Private Technology

: 199 Boring Mu Xiaoxiao

The upright Mu Xiaoxiao was totally unaware of using the excuse of going to the toilet, and then secretly called.

When encountering such a real girl, Guan Ming didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

They called with their mother, Guan Ming must not be able to listen to it. Although he was very reluctant, he still pretended to be a gentleman.

Winter nights come quickly. The infrastructure of the base is not as luxurious as the company's side. Although each street light is illuminated with dim lights, the distance is far away.

The white snow reflected the yellow street lights, as if a layer of gold dust was sprinkled on the snow.

Under the street light, Mu Xiaoxiao took the phone, nodded from time to time, and then said something.

The wind tonight is a bit strong. The hustle and bustle can't bring Mu Xiaoxiao's whisper, but it can blow the shadow.

After talking for about ten minutes, the frozen Mu Xiaoxiao stomped back and forth while calling.

"Alright?" Guan Ming hurried forward when he saw Mu Xiaoxiao's approaching.

Without wearing a bib, her ears were frozen and red, and Guan Ming quickly covered her ears with her hands.

He shrank his head, but Mu Xiaoxiao didn't fight too much, because it was too cold. Different colds will cause people to produce different 'antibodies'. Mu Xiaoxiao was difficult to accept such minus ten or twenty degrees at a time. temperature.

"Well, my mom said she could watch a movie, but she must be accompanied by me." He looked up, his eyes bright, and Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the man in front of him, cold and hot, and itchy ears.

"No problem, now, Ma Qingyun is there." His chin lifted to the side where the streetlights could not shine. Guan Ming was unwilling to release his hands. Although the back of the wind was a bit cold, the heat in his palm was warming his heart .

"Oh, let's do it together." Mu Xiaoxiao pulled away from Guan Ming's palm and trot hurriedly into the dark place.

The cover was tighter, the horns were flying, and looking at the running back, it meant a little white-haired witch, but the flying hair was black.


"Golden Armor Over the City" is an old plot film, probably because of his origins in camera. In his film, the impact of color is very strong.

In those years, chrysanthemums were still chrysanthemums, not sunflowers, but unfortunately, the tortured brother Xian made chrysanthemums no longer just chrysanthemums.

What is more funny is that the general under Brother Xian will say goodbye to him in the future, but counting the time, it is probably now.

"So handsome, sister Ma, have you listened to his song? Really nice." Crowded in a lounge chair with Ma Qingyun, Mu Xiaoxiao whispered.

Zhou Dong's last movie was very good. At least when it comes to the capabilities of the old driver, everyone will come and say ‘autumn mountain bike god’ from me.

This is a small screening room for two people. Of course, it can also be described as a movie theater. After all, the function is here.

There was a slap in the room, and Guan Ming seized a lounge chair, and the other two crowded.

In front of him is the domineering style of the brother. Guan Ming doesn't want to go to the trough. At least, compared with "Wuji", it's better.

The warm wind was blowing slowly, and the yelling voices in the room, and the colorful picture transitions, brought an unprecedented experience to Mu Xiaoxiao.


Guan Ming is not here to enjoy, but he is not here to do handyman work. He ca n’t climb up or down. He has been in this man's house for such a long time, let alone **** or something. It is estimated that long-distance running may not be perfect. Mu Xiaoxiao.

Guan Ming doesn't know what the rocket model is, and he doesn't know all the details, but the visual height is about 20 meters, the maximum diameter may be about 3 meters, and the theoretical load capacity is 1.45 tons. 500kg +.

In addition to firing Guan Ming's satellite this time, the focus is also on verifying rocket recovery.

As time progressed, Mu Xiaoxiao, who was originally interested, also became idle, because she found that there were not many places she could go, and she also felt that Guan Ming was really powerful. At least she could feel Guan Ming's time. Busy.

She didn't know that Guan Ming should be very powerful here, because every time when talking about Guan Ming, the young lady and sister in the company were admired, although Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know what ghost she admired, the content of the big admiration probably had nothing to do with her appearance. ...

At least, Mu Xiaoxiao felt that Guan Mingchang did not have Yan Zushuai, um, and Zhou Dongshuai ...

The launch time of the rocket was not conceived on the knee, but was calculated through calculations. Because of a series of problems such as changes in the relative position of the sun, moon, and stars, this time range is also different in size, and different satellite orbits are The launch angle is still required.

So not all rockets need to be launched at night, and some are launched during the day.

There is a certain angle in the orbit of the launch rocket, and the time is at 7:52 in the morning. According to the weather forecast, the local sunrise time today is 8:02:13.

