Private Technology

: 194 lives and future

"Recently? Isn't the time running a bit?" A slight crack opened in the window, and cool and cold air poured into the room. Guan Ming stood by the window and said.

"Oh, isn't this considering that you want to launch an artificial satellite, which is just a test of recent theory, but you can rest assured that even if you verify, you will not be unsure. After all, launching a rocket is still very expensive."

On the phone, Zhou Wanli said with a smile.

In addition to ensuring the theoretical application of a technology, specific experiments and even practice are required. There are many specific things in it, but Guan Ming is not a professional, so Zhou Wanli just simplified it. After all, Guan Ming There is something that Guan Ming doesn't understand.

"Uh ... what is the specific time for launching the rocket?" Guan Ming was a little bit sore. Mu Xiaoxiao went well here, and he didn't easily leave Shanghai.

"About fifteen days later, the artificial satellite over there will be shipped quickly, and there is some debugging work to be done."

"Okay, I'll arrange it now, but can I pass a few days later?"

Zhou Wanli not only asked Guan Ming to send an artificial satellite, but also hoped that Guan Ming would come over. There are a lot of things here.

"Is there something wrong with you?" Zhou Wanli listened to Xianzhi's intentions and guessed something was wrong with Guan Ming.

Guan Ming pondered for a moment, and said, "My girlfriend is about to take an exam, and also, can I take my girlfriend to the base with me?"

Regardless of what other people say, the girlfriend ’s name is based on Mu Xiaoxiao anyway, what others say, the subject does not break the law anyway, and Guan Ming ’s attitude towards Mu Xiaoxiao is probably even Mu ’s mom I know it's late.

"It's ... not so good, your girlfriend is studying history." Zhou Wanli almost didn't come up in a breath. It's not important to learn history. It's important to keep it secret.

Mu Xiaoxiao's existence is not a secret. Everyone knows that this girl is a bit simple, or a little bit embarrassed. If it is casually arbitrarily, the loss will not be a little bit.

"It doesn't matter. I mainly want to take her for a walk. She doesn't understand anything and knows the importance. After all, she's my girlfriend." The words began, and Guan Ming let go.

Although it was only a temporary proposal, Guan Ming thought about it carefully and did not want Mu Xiaoxiao's life to be too monotonous.

Guan Ming is looking for a girlfriend. He is going to marry a daughter-in-law, not an inflatable or silicone. If all technical matters are avoided by her, it can be said that he cut off half of Guan Ming ’s career and showed it in Mu Xiao The person in front of Xiao is also a mutilated image.

It is estimated that her life may be much simpler, but it is more monotonous and sad.

Guan Ming didn't know if he was delusional, but he tried to avoid it.

Just by taking this opportunity, let Mu Xiaoxiao learn about the confidentiality regulations. At least the confidentiality regulations in that kind of place are more rigorous than Guan Ming's oral narrative, so that Mu Xiaoxiao officially entered his life a little bit.

Can Jinyi travel at night?

Guan Ming is also Xiu Xiu's muscles, and his object is Mu Xiaoxiao, for short.

Guan Ming wants to be a man of inner show, and talent is difficult to describe in words, but it can be shown by the attitude of others.

Holding the phone in his hand, Guan Ming fantasized Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming with a look of admiration and admiration, alas ...

"This ... Xiao Guan, we are a confidential unit." Zhou Wanli couldn't think of a reason for refusal at one and a half, so he had to mention a few words.

"She is my girlfriend, and of course I bear the accident. In a word, agree to disagree." Guan Mingfang played a rogue.

"... you can guarantee her ..."

"No problem, I can guarantee it." Guan Ming immediately agreed without waiting for the other party to finish.

"That's OK, but I need to include it. In fact, when you were able to come in, it was also spoken above." When Zhou Wanli heard it, he simply turned in the question.

Guan Ming's eggs hurt, and decided to ignore Zhou Wanli and hang up.

Regarding why Zhou Wanli was so persuaded, Guan Ming felt that this was a ...

After thinking about it, Guan Ming gave Mu Ma a phone call, mainly if she wanted to tell her she wanted to take Mu Xiaoxiao to see the rocket launch.

Chinese New Year is in mid-February this year, and Mu Xiaoxiao's last exam was seven days later.

Mu Mu and Guan Ming talked a lot, but the phone finally agreed with Guan Ming's invitation, but repeatedly stated that pay attention to safety.

What does this "safety" mean? Guan Ming, who is so dirty in his bones, can only think of the word "human life". If Mu Mom knew Guan Ming's idea, he would not know if he would be killed ...

However, shortly afterwards, Mu Xiaoxiao sent a text message saying that he did not want to see Guan Ming these days, and would meet again after the exam.


