skipped his mouth, probably understanding Guan Ming's meaning, Mu Xiaoxiao's expression was full of disdain.

Your uncle!

Guan Ming grinds his teeth, and when my second brother's CD is finished, I will let you experience the fear that I dominate!

Seeing Guan Ming's silence, Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help looking up, holding Guan Ming's big face with both hands, and said, "At this time, you should continue to say 'Since I married you, I know what a good wife is'" what."

"Is the salty fish wife?" Rolling his eyes, Guan Ming held her both hands.

"Hahaha, I'm not, I don't have it, it's impossible, how could I be so salty ~ I'm a wife who doesn't do anything at home ~" Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help laughing.

Guan Ming felt that he was getting old, and now he couldn't catch the popular stalk.

Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, your daughter does n’t support returning goods. I ’m afraid she ’s really married with a mental retardation. She ’s not just scolding me, she scolds herself. I ’m so scared ...

"Husband and husband, look, Xiao Xi's going to the third crew soon, and Xiao Yu's side has started a large-scale experimental project. From the perspective of IQ, I think they can participate in the college entrance examination." Mu Xiaoxiao didn't care about Guan Ming's expression, and said to himself.

"Then? What do you want to say?" With Guan Ming's IQ, I can't understand the stupid thinking mode for the time being.

"How about letting them take the college entrance examination? Although Xiao Xi and Xiao Yu have you and Teacher Oda teaching me assured, but I think that even if they can't reach outsiders in junior high school, they must be contacted in college." With the palms retracted, Mu Xiaoxiao's head arched and rested on Guan Ming's biceps.

"The Ministry of Education seems to have rules for jumping grades. It shouldn't be random." Guan Ming thought for a while and said.

Grade jumps in Guan Ming's impressions are legendary urban talks, which are rarely seen in life. It is probably that Guan Ming's primary education is really ordinary, and it is so ordinary that he cannot see genius.

"It shouldn't be difficult, after all, the two kids are going to an experimental school ... and if they are done, Xiaoyou will be more convenient in the future." Mu Xiaoxiao scratched her head and looked blank, obviously, she just wanted to think As soon as it came out, it had never been checked before.

When Guan Ming heard it, he understood that it was his son who was thinking about it.

What a pitiful lady ...

"... I'll ask you back, the problem should be small." Guan Ming doesn't think Guan Mengyu will like this life now, maybe she will go to college more happily, after all, after graduating from college, she will be eligible for economics Independence.

"Hey, hey." Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and shrank.

The child's affairs did not linger too much in Guan Ming's mind. At this point in time, the college entrance examination passed long ago.

Regardless of what the Ministry of Education said in the end, the college entrance examination is definitely a necessary process. After all, the college entrance examination is the only fair competition in the country. Even if it is Guan Ming, it is impossible for children to go directly to school.

If you don't want your child to be criticized in the future, serious study is the best way. At least the IQ of the twins is not bad.

Needless to say that the second child, the boss must be a school of academies, the performance requirements will not be so high.

"Mr. Guan, these are 300 rabbits, male and female, and the mice are easy to transfer. I'm afraid you don't have enough space here, so we will ship them when we are about to experiment." The report is delivered to Guan Ming.

The animals required for the experiments were collected by the scientists, and the orders were turned over, and the animal suppliers were arranged to supply them. After that, the scientists checked the goods and shipped them to Guan Ming. Finally, Guan Ming paid.

The process is a bit complicated, but the advantage is that Guan Ming is only responsible for receiving and paying. Other processes do not need to be handled. After all, different experimental content has different requirements for animals.

In addition to the first generation of animals, drug experiments also need to consider whether such changes will be inherited, whether there will be mutations in heredity, and dominant and recessive genes.

"Okay, I'm sorry to trouble you, but I need to run one more time." In the result report, Guan Ming nodded at the other party.

Ming Ming just introduced the name, but Guan Ming turned his head and forgot, just remembering that the other party was one of the scientists' assistants, postdoctoral.

I do n’t know if it ’s because of the number of years old, or to say that “do not forget” requires some subjective will and concentration.

It is more likely that this ‘forgetting it’ has a price. Under the premise of no further deterioration, Guan Ming does not want to study anything. Maybe this is the price of the ‘God’ that lets him pass through.

Obviously researched and developed methods for eternal life of this kind of spiritual body, but still research the eternal life of the body. This may be the punishment of Guan Ming's stealing the magic handle.

"Where is this? This is what I should do. Do I need to prepare manpower to take care of the animals? If necessary, I can draw a team here." Facing Guan Ming, the desire for this postdoctoral conversation was stronger.

There are no post-doctoral degrees in normal degrees, and they are all college students, masters, and doctorates. The latter two are collectively referred to as postgraduates ~ ~ The so-called postdoctoral degree is a work experience after obtaining a doctorate degree.

"This is not necessary. I have a robot here, and it is not troublesome to take care of it." Seeing the green light flashing on the robot's head, Guan Ming waved his hand, the metal doors behind him opened, and trucks drove in.

When the underground building was expanded last time, a second exit was arranged. It can go directly to the ground without going through Guanming Company. The shape is a bit like a safe house, and the parts protruding from the ground are covered with soil and grass. If you look around, it's the kind of a small mountain bag.

Not far from the metal gate is a dormitory attached to the school. At first, this dormitory was used as a dormitory for brain chip scientists and volunteers. Today, it is vacated again and will become a temporary residence for drug experimental scientists.

"Well then, I will go over to the dormitory for a while. If there is any request from President Guan, you can contact me. Before everyone is in Zhizhi, let me take the lead and look at the situation." This postdoc Although the expression is modest, the words are not modest.

After all, a person in his early 30s can be one of the important leaders of a large project. It is understandable that he is not humble. People who can reach this stage are not even 40 years old. Obviously, his business level is definitely No problem.

"Then you are busy. There are a lot of things on my side during this time. I will deal with the projects on the artificial island as soon as possible, and then I will focus on the energy afterwards."

"Okay, then I'm busy." With regret on his face, the postdoc could hear Guan Ming's refusal.

Chinese characters are vast and profound, and some words need not be straightforward, a little bit, even Guan Ming can understand the other party's implicit meaning.

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