Private Technology

: 123 Look at the times, change 10,000

For holographic projections and future predictions, the world's best understand is undoubtedly clear, even if the industry has previously had the concept of the Internet of Things is also inferior.

Previously, Liu Mengmeng only held the attitude of a three-day trip to the capital. Even this manuscript was only based on his recent observations and conclusions. After all, whether it was the home or the conference, Liu Mengmeng had not clearly arranged to speak. She was just preparing for this.

But the holographic projection is different. If the online game is street football, and those with healthy legs and feet can go up and down twice, then the holographic projection belongs to the derby in the Bundesliga Premier League, and the attention is obviously not on an order of magnitude.

Xun left Liu Mengmeng too short, so short that she could not form a detailed manuscript at all, but she had no choice but to turn to Guan Ming for help.

"The impact and change of holographic projection on the future is a bit big." Guan Mingwai thought about it and shook his head.

It's like when people first talked about the impact and changes of computers on the future when computers first came out, the content covered too much, and this is only in 2005, and five years and ten years later, the impact and changes will be greater than today.

"Don't introduce it, boss. You will talk to me a while. About holographic projection, you can say anything. I will turn it into a manuscript myself." Liu Mengmeng folded his hands in front of his eyes, his eyes blinked, very woman Into.

"Let's not do this, I'm still eating, so, after a while, I'll talk to you." Guan Ming looked at her speechlessly, not knowing what to say.

Suddenly feminine, the scared Guan Ming chopsticks have dropped ...

"Thank you boss!" Liu Mengmeng didn't care about being voiced by his boss. He picked up chopsticks and continued to eat.

Uh ...

"It ’s better to say static than dynamic. In my vision, dynamic projection can be regarded as a platform, and it can carry a lot of things. Scientific research, games, national defense, manufacturing, aerospace, etc., the national defense part is not discussed. Don't talk about it at the time. "In the office, on the moon, Guan Ming began to talk about his prediction of holographic projection. He would definitely not say that the holographic projection is derived from the industry, but many things are included in the general direction. Inside.

恩 "Eun, I know, I understand this." Liu Mengmeng nodded quickly and answered.

I don't care if the ghost is out of sight, although Liu Mengmeng can definitely find it, but it is not a good performance of the subordinates to trouble the superiors, but he can only seize all available time.

There is not enough time in the afternoon, this topic is a bit big, so Liu Mengmeng wanted to find time to talk with Guan Ming.

"Like the advent of computers, the computer industry was directly derived. Whether it is software or hardware, in my opinion, holographic projection can also generate an industry. Although static projection only derives the part of image processing, it actually comes to dynamic projection. The future of this industry will be immense, and in the future, any technology product will develop in a flat and portable direction. Have you ever thought about it, if people in the future carry a watch-sized holographic projection for life and work, then What kind of performance it will be. "However, this is just thinking about it. Vision is not hearing, just as some people do n’t like being heard by others, and there are many people who are not used to watching their mobile phones, even in the future. There is a watch-sized portable holographic projection, and it is not easy to capture people's time like a mobile phone.

"How is that possible, isn't the machine so ... so big ~" Liu Mengmeng was surprised, and quickly compared the size of the prototype with his hands.

"Hardware has not yet developed to a certain degree, so it will be large, just like the original electronic computer. It is larger than the current computer, but the operating speed is much worse." People value the technology that is underestimated ten years later. However, Guan Ming will not. At least the current Guan Ming will not underestimate the technology in ten years' time.

Fragmentary, Guan Ming said what he thought, anyway, in the end it was useful and useless to look at Liu Mengmeng himself, after all, there is a recording pen, time is passing by a little bit.

"Boss, the last question, I read the newspaper in the previous paragraph. It said that you divided the holographic projection into 2 stages. The first stage is static projection, and the second stage is dynamic projection. Is there really only two stages?" Liu Mengmeng Looking at the time, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and everyone should wash and sleep.

"This is really hard to say ... Well, if I divide, there are two stages, but the first stage is the embodiment of holographic projection in virtual applications, and the second stage is the mechanical embodiment of holographic projection." Subsequently, Guan Ming He spoke carefully about his knowledge of holographic projection.

有 There are dangerous industries in this world, such as fire fighting and disaster relief, such as cleaning up toxic and hazardous substances. Guan Ming still remembers the chemical explosion in Jinmen that year, and he still remembers the nuclear explosion in Japan.

If there is a controllable robot that dynamically feeds surrounding information onto the holographic projection through the camera and forms a projection, then people can operate the robot to do some dangerous work. Guan Ming feels that this is a trend after the universal application of holographic projection. It's as if the Internet has evolved into the Internet of Things little by little.

Uh ...

Lu Ning, still Lu Ning, but this time without the care of my father and mother, during the morning makeup, the atmosphere calmed down, maybe with a little embarrassment, who knows.

The building doesn't need special layout, just arrange the staff to give directions. The reporter will sometimes stop and take photos or whatever. The staff will not be blocked, but the elevator can only reach the fourth floor conference room. If you want to go to another floor halfway, then I'm sorry, I don't have enough time.

"I didn't expect Time Magazine and Reuters to come over." Sun Yanan, the watermelon head, looked at the message popping up from the computer ~ ~ with some emotion.

"Of course, you have applied for it. If you don't come, you will be joked." Liu Mengmeng looked at this relatively lightly.

"But that's Time Magazine, and Reuters, remember that when my brother died that year, Reuters also sent a message." Sun Yanan shook her head, feeling emotional.

的 The elder brother here has nothing to do with Sun Yanan, but Guo Rong.

The fall of the legendary generation, which involves a lot of things, for example because of a certain drama, such as someone ...

And when he died, "News 30" was also unprecedented, reporting for the first time an artist.

"It's a fool not to come today. I saw an acquaintance coming, you stared, remember to call when you didn't come." With that said, Liu Mengmeng got up and walked to the security checkpoint at the door.

After a comment by Guan Ming last night, Liu Mengmeng had a clearer positioning on holographic projection, and she seemed to see the birth of an alternative computer.

Today, half of the rich are in the computer industry and derivative industries. However, Liu Mengmeng seems to be standing on a **** named Times, watching his boss smash the dam a little bit, and then watching the earth-shattering water and rush out field.

Looking at the times, there are many changes.

PS: Thanks for passing away-solo dance reward, thank you for your support ~!

The typo part has been changed so far as you mentioned and I found. If you find any mistakes, please tell me, whether it is a pinned post or another post, there is no problem, I will see it, thank you Everyone ~!

There is a recommendation next week, and there are still three chapters next week. As a reader, I like the author who updates on time and on a daily basis. However, when I really start coding ... I am going to Longkonglang, do n’t stop me ~ 23333

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