Private Technology

: these years

There are many things you can do to be loved by one person.

It may only take a word to be annoyed by someone.

Guan Ming isn't sure if he prefers ‘like’ or ‘hate’, but now he is on some kind of alert line, because he can see that kind of alert from Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes.

"I'll take you home." Glancing at the sky, Guan Ming reached out and handed it to Mu Xiaoxiao, looking at her.

With both hands on his back, Mu Xiaoxiao stepped back, then tried to bypass Guan Ming like a crab, and the direction was naturally the park exit.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

Guan Ming, relying on her own high legs, walked in front of Mu Xiaoxiao in two steps and grasped Mu Xiaoxiao's hand, but before she made any response, Guan Ming took her hand and walked outward go with.

I tried to shake it a few times, but it was unsuccessful, and my palms sweated.

One step behind, the body is a little uncomfortable, looking at the person who is facing the lights of the lingering lights, the back seems to be a little deeper, the lights in front are a little dazzling, and the noise is a little louder, like a big movie in the same scene, slowly Pull the audience into that illusion.

Through the crowds of people and across the bright night sky, there are not many people under the bus stop. Occasionally, men and women can be seen playing and running with each other. The bus is like an old man in the twilight age, walking in a small step station.

The door was so large that Guan Ming could not take him anymore. He stepped on the car one step later, but paid one step first.

The purpose of Mu Xiaoxiao is very simple. He wants to find a single seat on the car and calm himself down or avoid it, but Guan Ming finds the hand again, holding it, and heads towards the double seat.

There are not many people on the bus today. After all, it's Sunday and Christmas Eve. I heard that there are fireworks tonight, but I haven't released them yet, and I don't know if it's true.

The thumb scratched the back of the hand, delicate and firm, and a little fleshy. Unlike Guan Ming's hand, when he turned upward hard, his tendons were very obvious.

"Will you have breakfast together tomorrow morning?" The body approached, and Guan Ming's voice was lightened, as if afraid to disturb the girl who was looking out the window.

"No, I'm going to have breakfast with Chunmei tomorrow!" The girl said in a panic, but found that Guan Ming's face was so big that she panicked and avoided.

"Then how can I accompany you to class tomorrow?" Holding Mu Xiaoxiao's hand in both hands, Guan Ming kissed gently on the back of the hand, fleshy and soft.

"No!" With a grin, Mu Xiaoxiao pulled his hand back hard, but Guan Ming was mentally prepared, of course, he didn't pull it out.

"Then what if I want to see you?" Mu Xiaoxiao patted the back of her hand and motioned her to relax.

Feeling that Guan Ming had no further intentions, Mu Xiaoxiao was also relieved.

"Then I ... call you when you are free?" Mu Xiaoxiao leaned on the angle between the seat and the window and asked carefully.

"But will you call me?" Guan Ming asked with a smile.

"Uh huh, yeah, I'll call you!" Mu Xiaoxiao nodded again and again and promised.

"But when can you agree with me and be my girlfriend?" With the same smile, Guan Ming looked at the girl who was flustered in front of her. Although it was a question, it was not an exclamation.

"I ... I want to go home and ask my mom, I really want to ask." Mu Xiaoxiao's smile was a little stiff, his eyes dodged, and at the same time, the hands that were ready to be drawn back at any time began to push outwards, for fear of tube Ming raided again.

Guan Ming nodded, saying nothing, holding Mu Xiaoxiao's hand and looking forward.

It's rare to encounter Mu Xiaoxiao so nervous, not right, to be precise, rarely to encounter Mu Xiaoxiao will become nervous like this, presumably it hit her a little bit today.

There are many bus lines on the Bund. This car just passed Mu Xiaoxiao's doorstep. As soon as the car stopped, Mu Xiaoxiao ran down with a dull head.

Afraid she fell, Guan Ming quickly got out of the car. Under the street light, the horse tail flew, and the two ends of the neckband swung left and right, beating her on the back.

Seeing that she was about to enter the lightless doorway, Guan Ming opened his mouth and wanted to shout out 'Mu Xiaoxiao I like you', but he was not Ke Jingteng, and she was not Shen Jiayi. In those years, she had no regrets but no regret.

Secretly fisting, Guan Ming made up his mind again, he can have regrets, but regrets can only be left to himself, and must not let the dust cover up the jade. Since simple, then simply love, live, and live. This life.

Maybe too selfish, maybe too selfish, but Guan Ming doesn't know what else to take care of. Standing in front of love, everyone is a babble who speaks.


Looking at this residential building that has not yet been covered by western festivals, it seems like a quiet flowing river at night, quiet and flowing gently along the inherent fairway.

Standing for a while, the night wind chilled, Guan Ming turned and left.

Lie on the bed, raise your left hand, under the light of the incandescent lamp, look at the fingers that are not long but fleshy, look at the back of the fat hand with some blood vessels indistinguishable, and look at the light and light overflowing from the palm edge ~ ~ The car parked at the door of the house, Guan Ming waved after getting off the car, Zhou Wu drove the car, stepped back a little, until Guan Ming entered the villa, until the villa door closed, he drove away.

As soon as I entered the house, my father and mother were watching TV.

"Well, come back, what's going on today." Guan Ma saw Guan Ming with a three-point smile on her face.

"It's okay, pretty good." Guan Ming responded with a smile, then sat on the single sofa with one buttock, picked up an apple from the coffee table, and clicked.

"What other apples are you eating now? Hurry up and talk about them." You have already set up to listen to the gossip. As a result, you can eat apples here.

"Daddy, it's almost OK to manage your wife." Looking up, Guan Ming blew his throat at Guan Da's side.

Guan Dian didn't hold back.

Guan Ma squinted his teeth, glared at Guan Da, and murmured!

Guan Ming pondered for a moment and felt that it was meaningless to talk about these messes now, so let me control her personality. If she really followed her interest, he would need to say eight times during a meeting. Each time he went out in detail, he stepped on his left leg or Take your right leg first.

"I'm going to bed first." Apple wasn't half stingy, and threw it directly on the coffee table. Guan Mingren's high legs were long.

Seeing his son was annoyed, Guan Dian's face could not help but smile.

"Smile, smile, and know that you laugh every day, eat apples!" Guan Ma put half of the apples on the coffee table in his father's hands, staring at him with a jerk.

The smile solidified, and then turned into a bitter smile, "It's not bad at home, can you make it?"

"I'm afraid my son will say that I don't care about you next time and eat your apple!"

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