Private Technology

: 1,138 double-labeled dog tubes

Without waiting for the feedback from the Shanghai gangster on skipping the grade, the research team arrived first. In early July, it had already moved to the school's prepared dormitory.

"It's hard, I didn't expect you to come so early." In the temporary dormitory of Director Wei, he reached out and shook hands with Director Wei, Guan Ming smiled and nodded.

Although Guan Ming himself did not pick up the plane, in order to show the importance of the selfless dedication of these scientific researchers, Guan Ming deliberately let two private jets pick up the people, and even equipped two groups of chefs to prepare them for lunch.

Of course, in addition to this, Guan Ming will also give them compensation in a timely manner by way of subsidies, reflecting his emphasis on intellectuals.

And there are many types of allowances, such as the appropriate high-temperature allowances, even if the Shanghai Stock Market is still in the rainy days.

"Should, Mr. Guan has time in the afternoon? May wish to take us to the laboratory." Looking at his watch, Director Wei hoped to see the workplace as soon as possible, as far as baggage is concerned, it is already in the house anyway. Just clean up at night.

The school's dormitory building is relatively luxurious, and many of them have a one-bedroom, one-living, one-bathroom structure. Although they cannot compare to the hotel's presidential suite, they are much better than ordinary school dormitories. After all, this dormitory was built The time was for the original scientists to have a place to stay. Although the middle became a student accommodation for the university, it did not affect the meaning of the building itself.

"That's OK, let's go to Professor Liu and go with them?" The professor named by Guan Ming also indicated that he only invited those who knew the human brain chip to go with him.

"Okay, let's go together." Director Wei also understands people, and went to find someone with Guan Ming.

Although there are many researchers who want to meet with the big guys, it is clear that it is not suitable now.

A metal gate less than a hundred meters away from the dormitory opened, and a business suv-shaped driverless car drove smoothly into the ground.

In the channel, various probes and indicators continue to operate, from infrared to load-bearing to radio waves, to quickly detect people and electronic equipment in the channel.

Fortunately, Double Star did not detect anything, otherwise Guan Ming had to scratch his head.

"Everyone is here a little early. The wounds of the mice that have just been installed with human brain chips have not completely healed. The third animal experiment needs to wait for a while, or use the rabbits to do the experiments." Did not bring these The old men went to see what new equipment, Guan Ming took them to a room of more than one hundred square meters, and the room was sitting, nesting, or running, all rabbits and mice.

The rabbits and mice here are not housed in cages, but are housed in the room. There are no wood chips caused by molars, and no odor.

Bent over, Guan Ming's hands spread out, a rabbit at his feet ran to his side and stunned, three or two mice fluttered in Guan Ming's palm, as if Guan Ming wanted to hold them.

"The wound healed very quickly. It should be fully healed within a week." A professor named Ma bent over, picked up a little white rat that was not afraid of people, and pulled it on the back of his head. Line, granulation tissue produced during wound healing.

The scar is so small and difficult to distinguish. In addition to the superb technique of double star surgery, it is more dependent on some drugs, such as military-grade hemostatic spray.

"Well, it was intentionally adjusted during the previous surgery, so as long as it is not specifically observed, there is basically no incision in the back of the brain. At the same time, in the later experiments, it will be monitored by Double Star, which will block all data about the human brain chip. Hardware, so you do n’t have to worry about it. Later, I will let Double Star work with you. ”He straightened up, Guan Ming said.

A metal ball with a big fist descended over the room, and the whole body was flashing red and green signal lights, making it impossible to distinguish the front and back. The mechanized sound of the double star came from the metal ball: "Hello everyone, I am an artificial intelligence double star. In the future, I will assist you in your scientific research work. In daily life, I can also provide some help without consuming the area of ​​future technology. "

"I've heard that Mr. Guan has his own artificial intelligence, and I didn't expect to meet in this way."

"Maglev? No, it should be an anti-gravity device. It can actually be reduced to this extent, it is ..."

Different research directions, these life sciences scientists are curious about the existence of artificial intelligence double stars, especially the artificial intelligence that can communicate freely, it has also inspired the curiosity of these scientists, all of them are like curious babies I ca n’t wait to see why 100,000 are brought up to test the wisdom of Double Star.

Director Wei pulled Guan Guanming's sleeve and motioned him to speak.

"This is Director Wei?" The room door was closed. Although the glass room did not affect everyone's vision, hearing was completely blocked. There was a feeling of moving from the downtown to the mountains instantly.

"Speaking of experiments or things in front of rabbits and mice, will it cause trouble? I have seen some animals with human brain chips. Their performances are ... very human, and they are also repulsive to some things. Director Wei had his back to the glass room, for fear that these small animals could read the lips.

"Don't worry about this. Although these rabbits and mice seem to be physically mature, they are mentally sane. What do you say ..." Scratching his neck, Guan Ming groaned a bit and said, "The current batch of animals , In a short period of time will not have a common sense judgment on what we consider to be common sense, even because of the implanted content ~ ~ they will have a kind of **** feedback to the experiment. The meaning of sacrificing one, happiness, but over time, this group of animals may also produce some unique ideas, such as who I am, etc. So when you do the experiment, I hope you can communicate with everyone in advance Let's talk, don't do unethical experiments on the premise of bad thinking, lest this group of animals will have opposing feelings early. "

"Although it can be expected that these animals will suffer various injuries and even death during the course of the experiment, I think they are worth cherishing. In some ways, they can be considered human or half-human."

Guan Ming is a standard double-label dog. When conditions permit, he never hesitates to stand on the moral high ground to comment on the behavior of others. As for himself, let's wash and sleep.

In fact, Double Star has the ability to delete information, but the coverage of this ability is not complete, it can only affect thoughts or simply delete memories.

When a person ’s mind and body are unified, even if the mind is stripped off, the body still retains some special memories, as if the old driver had amnesia, but when the old driver saw the magic number 1024, he also Will produce inexplicable feelings in my heart, after all, 1024m = 1g, large volume, large capacity!

"Well, I will say this when I go back to the meeting. You don't have to worry about this part." Nodding, Director Wei promised immediately.

The leader of the scientific research team formed this time is Director Wei. He believes that as long as the meeting emphasizes this matter, there should be no heads to the other side.

Those who can participate in this experiment need to sign a confidentiality agreement in addition to the political review, and it is self-evident.

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