Private Technology

: 145 Tips on Drinking Water

Many things are easier said than done. Guan Ming originally wanted to find Liu Mengmeng for the first year of history textbook, but she was not in Shanghai, and Guan Ming didn't want to let this little chest know so quickly.

I was catching up with this time, and Bian Chengwen took the initiative to come to the door.

"Parents, this is Professor Bian Chengwen, the one I often tell you, this is ..." Guan Ming hesitated when introducing the person beside Bian Chengwen, because if you remember correctly, you should This is my first meeting.

"Hello, my name is Zhou Wanli, Wanli Pengcheng Wanli." The age does not look much smaller than Bian Chengwen, but the person is much thinner, but also shorter than Bian Chengwen. It may be thinner in the later period and the skin on the face Wrinkled, but also slightly downward.

"Hello, I'm Guan Ming, these two are my parents." Guan Ming went up and shook hands, came to the guest, respect the age.

"Zhou Wanli is my colleague. During this time, I will be hosting some work with me. This time I came to talk to Guan Ming about work, but I didn't expect to meet my elder brother and old sister. I'm so sorry to take it here. "Bian Chengwen smiled, shaking Guandie's hand up and down.

"Where do you say, Xiaoming mentioned you many times and said that a professor here took care of him very much, both in work and life." Guan Daddy was somewhat flattered because he knew more A little more, for example, Guan Ming once said that he became the deputy director of a certain research institute, etc. In terms of academic qualifications alone, Bian Chengwen had the highest education experience in his life.

When Guan Ming heard this, he looked at his father silently and didn't know what to say.

When Guan Ming called the old couple, he also talked about some recent interesting things, and he couldn't talk about confidentiality or confidentiality. Guan Ming didn't have such a high level of consciousness. However, Guan Ming usually spoke too lightly, Relax, let the old couple treat reality as a joke, and make fantasy but reality ...

"Haha, both of you are well educated. President Guan is a rare talent." When Bian Chengwen heard it, he also laughed, maybe it was interesting, or he wanted to eliminate the embarrassment.

"Let's talk in the study." Guan Ming noticed that his parents were somewhat restrained, so he invited Bian Chengwen to go upstairs.

"It's important to work. I'll ask his mother to send some tea to me in a while." Guan Dad also echoed.

"No, I have it on it." Guan Ming didn't want Guan Ma to serve others. Although he didn't hire a babysitter at home, Bian Chengwen didn't have the qualification to enjoy Guan Ma's tea delivery with capital.

"You child." Guan Ma patted Guan Ming's back, but did not force it.

I do n’t understand Guan Ming ’s idea, but she knows what kind of cloud mineral water is in Guan Ming ’s study. It ’s precious, but Guan Ma thinks this is pure waste.

The area of ​​the study is not large, it is more of a decoration, because for Guan Ming, all places can be working places, so that the bookshelf of the study is not full, even the first floor, and the rest are scattered and protected. Some small hardware, such as picture tubes that have not been welded.

"I'm thinking about when Professor Bian is free, and I want to visit you on purpose. I want to ask you a favor. I didn't expect Professor Bian to come earlier." Three bottles of mineral water, Guan Ming put two bottles in On the coffee table, a bottle was twisted away and started to mumble.

In fact, Guan Ming was curious in the last life. Why are there differences in prices between Evian, Master Kang, Nongfu Shanquan, etc. Is it really the advertising surcharge and freight?

Later, Guan Ming asked a friend who had a major in drainage (ji) in college, and briefly talked about common sense about water quality.

In China, there are two types of cleanest water and the best water for the body. One is well water and the other is mineral water. However, Master Kong and Nongfu Spring are neither well water nor mineral water. It seems that one is Mineral water, then one that looks like surface water, and at the same time, the least clean water is tap water.

The discipline of water supply and drainage is mainly for the purpose of recycling water treatment, including tap water delivered to millions of households, including water discharged from toilets, etc. Since that time, Guan Ming has never drunk and boiled. Of tap water.

If Guan Ming doesn't remember, Master Nongquan seems to despise Master Kong in all aspects. The most famous "we don't ... porters" seems to be because Master Kong artificially adds minerals to water, and Master Kong seems to use tap water as the source of water ...

The friend Guan Ming told Guan Ming that good mineral water has a "wall hanging" phenomenon, just like white wine hanging on the wall. The 5100 on the high-speed rail is actually a good mineral water. Of course, the friend Guan Ming also recommends Evian, and Guan Ming's choice in this life is also Evian, anyway, not bad money.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Bian Chengwen didn't care about Yiyun but not Yiyun, looked up and looked at Guan Ming.

他 In his impression, Guan Ming rarely asked him for help, and at this moment, he couldn't remember whether Guan Ming really had something to ask him for.

"That's it. Can you help me with a set of textbooks for the first year of history at Hatchery University? Can you help a second year student or a third year student ~ ~ My identity here is not very easy. I will return when the school starts. "Guan Ming sat down and immediately talked about the textbook.

"Hey, why do I still think about it, I will return to you ... OK, now I will do it for you." Bian Chengwen didn't hesitate, then took out the phone and called.

Guan Ming didn't stop, he wished that the matter could be resolved sooner, and Bian Chengwen also knew why. In his opinion, this is a good thing. Saying something is not good. With Guan Ming's current achievement, let alone ask for help, in many cases. Everyone else begged him.

There is no personal purpose in the writing of Jian Bian, but I also hope that the relationship with Guan Ming will be better. At least there are some technical difficulties in the future. Guan Ming is not very good at rejecting.

The only pity is that the girl actually went to study history, and Bian Chengwen listened to the phone prompts, and sighed in his heart. If the girl was a computer student, Bian Chengwen ensured that she could always read the doctor safely.

Jian Bianwen called and did not avoid anyone, Guan Ming knew that it was the other party who sold it to him.

Professor Ge, Guan Ming didn't know and hadn't heard of it. It was mainly because he was unfamiliar with the liberal arts department in the last life, and didn't care about this matter. .

From the beginning to the present, Zhou Wanli did not say anything except to introduce him briefly. He just looked at Guan Ming curiously, and was curious about this long-heard character.

PS: This is what my professional friends in water supply and drainage told me. I hope to help everyone. The tap water is not clean, and it is the least clean. So you should try not to drink raw water in the future. You do n’t know what my friend said to me at the time. Say, I'm very euphemistic ...

Of course, time is a long time ago, and there may be some things wrong, but I can guarantee that most of them are right.

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