Private Technology

: One hundred and fifty two different

There are a lot of people in the conference room. Guan Ming went in and saw that the average age was full of white hair. When converted into age, it is estimated that it is seventy or eighty.

I looked back at Zhou Wanli, and Guan Ming suddenly found out that it really turned out that the young man's legs and feet were worthless. Compared with the people in the room, Zhou Wanli was really young, at least he could see black hair.

"Hello everyone, I'm Guan Ming." Seeing this old lady coming to see herself, Guan Ming quickly introduced himself, somehow to ease the embarrassment, because he didn't know what to say now.

"Thank you, Guan, for always coming here in person. Our group is old and it is not convenient to go far." Afterwards, applause was thin.

并不 There are not many people in the meeting room, not only Zhou Wanli and Guan Ming, but only six, five old men and one old lady.

"Should be right, call me Mrs. Guan, I'm out of sight, just call me a small tube." A bunch of old ladies and old ladies in front of me all contribute to the country. This manager, Guan Ming, can't stand it.

Although Guan Ming was organized by the school to watch movies when he was a child, what kind of authentic warfare and mine warfare were in his eyes, these people are the warriors of the peace era and deserve admiration. After all, they have dedicated their youth and devoted their lives.

"Sit down and say, Miles should have told you before, mainly because we want to learn about your recycling of rockets."

Guan Ming froze for a while, and then came back to see who the 'Wanli' was. He glanced at the conference room seat. The side is oval and the chairs are not arranged closely. Although Guan Ming believes that he has strength and vision Looking down, these ages add up to a dozen times his old fellow, but Guan Ming still consciously sits in the last position.

Ignore Mingyuan thought that the old guys had either raised his nose and eyes, or just ignored him. He even thought that if he was aggrieved or something, he would just let it go, but that was not the case.

I may be considering that Guan Ming is not familiar with these people. The old ladies and old ladies also deliberately made a nameplate hanging on their chests. At least Zhou Wanli did not do so.

"It's all immature thoughts. I gave it to Zhou Lao before I thought about it carefully, but I didn't think about it." Respecting others means respecting himself, and Guan Ming sees the goodwill of the other person, so he doesn't hesitate his goodwill.

"I didn't hear it, Zhou." The surname of the person sitting on the main seat was Zhao Jiefang, with a smile on his face like that of an orange peel, pointing his finger at Zhou Wanli who was preparing to sit down there.

"Xiao Zhou is old too." The others also laughed and joked, after all, in this room, except Guan Ming, the rest are older than Zhou Wanli.

When Guan Ming heard it, it was a little awkward.

"I'm not old, I can still work for another 20 years." Zhou Wanli's eyes narrowed with a smile, and he didn't mind being ridiculed.

Later, I didn't officially enter the topic. These old guys started chatting with each other, and often talked with Guan Ming from time to time. The advantage of this is that Guan Ming is not as restrained as when he just came in.

"We have read the materials that Wanli took before. Your ideas are very good, but a bit too cutting-edge, so this visit is mainly to let you see our base, and I also hope you can talk about your ideas. . ”After chatting for five and a half minutes, the people on the theme spoke, and everyone seemed to be robots. They laughed and laughed in the last second, and then became serious the next second.

"What does the old frontier say?" Guan Ming is not sure what the other party means, because in the field of science and technology, aerospace is originally a field where leading-edge ideas and products come together.

"Material and industrial level." The only old lady said.

"The idea you mentioned earlier is very good. At least it is completely feasible in theory, but the mechanical strength of the material and the level of hardware technology are not yet reached by the country. The former can be said to improve the manufacturing process and the laboratory level Try to mass-produce, or even use laboratory-grade materials directly, but the latter requires a lot of precision. High-precision machine tools and the like are banned from selling in Western countries. "When it comes to this, the old lady also has some pity. It's not just her, the people in the room are a little sorry and lost.

Technical blockades have always existed, including machine tools. Although the country has developed a little on the road of self-sufficiency, this development requires hard work, and even if it is not noticed, it will be opened to a greater distance by opponents.

"... So, is it a redesign of the hardware part?" Guan Ming hesitated for a moment, or said nothing about the metal 3D printer.

The metal 3D printer Guan Ming has developed a desktop level, but the metal 3D printer also has a small factory level. After all, a part of the double star robot arm is a large metal, not a desktop level can be built, although it is not comparable in accuracy. Shanghai advanced foreign machine tools, but can build a machine tool parts higher than the current domestic top machine tool parts and then assembled.

But the problem is, Guan Ming doesn't want to contribute, at least not now, he is waiting for a better time.

Guo Guotai and Min'an ~ ~ It's too far away from Guan Ming, he doesn't want that much, and he doesn't have any special feeling at the same time.

But the old people who have been dying in recent years, because of their own beliefs, have been insisting on the post, even for this reason, even when sighing, it is impossible to say that there is no fluctuation in Guan Ming's heart.

"No way, I can only think of a new way, and all blame us old guys for being useless. I can only invite you over and see what I think." Zhao Lao's loss only lasted for a while because of his life experience Too many such things, from the initial **** anger to the current adaptation, he has eaten more salt than Guan Ming has eaten, and he has seen more stories than Guan Ming has heard.

"In fact, there is no way out." Guan Ming said softly, and then found that these old people looked at themselves expectantly, Guan Ming scratched his head, and said in a panic, "I mean, redesigning the hardware is not a big problem."

There was a whiteboard in the squatter room, and Guan Ming got up a little in a panic, and wrote his thoughts on the whiteboard with an ink pen.

The brain is divided into two halves, half of which run at high speed to redesign the hardware to reduce the accuracy requirements of the hardware, while the other half is just memories.

Remembered the movies I had watched, remembered that my father-in-law had gone out to work and make money after his retirement, remembered that his father Mu was unhappy because of the factory, remembered the traffic, and the wind and snow.

Compared with this group of old guys, Guan Ming's advantage lies in his strong memory, his ability to build 'technology' in his mind, and his knowledge of the general direction and results of future technology.

And this group of old guys are not without their advantages. They have better insights than Guan Mingguang, they know the parameters of domestic excellent materials, and they have a stronger sense of responsibility than Guan Ming.

PS: Thank you for your fan bone and refining circles, thank you for your support!

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