Private Technology

: One hundred and forty-two restless world

"The second generation of steerable holographic projection, a world about to be changed!"

"When the first generation of holographic projections appeared, we were all predicting when dynamic projections will appear, and we are looking forward to, and waiting for, because we know that our world will undergo major changes due to the emergence of holographic projections, even in Before receiving the invitation from Future Technology, we were still guessing whether this time would be three years later, or five years later, but just yesterday, Guan Ming handed over a perfect answer. "

"When we thought that dynamic projection was just an upgraded version of static projection, Guan Ming threw out the concepts of temperature and pressure. Now I can even see a popular racing game, comparing our previous guesses, such as holographic projection of movies, etc. Our imagination is not even as good as Guan Ming's creativity! "

"Guan Ming, who has always been low-key, has many identities. He is a scientist, an inventor, and an entrepreneur, but he is not an American!"

"So why is our country, the only super country in the world, a country with Silicon Valley, but no one can be as beautiful as Guan Ming? Do we need to open a book or go to the cemetery to find the names "Edison? Franklin? Einstein? Bell?"

A black man bit his mouth off half of a Mexican roll, bulging in his mouth, chewing hard, but calmly looking at the newspaper in his hand, even if the content in the newspaper was attacked.

"Hey, if I were you, I would definitely not let others see this scene, because it looks a bit stupid."

当然 "Of course, but I think someone looks stupid than me." Swallowing the food, the black man shook off the newspaper in his hand, and the freshly produced newspaper made a little crisp sound.

或许 "Perhaps after the Guantanamo prison and prison abuse incident, he needs to take on an additional scientist who can't produce a great scientist. I hope that this year without" The Greatest American "is a disgusting performance last year."

"I'm talking about this newspaper." The black man waved helplessly and continued: "Are there no scientists in black people? Isn't William Lewis the right one? His Lewis turning point is very famous."

"Will this be the main point of your next campaign? Or will you write these in your book? Of course, newspapers may exclude economists from the scientific system." A white man Reached over and pulled the newspaper out of the black man.

"But economists can bring down a newspaper." Black people are not surprised, and they have not resisted, because they have seen everything.

"You mean those guys on Wall Street? Of course they don't, because they need the praise of the media." The white man looked at the picture in the newspaper, Guan Ming spread his arms, and was saying something, but this was just a static picture.

Uh ...

The whole world is insane because of Guan Ming, because people suddenly find that the whole dynamic projection system is extremely computer.

说 Like here, it doesn't mean functions or other, it refers to the scope of application, because people can find places in any industry in life that can be applied to dynamic projection, and people seem to see another computer emerging quietly.

Among them, there are business opportunities.

Uh ...

"This is the second invitation this year, not counting last year's situation." Liu Mengmeng spread his hands and looked helpless.

"However, it's useless, at least not this year." Sitting in front of the computer, Guan Ming moved his finger and said absently.

Guan Ming just saw the game resources on the Internet and just played it once after downloading. I thought I had more than ten years of memory and N years of rookie game time. I do n’t want to rule the rivers and lakes. Not to mention, he was spit out by his teammates.

All the people famer, there is no magic bottle, and even Guan Ming saw the immortal shield for the first time! So I also successfully saw a shield sword flow (Immortal + Holy Sword), who wants to throw the keyboard, and the ghost knows why the blue SK6 level ca n’t be 2 even. He did n’t even need it at the beginning. Deliberately equipped intelligence equipment can be 2 companies.

"But there have been many celebrities in that show group ... well, but you always have to tell me when you think you can go, I always have to say something." Liu Mengmeng also has a headache here because this is National TV programs and invitations more than once, Liu Mengmeng did not even mention international media such as Time Magazine because Liu Mengmeng knew Guan Ming would refuse.

"I think about it, next year, next year, next year, if there is a chance." Looking up, Guan Ming thought about a more reliable time period.

"Well, then I'll go to work first." Liu Mengmeng shook his head and then left Guan Ming's office. As for what Guan Ming was doing, she didn't know and didn't need to know, because Guan Ming was the boss.

Scratched his chin, Guan Ming considered whether to sponsor the map team, so as not to support it for a longer time, and finally handed over the map ~ ~ Well, the most important thing is Guan Ming. The shield sword flow is a bit painful, because this is no solution at all, and the hero skills, the number of hero pools, and the growth of hero attributes are also problems.

After thinking about it, Guan Ming thinks it's fine. After all, the brand dota has also passed the court's judgment. Now, if it intervenes, it does not promote dota. At present, it is also a domestic dota enlightenment period. Called the ancient series, such as Huiyue, Marlboro and so on.

Subsequently, Guan Ming once again entered 6.27, a version in which he only heard nothing.

Guan Ming of his last life was relatively monotonous in life. He didn't have a certain favorite star, and he didn't particularly like to watch movies or TV shows. Perhaps he relatively preferred the song, but every time he liked a new song, it appeared for at least one year. In terms of time and game direction, maybe dota is the only game that insists on baptism over the years. Among all the games, including online games stand-alone, and even the Red Ten Dominator Mahjong and so on.

Guan Guanming had hesitated before the release of "Magic World", whether to choose RPG online games or competitive games, because the former and the latter developed a broad market.

However, competitive games first need a relatively rich game time and game group. Guan Ming could not release a competitive game that was popular all over the world at that time. At that time, Guan Ming was just an unknown person, and his company was not Jasper. the company.

But now, Guan Ming can produce a competitive game, at least he can be famous all over the world for a short time, because he has this confidence, with the official website of the holographic projection booking, he can even carry out built-in small ads in "Magic World".

PS: Thank you for your rewards in the refining industry, thank you for your support ~~!

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