Private Technology

: 219 Choices

The more official explanation of live broadcast is that the post-synthesis and broadcast of broadcast and television programs are performed simultaneously, which is instantaneous, and is no different from live broadcast. Foreign live broadcasts are usually LIVE.

The content of live broadcasts is also very diverse, such as indoor live broadcasts such as YY such as Kan Dashan, yelling wheat, singing, and outdoor live broadcasts such as survival.

Now YY's live broadcast is indoor, first of all because the environment can be artificially created. Whether it is a microphone or a camera, it is not comparable to a mobile phone, but a mobile phone is more convenient.

To put it bluntly, if the live broadcast industry wants to really get fire, it still needs the development of technology. Even if the outdoor live broadcast is planned, even if the indoor live broadcast is diverse, it cannot escape the limitations of Internet speed and viewing equipment.

"... I said that, you may not feel too intuitive, but just think: oh, great, look forward to it." Shrug, Guan Ming smiled, and then said: "Then everyone just sits and waits, but I can Predict the size of this market. "

There was a small buzzing noise in the field, but it stopped in a few seconds. Everyone was looking forward to Guan Ming's judgment on this market.

Holding out a slap, Guan Ming said, "10 years later, 5 billion dollars, domestic."

"Wow ~" The sounds were one after another, all marveled at Guan Ming's boldness, and surprised at the market's capacity.

The US dollar is still domestic. If it is placed internationally, the problem of doubling it should not be a big problem, and according to the exchange rate, there will be tens of billions of soft coins in China alone (saying that there are people who do not know about CNY ...).

Think of the existence of BAT. If this market is exclusive, although it can't reach any one of BAT, it can achieve half the weight of any one of the three. This is not a small number!

In a country with a population of more than one billion, there are only three BAT companies! The probability of buying a lottery ticket is higher than this!

Guan Ming points out that it is not a way to make money, but a way to make money!

"General Manager, General Manager ..."

"Excuse me……"

The rising and falling voices, even the arrogant man in the ivory tower, "Manchuhouhou", could not remain calm before such a huge number.

"I'm a good guy, this tube is always out of date, $ 5 billion!" Liu Chunmei's chin was almost falling to the ground, Li Feifei was so excited, hopping to see Guan Ming in front, because people nearby were standing Get up like crazy.

It may be an environmental problem. Even Mu Xiaoxiao, who had been prepared for it, was excited to take it up. However, her height growth rate was always slower than that of weight gain, and her lameness could only see the back of her head.

"This is only the first one. Later, there are other ways to make money. I might as well wait until the end. I'm going to give you an answer." Almost everyone stood up and wanted to go forward. Guan Ming who stood in front could feel the impact most, subconsciously. Step back and press down with both hands.

After about a minute, the students slowly calmed down and sat down, but didn't wait for everyone to sit down, applauding from sparse pulling to overturning the roof.

It lasted for about a minute, and Guan Ming pressed several times before the applause gradually dropped.

The charm of money is irrespective of race, gender and education.

At that time, Bill Gates may have dropped out of school and started a business because of his hobbies. However, he has to say that since he started his career, there are many people who are interested in becoming the second Gates and successfully dropped out of school. Very few.

Guan Ming can't judge the pros and cons of this approach, but can only say that everyone has to accept his choice, because you can go back to the original point, but it is not the original point of the year.

Time, opportunity, fate, reincarnation.

In the promenade of years, every choice is precious, because different choices have different endings.

At the same time every option is very cheap, because every second is a new option.

"It's still ten years as the line. The next way to make money, I expect that in ten years, the domestic market will have at least 10 billion soft sister coins. The least here is because I can't judge the upper limit. I call it Weibo. Guan Ming said the second industry.

In fact, Weibo and live broadcast have one thing in common, that is, the content, the platform side only provides the platform, but the content producers are highly mobile, and the threshold is low, the corresponding competition will be fierce.

At first, Weibo also used the celebrity effect as a breakthrough, gradually attracting celebrities, and then a large fan base followed, and finally reached a high market share.

Although Guan Ming does not want to do these two industries, it is also good to take it out as the main point today. Although there are Facebook abroad and YY in China, the market is here. If you do n’t do it, someone must do it.

Since someone can do it, Guan Ming used the tree as a benchmark.

The most important thing is that Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao listened to Weibo in their last lives. They got it out early, and Guan Ming could also play it earlier.

Because he has used future products, Guan Ming also gave a general overview and introduction of Weibo.

Including questions and answers, word limit, plus V, etc., of course, also include some points to pay attention to.

Although talking about these two today can fully arouse everyone's enthusiasm, Guan Ming said something else, such as VR, holographic projection industry, such as mobile payment.

Time is a bit tight. Guan Ming's last three talks are relatively shallow. Although VR and holographic projection are industries under his name, he is not worried about the content at all, because the content production industry of these two things is already in front of people. It is no longer necessary to preach the future. It can be seen that in the next three to five years, the VR and holographic projection content production industry will be a high-paying industry and also an industry with a huge gap. But over time, the industry's Salaries and talents will also fall into the pyramid distribution, but as the management of the upstream of the industry chain, he can only guarantee the quality of the hardware and a certain update cycle to ensure that the industry will not shrink the market.

"Well, now entering the questioning session, students in need can raise their hands, and staff will give you a microphone." Taking advantage of the opportunity to drink water, Guan Ming looked at the time and found that it was almost lunch time. Q & A session.

"Hello, President Guan, I would like to ask, the industries you just described have great prospects, so why don't you do it, but tell us?" The first question is from the eighth and ninth rows. Little girl, her voice is very simple, of course, the problem is also very simple.

"Because I have my own company and I am quite satisfied with the current profitability, it may be due to my personality. I am very satisfied with the current situation, and even if no one does it now, there will definitely be someone in the future. Do it, and now I just speed up the process ~ ~ Guan Ming said indifferently, "Of course, don't learn me, otherwise your teachers and parents will be very sad. "

Little joked and there was a short laugh at the scene.

"Supervisor Guan, I would like to ask a question about the live broadcast." The second one asked a male student in the third row. He was not short, but he might be a little nervous.

Nodded, Guan Ming motioned to the other party to continue.

Taking a deep breath, the male student said, "How do you judge that the domestic market will be five billion US dollars in ten years?"

Market size is a very worthy reference data, also known as market capacity, is the overall size of the entire industry, not just the size of a company or others.

And judging the potential of an industry also depends on the market size.

"You can test me. I didn't learn marketing economics or anything." Guan Ming smiled and continued, "Maybe my point is a bit layman, but I am from the rate of population and economic growth Judging from the ancient times, there was a huge sum of money. What about modern times? Although the methods and methods are different, the results should be the same. "

"When you're busy with your work day and resting at home, would you take the time to look at the scenery of distant places? Different occupations, different lives and even others?"

"When your monthly income is 5,000 or 10,000, will you spend a dollar, or even a dime, to encourage people on the screen? When one billion people in the country have one tenth or five cents When one of the people came to watch the live broadcast, how much profit would it generate? "

Guan Ming doesn't know how to calculate the market size, but he said that he really checked the market size of the live broadcast industry.

Therefore, remembering this thing is also very buggy.

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