Private Technology

: One hundred and thirty-six

"It's good for you to directly find the superior leader. If the problem is not serious, they will definitely give me a face. If there is a cause, they will definitely give us an explanation." After hearing Ma Qingyun's report in the lobby of his home, Guan Ming shook his head.

It's not disappointment at her performance, after all, it's about her eldest daughter and the other party doesn't have a human brain chip installed, and many things are only a little understood.

But how to say, compared to the same period, her ability to do things is much worse than Meng Liting.

Since Meng Liting took control of Xiaoyu Pharmaceutical, she has not had any troubles or reported any troubles, but she has made periodic reports to let Guan Ming know the latest situation of Xiaoyu Pharmaceutical.

But no one is perfect, Meng Liting and Ma Qingyun's early experiences are different, especially the latter, who was promoted from the bodyguard to the general manager, so Guan Ming will still give her a lot of opportunities.

After all, for Guan Ming, trust is stronger than ability, and he is willing to spend some energy and money to pay for this mistake.

"Good boss, then ... I'll go to Emperor Capital this week and try to get things done sooner." Hesitantly, Ma Qingyun said, in fact, she wanted to ask her baby if she would join Guan Mengxi as a good sister in the entertainment industry. , But now she is not sure if the baby doll Guan Ming said before is a joke or something.

The stars and the giants seem to be paired, but some giants disagree, and Ma Qingyun has no clear judgment on this.

"You can watch it, but I'm not optimistic about this, so don't be too strong when looking for a superior leader." If Guan Ming remembers correctly, the "Langyao List" in his last life was a hit in June this year and in the first half of next year It was the premiere in September of 15 years. Without considering the later stage, the window was completely empty for a year. Is there a little story in the middle that no one can tell.

The reason why Guan Ming is so clear is that Guan Ming in his previous life preferred to make a girl, but unfortunately fortunately, that girl ended up chatting with him, and then Guan Ming had a chance to meet Mu Xiaoxiao. .

"Oh, I see." Nodded, Ma Qingyun knew how much he was going to do. In summary, it was just two words: Suiyuan.

Let go above, everyone is happy, it does n’t matter if you do n’t let go, just know a reason, do n’t force it.

"If you go this time ... forget it, let's do it first." Hesitating, Guan Ming didn't let Ma Qingyun ask about jumping.

Guan Ming has not been in contact with the Ministry of Education before. Let Ma Qingyun ask it. It seems that Guan Ming is a bit entrusted. Guan Ming went in person. The Ministry of Education has not yet been able to give an immediate answer. Go to Didu to find the giants in person, or go to the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

The leapfrog report is a technical job, and Guan Ming can't play at all, so he thinks it is more reliable to find a Shanghai boss.

After the formal chat ended, Mu Xiaoxiao, who was sitting side by side, took Ma Qingyun to go to the bedroom to talk about girlfriends. Mu Xiaoxiao, a small circle of friends, had adapted to this life, and she also cherished her friends who had shrunk to such a friend. Circled.

"What are you doing here?" After Guan Guan, daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law's original bodyguard greeted him, he saw Guan Ming sitting on the sofa and asked casually.

"Nothing, you finished the game?" He looked up and found it was Guan Daddy, Guan Ming smiled, and did not explain the idea of ​​a super solid that is both solid and liquid. He would not tell Guan Daddy the scope of this thing, after all, he also Can't understand.

Well, these are all bullshit, Guan Ming wondered if he would bring Mu Xiaoxiao to visit the Shanghai big brothers. After all, it involves children. If he brings his wife, he may perform better.

"Nothing to play, the games your mom picked are alas, alas ..." The old man looked a little disgusted.

When Guan Dian looked like this, Guan Ming couldn't help laughing.

In order to prevent the old man from gambling, the management mother prohibits all chess and card games, and also prohibits the double star to help recharge, which means that if the old man wants to recharge, he can only manually recharge again and again, the current maximum recharge of the game seems to be only 698 RMB Each recharge also requires various verifications.

Not to mention the game, the old man just recharges it as a game to play, and it ’s no more than 100,000 or hundreds of thousands of daily consumption.