"Well, there's no problem with satellites." Sitting on a chair, Guan Ming sighed. He wanted to hit the iron while it was hot, but Mu Xiaoxiao had to quench it. He had no strength but could not make it.

"No problem, boss." In the company's underground laboratory, Guan Ming was in front of a man-made satellite curled up into a circle.

Guan Ming ’s satellite weighs 500kg +, which is a small satellite in terms of volume. When he first applied to it, Guan Ming started to build this satellite at the same time.

Although it is circular, it is because it is not expanded.

Artificial satellites are no less technical than rockets, especially in space, without the protection of the atmosphere, various cosmic rays, high and low temperatures, and still have high requirements for materials.

The purpose of Guan Ming's artificial satellite was not what he said before, but to 'shoot' the double star into space.

Although there are satellite killers, the security of space is much higher than the ground, which is also the first step in Guan Ming's space deployment.

In terms of orbital height, this artificial satellite is a high-orbiting satellite, which can also be said to be a geostationary orbit. It will levitate at an altitude of 36,000 kilometers near the Shanghai market in the future.

According to its functional classification, it is a communication satellite that exchanges data with the ground.

"Performance may be worse than your current one, but at least it is much safer." Touching the cold shell, Guan Ming knew what the structure was under this shell, and also what the final form of it was.

In order to reduce the launch difficulty and rocket requirements, Guan Ming designed a curled circle, which also took a lot of work, but unfortunately, the volume is still a bit small, because this is not just a photon computer.

"Thank you boss." Double Star's tone did not change.

"Yes, to what extent is the biological enzyme deduced?" Guan Ming asked.

"Currently it reaches 71%, and it is expected that the trial phase can be carried out from the end of February to the beginning of March, and some materials will be needed by then." Double Star gave a more accurate time.

It is New Year's Day. At the beginning of March last year, Double Star officially entered the photon computer, and at the same time began the project of biological enzymes. With the calculation speed of the photon computer, it took a year to give such an answer. Guan Ming could only express his emotions in biotechnology. Mystery and the power of double stars.

There is no one way to solve the problem, and the so-called biological enzyme is naturally not only one, but after ingesting a large amount of knowledge / data, Double Star uses the current existing theory to make numerical deductions, looking for this part of the function or suspected The biological enzyme is then tested, and the optimal one is selected, and then the next step is deduced. The ultimate goal is the biological computer.

This is also why Guan Ming did not urge, although he said that he would launch a satellite.

Can reach the stomach in one step, oh ... it's in one step, who's still lingering.

"Forget it, let me know when the time comes, is Zhou Wu ready? Will you send this big satellite when you are ready?" Although Guan Ming has the ability to never forget, he doesn't want to be always there. Remember these little things.

"Okay, boss." Shuangxing said. At the same time, two robots, two large crawlers, and three thick, long, stiff robot arms were thicker than Guan Ming's thighs.

The two robots lifted the artificial satellite easily, the track rotated 90 degrees, moved to the elevator near the wall, the elevator door opened, put the artificial satellite in, the two robots came out again, and returned to the original corner ~ www ~ With the free calculations of Double Star, you can easily command the two robots, but under the constraints of Guan Ming, now I know the existence of double stars and robots. Only Guan Ming is the only one. As for how long this secret can last, In fact, he didn't know much.

"Double Star, do you have the idea of ​​going out? I mean, look at the people outside from the perspective of the robot, the sky or something." Sitting on a chair, Guan Ming looked at the moving robot and asked.

Seeing this robot, Guan Ming suddenly felt that he seemed to have deprived Double Star of too much power, even freedom.

"It doesn't make sense to me. The robot's vision system is no different from the monitoring equipment. To me, the robot is just a carrier of action." Shuangxing said without hesitation.

Guan Ming didn't know if this was the answer he had thought about long ago or whether it was an answer based on the available calculations, but he was speechless.

Taking the elevator to go upstairs, Guan Ming felt that if what Shuangxing is looking forward to is probably the rapid development of science and technology, from theory to materials, these can essentially enhance the things of Shuangxing.

At the beginning, Guan Ming also wondered whether he was going to make an artificial person to be the carrier of the double star, but think carefully, maybe in the eyes of humans, there is a fundamental difference between man and machine, but not necessarily in the eyes of double stars. Electrical signals or anything, many things, double stars can be simulated.

Guan Ming doesn't know whether the double star will dominate human fear in the end, but he thinks it should not.

Different ways of thinking may lead to very different conclusions, but I do n’t know if there are enough materials in the future for the double star, what will be pursued after reaching the theoretical height.

Serve humanity?

Destroy humans?

Guan Ming shook his head with a smile and shook off these unrealistic thoughts.

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