Private Technology

: One hundred and forty-six pipes

"... This year marks the 25th anniversary of the founding of APEC, and 25 years of APEC ..." At the venue, the general giant presided over the opening meeting.

Although Guan Ming didn't understand it well, it sounded very interesting.

Sitting in a relatively forward position, Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the chief giant seriously, and beside him were a bunch of big bosses.

When the old Samsung man greeted Guan Ming, Guan Ming was thinking about the suicide of Princess Samsung.

When Zuckerberg talked with Guan Ming about the Internet, Guan Ming was thinking about the impact of election advertising on the big data analysis.

When Cook and Guan Ming talked about the possibility of mobile phone projection, Guan Ming thought of the legendary Steve Jobs.

It's very interesting. Obviously, he is a person in the circle, but more often, Guan Ming shows a state of freedom. It's not like standing on a high place to overlook the world. It's more a perspective inside and outside the wall.

The leaders spoke one by one, and it was their turn to Austria and Hei, and he expressed the hope that Sino-US exchanges could be further advanced. After consultation, the validity of the student visa was extended to 5 years and business tourism was extended to 10 years.

At the same time, Austrian and Black also said that China and the United States have deep friendship, and win-win cooperation is something that both countries are willing to see, and they will also face in the future.

Although Okuai spoke in English, everyone in the venue had electronic glasses, as stupid as Mu Xiaoxiao, and could ‘listen’ to understand what Okuai was talking about.

"Husband, do you want to study abroad after Xiaoyu? If you have a visa for five years, you don't think it's a big problem to read a doctorate."

Stupid, forgot the time when you almost got burned?

"Even if she doesn't read a PhD, she is the smartest. Besides, if you have to read, isn't it the same in China?" Even Guan Ming has to admit that having two lifetime memories is a very horrible thing. Do not admit that Meng Yu's cleverness.

People are sophisticated, ghosts and old spirits.

Guan Ming's life is just an ordinary grass-roots researcher. In this life, he can achieve this level. Even uncommunicative, he can judge things by words, not to mention that he has experienced a richer and more scientist Guan Mengyu.

"But ... Xiao Yu is stronger than me. I'm an undergraduate, so she can't just be an undergraduate ..." A row of subtitles crossed, and there were several unseen symbols at the end.

Grasp her flirty fist on her lap, Guan Ming said comfortably, "I'm better than her, my education is not as good as yours, so I feel better."

"Sounds good, why do you always say I'm stupid?"

The yellow-faced expression at the end reminded Guan Ming of her occasional ecstasy and joy. Although she didn't know where she started, her mood should be better again.

"I'm afraid to say that you are a genius, but you think I am scolding you ~" Guan Ming teased, after all, this product is not really stupid. If she is often said to be a genius, she may be depressed.

"Suck, annoying you !!!"

Ming Huangxiao's three big exclamation marks seemed to be roaring, but now, she just scratched Guan Ming's thigh with her nails as a resistance.

A pair of authority dogs humbly humbled below. On the stage, leaders of various countries spoke one by one, looking forward and summing up.

When the dogs stopped talking, the morning trip was over, or the applause at the opening ceremony interrupted the close interaction between the dogs.

Lunch was eaten here, Guan Ming did not go home alone to eat.

"Meet again, I'm sorry I didn't see you last time." Shake hands and said O'Hare.

Guan Ming politely waited for the small translator to translate the Chinese into English, and replied in Chinese: "I'm sorry, I have few things that I am good at, and not many things that interest me, so ..."

Smiled and shrugged, didn't keep talking.

In fact, the so-called "last time" refers to a series of technical transactions such as ground and moon transportation. Except for Mu Xiaoxiao, everyone else on the scene knows it well.

The reason why Guan Ming didn't go last time, in addition to Guan Ming's own wishes, mainly helped him to stop.

Although Guan Ming lived for two lives, Dou Xinyan really could not fight these people, and he was banned if he was not allowed. At the time, the leaders of other countries involved in the transaction knew that a considerable part of these technologies came from Guan Ming .

"Mrs. Guan is still so beautiful. The two trillion yuan in charitable donations, even in China, has caused a lot of discussions. In addition to having a good heart, she also has great courage. "Did not talk deeply, O'Hai turned to look at Mu Xiaoxiao and said.

"Thank you for the compliment." Mu Xiaoxiao had a reserved but polite smile on his face, holding Guan Ming's arm, and nodding with a smile.

The audience may be Mu Xiaoxiao alone holding his husband's arm, perhaps to declare sovereignty, or to show attitude.

The time is short, and soon, everyone will go to the designated table according to the instructions of the service staff ~ ~ The lunch feels very ordinary, it may be that the taste has been cultivated. The topic of science and technology, from time to time to Mu Xiaoxiao pinch dishes.

In the afternoon, the big brothers still speak. Guan Ming's speech time is scheduled to the last time, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, as the only non-political officer of the day, he has 15 minutes to recite the speech.

"... Efficient and fast Internet access across countries will greatly improve people's quality of life and increase the width of people's access to information. Among them, Internet security is the top priority. Currently ..."

"... Unifying transportation technology regulations and standards is one of the focus of people's attention in the future. Convenient, safe, efficient and effective driverless cars should be the first choice of people today."

"... cooperative activities, in space ..."

For the 15-minute manuscript, Guan Ming took five days to change the manuscript seven times before he got it.

At the summit, in fact, the content of the negotiations was settled a few days ago. After everyone had negotiated well, they met and announced it.

Guan Ming's manuscripts are also constantly revised according to the content of the negotiations. What's more, we can't sell our products too self-consciously.

After speaking, Guan Ming greeted the big names in Shanghai and took Mu Xiaoxiao to leave early.

Although it looks very impolite, according to the itinerary, Guan Ming's only task today is these 15 minutes. Besides, his speech itself is the last process, and everyone will leave after speaking.

It's just that many people here want to talk to Guan Ming, whether it is the ground-moon transportation at the national level, or the highly compelling artificial island project.

However, it is a pity that, compared to running road, tube running out of the road so far has not been afraid of anyone.

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