"By the way, do you think your granddaughters can go to college now?" Such things as going to college must be discussed with his family.

I was preparing to ask Guan Ming's role-playing game that the nanny was easy to operate or the mage was easy to operate. As a result, Guan Ming's words suddenly forced him to ask.

"... how old are they this year? 6 or 7?" The old man asked with uncertainty.

"June 08 ... was born on the 9th, and it was 6 years old just a few days ago. Now he is 7 years old," Guan Ming recalled, saying.

The steward usually talks about virtual age, and the age is only in a very serious situation. It is now the end of June 2014. The lunar calendar has not yet reached June, but in the virtual age, the steward starts with New Year's Day in general.

"No, they are so young, can they go to college?" The old man still had an unbelievable expression, because his son rarely fooled himself in such things. In other words, although the son was consulting himself, it is estimated that There is a high probability that it will become a reality.

"I think it ’s okay. Both of them have basic knowledge. Xiao Xi may be a little weaker, but she has to go to art school. From the perspective of the amount of knowledge, I do n’t think the problem is big. Xiao. "Speaking of it, naturally prepared.

In fact, the only thing that prevents Guan Ming from entering the twins is to worry about the big girl, while others may bring a little girl, after all, other people don't know the actual situation of Guan Mengyu.

"But it's too young. I can't take care of myself. Most college students are only children. What if they are bullied?" The old man didn't refute for no reason, but wanted to put facts and reason.

There is a certificate of residence registration, Guan Ming is already the head of the family, the management father needs to give the account registration a face.

"Don't worry about this, since they are going to college, the next thing must be dealt with." Guan Ming shook his head and said, this is why Ming Ming only asked the college entrance examination, but he needed Guan Ming to go out in person.

According to Guan Ming's vision, after going to college, the twins can refer to the original Mu Xiaoxiao and come back once a week. At the usual stage of school, someone must watch.

Find the right person to apply for, and see if there are any talents of the right age, such as female brain chip soldiers of the right age, or retired, or what kind, and then arrange to go to school to take care of the twins' food, clothing, transportation, and safety, and do it in the name of classmates .

In addition, including the choice of school, the choice of dormitory, the choice of instructor, etc., there are too many things that need to be checked up and down. Remote control is likely to cause some distortion. When Guan Ming comes forward, he also hopes that he can directly inquire and cause Enough pressure to ensure that the instructions are not deformed.

After opening his mouth, Guan Daddy seemed to realize how stupid his problem was just now. After all, the family's money has been able to smooth out most of the trouble. After half a ring ~ ~ the old man shook his head with a smile and said: " Six-year-old, seven-year-old next year, alas, the old housekeeper really smokes. "

He got up and carried his hands. The man who wanted to go down for a lap decided to go back to the house and play the game.

As for what it means to go to college at the age of seven, the old man thinks that in this strange world, the game can bring him a touch of familiarity and warmth.

The output is still okay. Be a nanny, oh no, it ’s the daddy. It ’s okay. When the son is stung, he can play the game to get back blood, so he wo n’t be mad.

"What's wrong with your dad?" The stewardess who wore an apron and just came out of the kitchen only saw the vicissitudes of Guan Daddy's vicissitudes. There was a feeling of "heroic twilight", the last time I saw this back It seems that his son did not let him send him to college.

"It's nothing, he ... he just took an orange back to the house." Guan Ming shrugged. He didn't want to explain anything to the old lady. The old lady was more trouble than the old man.

As for the matter of emitting green smoke, it should refer to Guan Ming's rebirth. As for Guan Mengyu, it is not yet clear whether it is green smoke or wolf smoke.

And Guan Mengxi even Guan Mengyou's words, Guan Ming could not judge for a while.

If possible, Guan Ming hopes that everyone is good.

"Hey! This old man can play flowers every day!" Guanma is very trendy, not only knows the orange stalk, but also the real scent, she thinks it is the old man who can't keep it up, so she comes down. So laughed and cursed.

After asking where Mu Xiaoxiao was, the old lady went to the kitchen to make juice again.

ps: I was stupid and found out that there was no update last night. What a pity!

Even 4 more, although the total number of words more than tens of thousands, but still sorry ...

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