Private Technology

: One hundred and twenty five

Although there are a lot of people today, and the number of people in the company may exceed 2,000, but there is no problem in the kitchen. Even if there are only seven chefs, of course, noon is in the form of a buffet, and there are even many dishes. It belongs to the amount of N individuals eat in a pot of stew.

蒙 Liu Mengmeng originally thought that the company needed to ask the chef to cook, but later the chef said that there was still a small job for washing vegetables, and of course she would not mind hiring a few more workers.

Although Guan Ming said in advance that he could choose to have lunch in the company before leaving, but many media did not care about eating, but left in a hurry to prepare the manuscripts in hand.

It is not that no one wants to ask Guan Ming for a separate interview. Guan Ming rejected most of the media and only accepted an exclusive interview with one media.

Is not Sina, but the domestic official media, the time is in the afternoon.

Of course, the interview was passed with Guan Minggou before, and it doesn't seem obtrusive.

Guan Ming has read the question draft, which lists the questions the reporter wants to ask. If Guan Ming does not like to say or is more taboo about certain questions, he can just cross them out.

Mu Xiaoxiao has a dark history of chasing stars, and once also gave Guan Ming science popular things about the stars' exclusive interviews, of course, this is all digression.

吃 I eat very slowly at lunch, because there are always reporters who are all right to come and show up. No, it should be harassed and see if you can come up with something that was not mentioned in the press conference.

Guan Guanming doesn't matter, just as a reporter asked him again about dynamic projection.

Dynamic projection is a project prepared to cooperate with the state. Of course, it is of course inconvenient to say anything outside. At the press conference, Guan Ming directly said that he would not talk about this content today.

However, this reporter asked Guan Ming if he would develop a dynamic projection. Of course Guan Ming said that he would do it. After all, as long as he is not a fool, he can step on it.

More people come from the official media. Compared to other media, the official media has six people today.

There was a TV program that said that it was not possible to conduct an exclusive interview. The kind of exclusive interview on the TV station, but Guan Ming refused, said more mistakes, now he does not want to go to the TV.

Guan Ming gave the other four hours of interview time, which is not much time, but it is definitely a lot.

The office is very large. Looking for angles, I am going to take a photo of Guan Ming. Because Guan Ming had makeup before, I do n’t need to think too much about dressing up.

The last choice was that Guan Ming supported his hands before the work, leaned forward, and had a certain sense of pressure. At the same time, a holographic projection was placed on the table. The static projection above was a rabbit, facing the camera, and the size was reduced to the size of the forearm. , Can be considered as a supplement to the picture.

The content of the interview was nothing new, from Guan Ming to holographic projection, then from holographic projection to world technology, and then back to the national level.

Even Guan Ming, a little white, can see that the other party mainly wants to focus the realization of the people in the country, and once again play the supplementary role of "News Network".

Domestic songs and dances are leveled up, and foreign fires are sky-high.

国 Cathay and Min'an in the country, hot in foreign countries.

If anyone has lost his way in life, Guan Mingzhu pushed to watch "News Broadcast", this will be filled with infinite reveries of this beautiful new century. Of course, if the data in it is compared with his own data, he may still fall into Self-doubt, such as hindering the country in some way.

The domestic media is still very kind to Guan Ming. There is no plot of X face. The four-hour interview time was quite pleasant.

Guan Ming also sent the other person downstairs, mainly because it was almost time for dinner. Even if the other party said that he would go back early and not eat here, Guan Ming also needed to come down to eat.

"Well, where did you pop out from?" Just sent the reporter out of the gate, Guan Mingzheng returned to the elevator to get to the elevator. The result was dark hair and a high ponytail. Guan Ming almost hit Liu Mengmeng with a chest. fly.

Huh ... Bang Fei is a kind of exaggerated rhetoric. In fact, with Guan Ming's physique, Liu Meng Meng can hit a few steps at most, and he may hit the ground all at once.

The distance is not close, and the steps are subconsciously stepped to the side, so that it is staggered.

Liu Mengmeng, not tall, the key is to be flattered.

"Boss, you are doing very well today." Liu Mengmeng gave a thumbs up, his expression was full of sincerity.

"Come on, let's say, what's the matter?" Regarding this red fruit slap, Guan Ming already has immune cells in his body. If Liu Mengmeng still wants to maintain the company's first fart essence, he must first improve himself and evolve.

"The company needs to sign a contract here, and I have already negotiated, including villas, Foxconn and so on. I will sort out the information and send it to you for review. Someday, if I have time, I will make an appointment and sign a contract." Liu Mengmeng Pidian Pidian followed behind Guan Ming and walked into the elevator.

She has been blocking the management, and the company's affairs have come to a cycle and nodes. The main thing is that the next step can only be performed after the contract is signed.

"Is there an electronic version? Give me the electronic version. The materials that will be given to me in the future are mainly electronic versions." Guan Ming is going to let Shuangxing read it and make judgments, and then extract important data. Just look at this part of the data ~ ~ There is an electronic version, but currently only scans "Liu Mengmeng said.

"It doesn't matter." Guan Ming didn't mind whether it was a scanned version or a text version. The important thing is that Double Star can read it.

Guan Ming finally went to the restaurant, and Liu Mengmeng went back to his office to get a contract.

Probably more than seven in the evening, the Shanghai market in the evening glow is still very bright, Liu Mengmeng knocked on the door of Guan Ming's room.

"Why are you here?" Guan Ming was a little surprised. He was pondering things over here. As a result, Shuangxing said that Liu Mengmeng had a high probability of finding him, but of course he did.

"Send the contract, now, here it is." Liu Mengmeng handed Guan Ming a U disk and said.

"Hurry tomorrow, so anxious?" Guan Ming took the U-disk, did not anxious to see, and chatted casually.

"I signed up a day earlier and started work earlier. This time can be exhausting to me." Probably after work, Liu Mengmeng was somewhat tired, his voice did not have the vitality during the day, and he was very weak.

"Just take your time, the company is not bad for this meeting." Shaking his head, Guan Ming advised him that the other party also worked for himself. Although he often used Liu Mengmeng as a man, Guan Ming had a conscience It really hurts.

"Hi ~" waved his hand, Liu Mengmeng said nothing else.

"There are more employees in the company recently, how difficult is it to pick up girls." Guan Ming felt that it was not suitable to talk about work now, and he simply laughed.

"The difficulty is so great. I wanted to recruit a bunch of beautiful little skins before and see if I could get started, but who thought that the company was so big, in case I got started and was exposed, my reputation was count It took a while ~ ”Liu Mengmeng was paralyzed on the sofa, his face tangled.

Guan Guan heard the words and gave his eyes.

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