Private Technology

: 216 Shivering

I turned things over, and what the final result was. Guan Ming said he was n’t clear, because there was no specific letter on it. However, this is the best result. Guan Ming doesn't want to introduce these things in person. How to use it, what is the principle.

It is for this reason that Guan Ming deliberately produced a manual.

However, Guan Ming was not found above, but the school had contacted Guan Ming first.

As soon as Zhou Wu finished scrubbing rhubarb, he drove Guan Ming to the tea house.

The place is Guan Mingding. He doesn't have any particular tendency towards coffee and tea. He may subconsciously think that the coffee shop may be more western style and more suitable for Mu Xiaoxiao, while the tea house is Chinese style and suitable for talking about things.

"If it wasn't for the reminder above, I would have missed the big dragon from Guan Guan." After exchanging business cards, he said a few words, and both sides sat down.

Zhou Wu didn't follow up in the box, and there was only one person across from him. His hair was all black, but he could see the old age on his face. It is estimated that he was not too young. He had just seen the business card. His name was Wang Borong.

"Where is it? The talents of Hatchery University are also a benchmark for the Shanghai Stock Exchange. For me, being able to enter the library of Hatchery University to read the collections is also a rare opportunity." Guan Ming haha, Mu Xiaoxiao It can't be on the table, especially if the other party is a vice school level.

Although the university does not prevent dating, it does not encourage dating.

When he is young, his blood is undecided.

Naturally, Wang Borong also heard Guan Ming's meaning, and talked down the conversation without leaning on Mu Xiaoxiao.

"I don't know what is required for this speech?" After a few words, Guan Ming went straight to the topic. Although the other party was a vice school, it was not up to the level of the big brother for Guan Ming, so he was more casual. And wayward.

The last time he gave a speech, the school made a lot of requirements, such as conforming to socialist values, such as the content of the speech must be positive, etc. The final result was that the speech was powerful before the speech, and there was no news after the speech. Typical, but although Guan Ming did not have any flash points at that time, he did not make any mistakes. Even the media afterwards did not have many negative comments.

Can't be a good person, but it's not a bad person.

"There is no requirement. If you have to say something, it is hoped that Guan can always express some unique insights, whether it is entrepreneurship or scientific research. After all, success is difficult to replicate, but the truth is the same." Wang Borong He took a moment and then quickly said.

At this time he realized that the other party was not only a business giant, but also a young man. When he first met, he found that he only felt that the other party was young enough. Now, he is showing this young weight.

Recklessness is not a good word, but it is the quality that this age should have.

"If I say that, I really have to be prepared." Touching his head, Guan Ming smiled, and at the same time several thoughts turned in his mind.

The chicken soup in the soul is not new for both taste and taste.

However, considering Mu Xiaoxiao's existence, Guan Ming decided to throw out a few ways to make money. As for whether it will bear fruit in the end, Guan Ming is not responsible.

"Don't worry about time, as soon as the manager is ready to inform us." Raising a tea cup, Wang Borong smiled and nodded.

"It can be closer in time, but I don't know if speaking a few money-making ideas will ruin the school atmosphere. After all, Mu Xiaoxiao is also studying here." Of course, the money-making ideas in Guan Ming's mouth are not several million. The kind of tens of millions, the order of magnitude is too small, he is embarrassed to say, and since he wants to dig out the goods, at least he must name the name of Mu Xiaoxiao, this time is not a good time.

"Make money? This is very good. In fact, there are only two things that universities should give to students. One is to be a man and the other is to make money. Although the country and the staff engaged in education have been working hard these years, they are still far away from their goals. Regardless of any way to make money, we will definitely welcome it warmly. Compared to when students think of this time after graduation, they will feel emotional. "Wang Borong was not as free and easy as Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao's name was always bad. mention.

However, everything that should be said has also been said, and Guan Ming can naturally understand some.

Not to mention, just knowing Mu Xiaoxiao's relationship with Guan Ming, Guan Ming is not worried about what will happen to Mu Xiaoxiao at school.

Probably, no matter how the test scores are, you should not be involved every year ...

Finally, I agreed on the time, which is 9:30 in the morning on Saturday, and only on Monday today. Although the school warm-up time is a bit short, it is the time proposed by Guan Ming. Not an alumni, secondly he is big enough.

"If Mu Xiaoxiao has any difficulties at school, just let her call me. I have a little face in school." In the end, Wang Borong gave a rare cry and then got into the car and left.

Touched the business card in his pants pocket, Guan Ming didn't say anything. The vice school-level figure hoped that Mu Xiaoxiao would not use others because it was used to show that things were not small.

"Boss, where are you going now?" Sitting in the car, Zhou Wu did not start the car, but looked at the rear-view mirror and asked.

"Xiao Xiao is about to leave the class, let's go to school." He reached for the rhubarb lying on the co-driver, and the little milk dog looked at Guan Ming with watery eyes and whined twice.

Probably the bedroom was full of Guan Ming's breath last night, and then he stood on his lap and stomped back and forth.

The little guy is very interesting. Guan Ming deliberately measured his leg length and body length with his hands, and pondered it a bit. I really can't imagine how this proportion of the body can go up the stairs. I probably walked upright to get up.


"Why are they so mysterious, they will definitely be laughed at tonight!" Mu Xiaoxiao looked upset ~ ~ Two little hands subconsciously pulled on Huang's face.

Corgis are not that special breed of meat, but dogs have well-developed occlusal muscles and are able to scoop out meat.

Whoooooooooooooooo, Rhubarb howled softly, trying to crawl away from Mu Xiaoxiao's leg.

It is a pity that under the control of Mu Xiaoxiao, the demon king, even Guan Ming could not save this tortured soul ... Oh, tortured Corgi.

"Of course there are important things, otherwise your roommate heard." Guan Ming reached out and motioned for Mu Xiaoxiao to eat.

Guan Ming often came to Mu Xiaoxiao for dinner, and even took the three of Liu Chunmei to improve their meals. However, today Guan Ming did not invite the other three to speak. Only Mu Xiaoxiao knows better. After all, she is Know the identity of Guan Ming, you need to say hello in advance.

As for whether the other three will come to listen to the lecture, that is another matter, the makeup of the four major Asian magic.

If even makeup can't change a person's appearance, it's not a magical thing.

"You, what do you want to do!" I snorted for a moment, Mu Xiaoxiao's face flushed and her eyes dodged. Obviously, the stupid Mu Xiaoxiao had a rare wisdom, but she wanted to crook.

He didn't have a weight in his hand, he made a fist subconsciously, but he forgot that he had a face with rhubarb.

Xiao Keji blew a throat, and flicked his face out of Mu Xiaoxiao's hand, regardless of individual differences, and jumped straight from her leg, then trot all the way to Guan Ming's feet, shivering.

However, it was not only Corgi Rhubarb that was shaking, but also Mu Xiaoxiao.

Because she suddenly found out that the box or something was too private. Would it be like the TV series called "Everyday is ineffective", "Earth is ineffective", and no one cares about shouting his throat ...

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