When the howling wind finally stops, the dust will settle.

Environmental impact, Guan Ming does not know how much he can play in the scientific research progress of the base during this time, but the people around him are discussing technical conjectures at all times. Guan Ming also cannot help but work together. The old, middle-aged and young faces are studied together.

But Guan Ming was never the person at the base. After receiving a text message, Guan Ming resigned and left the base.

When I was on the plane, Guan Ming glanced back. Although he could not see clearly, the young face still appeared in his mind.

It was not Zhou Wanli who sent Guan Ming, but another young man.

Zhou Wanli is a person who transferred from technology to administration. In this power change, Zhou Wanli went further. He is the largest base in terms of power, and Zhu Xiaoguang has become a leader in technology.

Zhou Wanli didn't have much time to send Guan Ming, said sorry in his mouth, and assigned a young man to send him. At this point, Guan Ming understood.

After all, power also represents obligation, at least in most cases.

The plane flew across the capital from the sky and headed south.

"A glass of water, thank you." Looking at the beautiful stewardess one meter away from her, Guan Ming nodded with a smile.

The probability of beauties in the first class will be a little greater than in the economy class. Guan Ming does not know whether the appearance and figure will have extra points, but it should be a bit.

Of course, beautiful women are not always waiting for the boss to bubble up. At least the beautiful stewardess that Guan Ming meets will keep a distance from Guan Ming, about one meter away.

Although Guan Mingchang is not as handsome as Wu Yanzu, he thinks that these flight attendants have the idea of ​​being aristocrats, after all, they are single ~

"Boss, go home or return to the company?" Zhou Wu was the driver, and the speed was not fast.

"Go to school, what is Xiaoxiao doing now?" There is not much difference between home and company, because they are together, and whether they are home or back to the company, there is only Guanming alone.

The tartar has social attributes. For a long time, even if it is sunny, the heart will be lonely and desolate.

"The pony called before and said Mu Xiaoxiao was in shape and bodybuilding. Counting the time, he was about to leave the class."

When Guan Ming heard it, he thought of Friday.

晴 Ma Qingyun was arranged by Guan Ming to incubate the eggs. Relying on the identity of a veteran and a money bomb, Ma Qingyun existed as Mu Xiaoxiao's alumni.

Squat shape bodybuilding belongs to sports. I do n’t know what the course teaches. Anyway, listening to the name is beautiful. Unfortunately, only girls can sign up. Of course, even sports classes have credits. Unfortunately, there is only one point.

"Go to the school, I remember she has lessons in the next class." Guan Ming helped select the class. He naturally knew when Mu Xiaoxiao had classes. Today, Friday, there is a modern social study.

Wu Zhouwu didn't say anything, but the car speeded up and drove to the campus.

The car didn't enter the school gate, but it got off in the nearby parking lot. Zhou Wu silently followed Guan Ming a few meters away to ensure that he could quickly move to Guan Ming when it was dangerous, and at the same time, because of the distance, it reduced Odds of discovery.

Tong Guanming wore clothes like ordinary college students, T-shirts and casual pants, and white net shoes on his feet.

There are not many pedestrians in the school. At least there are not many people on the road. Now it is autumn, but autumn is high, but it is also hot.

Although Guan Ming has never entered this classroom once, but there are house numbers or whatever, and it is easy to find the classroom, but he came late.

In the large classroom of 120 people, Wu Yan is full of human heads. Guan Ming can't see who is who. He can only help but find a seat first and find a seat from the back.

Suddenly there was a vibration in the mobile phone in his trouser pocket. Guan Ming took it out and saw that it was a text message sent by Ma Qingyun.

Second row, middle, left and right 7.

Unfortunately Guan Ming has reached the fifth row, glanced back, and found the girl with the shawl on her head ...

Guan Ming doesn't want to be too different. Although he has no teaching materials and no pen and paper, but at the beginning of school, no one is who. Guan Ming decided to find an empty place near a student, at least a little concealed, don't be too offensive.

I was probably Guan Ming empty-handed, and it was a little bit of attention. Although the angle of the last row was good, I could see half of the back of my head, but my classmates were not very friendly.

Originally thought that girls would not be good at rejecting, but the problem was those vigilant eyes. He always felt that they would be reported in class. The most important thing was that they were not beautiful.

"Dude, I forgot to bring a book, we will read a 一 a while." Guan Ming found a sleepy boy and sat down beside him.

"Oh, it's okay." This male student is also indifferent, relying on a chair, there is a kind of Ge You paralysis.

The professor is not very old, looks very young, and the small head is a bit square, and the lecture is a bit passionate. Well, Guan Ming can only use passion to describe. For the direction he does not understand, Guan Ming cannot evaluate the academic aspect, but At least Guan Ming can listen to it.

"Wait out." After class, near the end, Guan Ming sent a text message to Mu Xiaoxiao.

Looking back, I can see Mu Xiaoxiao's ghostly leaning back, and then secretly took out something, a drooping head, but the distance is still a bit far, too detailed things can not be seen, but I can probably feel it Her nagging when doing 'bad things'.

I soon left the class. Mu Xiaoxiao and the people around said a few words, and continued to sit in the seat to pack things, while the people around her also packed away.

Mu Xiaoxiao's schoolbag is still a shoulder bag, not ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ or Hermès, but a bag of ten or twenty on the street, with bright red and green edges.

The tartar was almost gone. Guan Ming came over from behind. When he walked in, Guan Ming found that Mu Xiaoxiao had just finished packing his pencil bag. At this speed, he could clean up for another five minutes without any problems.

I guess I was afraid that others would notice that she was weird when she packed up, so she deliberately groaned.

"Xiao Xiao." Shouting Mu Xiaoxiao's name, Guan Ming slapped on her shoulder.

After a while, the pencil bags almost fell to the ground.

"Scared me." Rolling his eyes, Mu Xiaoxiao was scared of goosebumps on his arms, his face seemed to be scared and bloodshot, red.

"Haha, you are too timid." Guan Ming sat beside Mu Xiaoxiao but didn't care about her eyes.

"Why are you here, you seem to be from the Department of Mathematics." Mu Xiaoxiao looked back, determined that the teacher had no back door, and the black face question mark.

"No class today, I know you are here, so come and see." Guan Ming said, helping Mu Xiaoxiao pack up books.

For this behavior, Mu Xiaoxiao did not resist, because in high school, Guan Ming also helped her clean up many times, two people tacitly packed their schoolbags, and stepped out of the classroom.

PS: Thanks for the sound and the name, Fengzi, Divine Mantra, Filling Rattan, and Fan Yixian for rewarding, thank you for your support!

The last chapter was considered to have drained away almost all of the negative energy accumulated recently. Wen Si is like diarrhea, and there is a **** ...

Thank you for your encouragement and support, thank you all!

The novel will be available tomorrow at noon. If conditions permit, I hope everyone can subscribe. As a former reader, I also understand the current status of the reader circle. I dare not expect too much. I just hope that you have read this novel and said, "Oh, You can see it ~ ", that's all.

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