Mu Xiaoxiao followed behind Guan Ming, only Ma Qingyun knew by her side, and the rest were 40-year-old people floating upwards. In front of it was a large display screen. The main body showed the rockets to be launched next to it. Some data, many numbers Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know what it meant. The only thing I can understand is the time display in the upper right corner, accurate to milliseconds, and it changes like a stopwatch.

As time approached, everyone became nervous, and Mu Xiaoxiao, who was originally idle, followed a little nervous. This situation was not very good, so she looked at the large front display with the public, and then looked around with light. people.

It's almost the same as the TV show, and then counts down.

Probably it works in my heart. When I saw the rocket **** bursting into flames, Mu Xiaoxiao felt that there was an aftershock on the ground, as if the force that hit the ground (?) Passed through the ground and was continuously transported to her feet.

Mu Xiaoxiao jumped up and wanted to applaud, but he still didn't clap his hands. Suddenly it seemed like something was wrong. Then he looked down and looked around, and found that everyone was just a little more relaxed, but still buried his work, and even Guan Ming was not there. Know what to say to that old lady.

"Sister Ma, hasn't the rocket finished firing?" Mu Xiaoxiao, who was not tall, didn't take much action just now and didn't attract much attention.

"I don't know. I also watched the rocket launch for the first time." Ma Qingyun shrugged and said he was unclear.

Scratching his head, Mu Xiaoxiao fell into a boring stage again.


"Guan Ming, there is something wrong with your orbit of the satellite!" Suddenly, a man in his forties or fifties, holding a piece of printing paper, hurried over.

"What's the problem?" Guan Ming asked quickly.

Guan Ming ’s satellite is not insured. To put it bluntly, if it ca n’t be shot, there is no possibility of recycling. Basically, it will be directly sent to the waste collection station. The cost of this satellite is 10 million US dollars.

Guan Ming doesn't care about money, but he cares about progress.

Not to mention, this official operation on the day, at least can share the amount of calculation of the double star, not to mention how much to increase, at least the amount of idle calculation will be more, you can build another project!

"Your satellite did not enter the expected orbit after opening, but deflected to the northeast." The man spoke quickly and saved a lot of information.

Guan Ming ’s satellite is a communication satellite. Although it ’s not clear why Guan Ming was launching such a satellite, but casually, after all, in addition to the technical support on the rocket project, Guan Ming also provided funds for the launch. Funding of the project.

However, the communication satellite is a high-orbit satellite, and the type of orbit is a geostationary orbit. In simple terms, the correct orbit of this satellite should be above the equator, and now this satellite is actually offset to the northeast. This is not a small matter.

The reason why satellites can float on the sky around the earth is through a series of problems such as accurate numerical calculations and control of flight speed and angle. The consequences of deviations are very serious.

Just like playing a seesaw, two people with different weights want to play happily. In addition to pedaling strength, distance is also an issue to consider.

"Oh, this is okay, I have some settings in this artificial satellite, which is now normal." Guan Ming was relieved when he heard it.

Needless to say, now Double Star must have connected to the satellite in the sky ~ ~ and started to move over the Shanghai Stock Exchange, but it will never move directly above, but will be in a safe distance.

With the speed and amount of calculation of the double star, Guan Ming doesn't think there will be any problems in this satellite program, unless the hardware cannot adapt to the space environment and cause physical damage.

"You should have said it in advance, to see how scared he was." Zhu Xiaoguang patted Guan Ming's shoulder with a tone of complaint.

It ’s almost a thousand miles!

This sentence can't be more appropriate in aerospace.

"This is my mistake, I'm sorry." Guan Ming quickly raised his hand to surrender, respecting the elderly but not the elderly, and talking about it. The old lady slaps you, can you still go back?

Work is still continuing. Generally speaking, the launching of the artificial satellite into the sky by the launch vehicle is over. If we continue to pay attention to it, the debris of the rocket will land, but this part has plans in advance, which is quite thrilling.

However, this time it is different. This time it is standing up and standing down. It is not only a test of the calculation in advance, but also a test of the procedures provided by Guan Ming, including measurements of wind speed and horizontal plane. Flight attitude control and so on.

Rocket launch is never just a single job of a department, but a collaborative work. Because of the location, although the rocket is launched at this base, it is recycled on the sea. After all, the consequences of failure to recover and the current situation must be considered. The location, the ocean occupying 70% of the earth, is a natural buffer platform.

In the Yellow Sea, a modified ship stayed on the sea. There was no one above the ship. A large red circle was drawn on the deck with a large x in the middle.

And next to it, there is another boat, and the people on it are busy.

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