Private Technology

: 121 Layer 2: The Internet of Things

"In full takeover ..." Double Star's tone was still so dry.

About three or four seconds later, Shuangxing continued to say, "It has fully taken over, and debugging time is needed. May I ask you to debug now?"

The purpose of debugging is mainly to see if there is no place that cannot be controlled or not controlled.

"Wait a minute, first connect me with the small speakers in the whole building, I will talk to them first." Guan Ming is not ready to debug at night, because even at night, the company has people, after all, the security is good.

"Good boss, officially turn on the small horn in the whole building in three seconds."

I do n’t need a double star to count down. On the display in front of Guan Ming, a countdown display suddenly appears. When Guan Ming noticed, he had reached ‘2’.

"Hey, hey, I'm Guan Ming. Now everyone puts down their work, don't enter the elevator, stay away from all electronic products, stand against the wall, and maintain a clear view. I designed a voice assistant to assist some functions of the building. The test is currently being prepared. If there is any sudden situation, don't worry, I will give you a minute of preparation time. "The broadcast of the whole building has no plan at all, and it comes with Guan Ming's temperament.

Suddenly, the company's employees heard Guan Ming use this method to give orders. Firstly, he responded, and then he stood stumblingly.

Although everyone was surprised, when I think of holographic projection, when I think of the building where I am now, it seems to be slightly acceptable.

Guan Ming rarely surfs the Internet and rarely reads newspapers, but this does not mean that employees rarely read newspapers online. Both online and in newspapers and magazines boast that Guan Ming has become the world's top inventor and scientist today. At present, Guan Ming is indeed the world's top level.

The elevator was not controlled by anyone, but suddenly moved up and down, and even stopped between the two floors.

The electronic door suddenly opened and closed without any warning, especially for the above-ground buildings. The glass walls on each floor have controllable electronic doors. If the doors are opened and closed suddenly, the hot summer wind blows the coolness inside the building.

About five minutes or so, there is no problem in the double star's reflection, everything is controllable.

"Okay, now everyone works normally." Guan Ming interrupted the connection to the building speaker after issuing this command.

"At present, the elevator can be controlled, the electronic door can be controlled, the building speakers, cameras and ..." After seeing Guan Ming disconnected, Double Star began to report carefully.

There are many, but few, controllable parts. Some circuits buried in the building before, etc., are for the control of Double Star today, but the original plan was still somewhat conservative. Although there are many controllable parts, they are only relatively speaking. .

For example, many doors are ordinary doors without circuit control. This part of the double star cannot be controlled, and there are no electric tables and chairs with built-in Bluetooth, etc., so they cannot be controlled.

But Guan Ming said that he saw some shadows in the era of full intelligence, more specifically, the 'Internet of Things'.

The Internet of Things can be simply understood as: the Internet connected to things.

概念 This concept was proposed around 2000, but the earliest applications should be more forward. At least in a book by Gates, I saw some information about the Internet of Things.

The Internet of Things is the second layer of defense that Guan Ming puts on for the double star. The first layer is a voice assistant. At the same time, Guan Ming is planning to design a identifiable and positionable ID card with wheat gram in this way. Let employees enjoy the convenience brought by the double star. The shape and style of the identity card does not matter. It may be a button or something else.

Although Double Star does not need this way to control, even he can automatically assign different permissions to everyone who enters the building according to Guan Ming's understanding, but Guan Ming needs a clearer view of him and Double Star from the outside. understanding.

Subsequently, Guan Ming issued a series of tasks, including the ongoing supervision of the building, including the continued analysis of the photon computer, including a limited degree of automatic online data collection and so on.

Uh ...

刚 As soon as the elevator opened the door, Guan Ming was blocked by Liu Mengmeng.

"What's wrong?" Guan Ming asked casually as he stepped out of the elevator.

Just now in the elevator, Double Star already told Guan Ming that Liu Mengmeng was at the door of the elevator. According to Double Star ’s judgment on human behavior, there is a high chance that he will wait for Guan Ming, not the elevator.

Not just Liu Mengmeng, all employees of the company have electronic versions of the information. Double Star can determine the name, age, and gender of each employee, and match the appearance with this information.

老板 "Boss, what else have you come up with?" Liu Mengmeng followed, tickling. Although she had no concept of the Internet of Things, he saw the shadows of some sci-fi movies in just a few minutes.

Sci-fi movies really guide the development of human science and technology to a certain extent. Cordless phones, IPAD, and so on. Before the introduction of real objects, there were some directors' fantasies about this part.

"A voice assistant can help users use the building more intelligently, such as this." Standing in front of his door, Guan Ming pointed his finger at the door.

There was no crackle, but the tightly closed door revealed a thin seam. The door that originally required the password was opened.

"Wow, boss, how can I do this, can I do the same." He pursed his lips, Liu Mengmeng came up and said with a flattering expression.

"Not yet. I have a recognizable and locator with an ID card, but there is only one. If you want to be like me, you have to wait." Guan Ming pushed the door into the office.

Guan Ming cannot really wait for the identity card to be ready before enjoying the convenience of Double Star. He is the boss. He can even point to the button on his body to say that this is the identity card, and from the sequence of items, the identity card is not in the first place. In a sequence, even this part can be outsourced.

All he needs is a small microphone with Bluetooth function, and he doesn't even need a microphone. He only needs a Bluetooth positioning device. He can say that he has already registered with Bluetooth for external use, etc. ~ ~ Ah, look forward to it! Liu Mengmeng's expression was distorted, his hands clenched, he couldn't see the look of expectation, but he could see the constipation.

"Okay, this part is good to find a foundry business, what else is there?" Liu Mengmeng is still organized, Guan Ming doesn't think she just came to ask something.

"Oh, don't you have a press conference tomorrow? I've done all the previous stuff. This will send you the information." Seeing Guan Ming say so, Liu Mengmeng can only hold the small idea in his heart and work priority.

PS: Thanks to Tiandao Scholars for their rewards in 2016, thank you for your support!

Yesterday, I missed a word, and yesterday ’s increase in income was half of the day before yesterday. I wanted to say that “No novel will not be an eunuch,” and I ended up typing a “No”. It seems that the content of unrelated chapters must be coded in advance. Check again ...

I will read book reviews, whether it is God Point or Creation, or 'Interactive Management' (chapter comment), but only God Point's Book Reviews can reply, because the creation is not numbered, 'Interactive Management' only sees, deletes Functions.

When I read a book review every day, it ’s like gambling. I do n’t need a mouse to use the keyboard.

Of course I also thank some friends who support me. Although many people are diving, I can see collections, clicks, recommendations, and a lot of them, so I have been persistent and working hard.

Then, for the book creators asking me how much Q is, I ca n’t tell you about this ~

Do not! I don't want to go to the little black house! Don't lock me in! I want to eat! I'm going to Longkonglang!

Wait! and many more! Who are you What are you doing!

do not! Don't cut my pants! do not!


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