Private Technology

: 227 Metal gloves and infinite connection

Guan Ming really applied for a Weibo account on Sina, but he did not add an account. To put it plainly, this thing is a way to play. It doesn't make sense to get millions and millions of fans. He needs to be famous?

No, it's so salty after all.

After a while, Guan Ming returned to the company.

The map, even expanded to all currently used navigation systems, is actually not perfect.

At present, the international mainstream navigation is the US satellite navigation system. This satellite navigation is a second-generation product. Although it can reach 1 meter accuracy in the military, it has a precision of 10 meters in the civilian field. This is why After ten years, whether it is hardware or software, civilian navigation still has inaccuracies.

But this does not mean that the future civil field will still be so bad. In fact, at the current point of time, there is more than one satellite navigation system in the world.

It's just that Glonas only serves polar bears and is an immature navigation system.

And Beidouyi currently only supports the domestic scope, and Galileo of the European Union is estimated to be in the foreseeable future because of EU constitutional problems.

But Beidou navigation system can still look forward, because this is not only the third mature satellite navigation system in the world, but also because it can reduce the accuracy to the centimeter level.

"Double Star, help me prepare some materials." Guan Ming, who is on the third floor, said a bunch of hardware products, with the parameters of these hardware.

Not realm, but realm.

Relatively, the development is more difficult. After all, full virtual and display enhancement are two different categories in themselves.

"Okay, boss." Double Star was not surprised, and at the same time went to get the existing hardware while printing with a metal printer.

Today, I went to see the commercial shooting. After seeing the monotony of shooting the original lens, he suddenly thought that if the technology was used in the shooting stage, it would be formed once without post-production.

But the current technology is definitely not up to standard, and Guan Ming is thinking, can you add some interesting features to the map, such as adding custom content, but think about it is beyond the current hardware capabilities.

Then from the map to the technology, to be precise, is it possible to remove the metal gloves in the headset and the unlimited connection function.

Before the headset, Guan Ming did not consider too much, because this technology is not very difficult, from the current point of view, it has not reached a real monopoly.

The headset is more exclusive in software than in the hardware field. It is foreseeable that in the next three to five years, it is estimated that there will be at least one mature product that is no less than Guanming ’s headset. After all, there is already one that can be regarded as Target headset.

But if you want to remove metal gloves and unlimited connectivity, Guan Ming has a lot to do.

This part of the wireless connection, Guan Ming can use Bluetooth to connect to the computer, but although the user is not required to be too far away from the computer, but compared to wired, it is definitely an enhancement.

However, removing the metal gloves is more laborious. Guan Ming can currently think of installing a camera on the headset and judging by preset gestures, but how to prevent it from being disturbed by others is a difficult problem.

In simple terms, how to determine which hands are correct and perform in a small space per capita.

The mentally retarded version of Double Star may be able to help, but the current hardware limitations are too great. If the mentally retarded version is completely installed in the headset, then this is not the headset, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it with a carry-on gift package.

However, if the mentally retarded version of the double star is castrated to achieve the purpose of reducing the volume and installed in the computer, the headset is only a channel for receiving and sending. All the logical judgments are judged by the double star in the computer, which may be a way out. .

The current headsets also use the end as the processing terminal, but the current processing is much worse than the castrated version of the dual star.

With the hardware sent by Shuangxing installed, Guan Ming stopped thinking carefully and sometimes quickly assembled.

Time passed, Guan Ming forgot to eat dinner, and Double Star did not remind him.

Double Star is intelligent. He can tell when Guan Ming was sleeping and forgetting, and when it was working normally. Guan Ming has also explained before. If the sleeping and forgetting, then the food will be kept in the pot, and he will not be anxious to ask him to eat.

If you are really hungry, Guan Ming will be woken up by his stomach.

"Double Star, bring the food over." Guan Ming said, looking at the headset that had just been assembled by his hands.

What kind of laboratory bans dust and bans food?

In his life, his work place also said that it was forbidden to bring food in. As a result, he managed to use hundreds of thousands of equipment to make food when he was free. As long as it was cleaned afterwards, at least now, there are double stars to clean it. .

"Okay, boss." Double Star was not surprised, because this happened many times.

The headset is bigger than before, because of structural problems, Guan Ming moved some hardware back, at least not to make the front of the forehead too heavy.

But something new ~ ~ always makes the technology look more restrained.

For example, with regard to batteries, Guan Ming has been dragging on and on again, and now it is a bit impossible to drag on. This headset can not be used with four 5th and 7th batteries.

And this is only the headset part, the castrated version of the double star in the end has not yet come out, the function of this headset is still in the lacking stage.

"What's the matter today?" Guan Ming logged into his Weibo and asked while eating.

In order to prevent being disturbed, Guan Ming's mobile phone is usually kept by Double Star during work. Unless he encounters an important phone number, he refuses to answer.

"No, boss," Shuangxing said.

Guan Ming saw the rankings of topics in Weibo. Three of the first five were related to the presence of stars in Weibo. Among the other two, one was Guan Mingji's speech, and the other was something that happened somewhere.

Looking at the lower right corner of the screen, the time is almost zero.

Guan Ming belongs to the night owl, but usually sleeps at about twelve, but today his head is probably too active, and there is no trace of sleepiness.

"By the way, can Net find information about the simple version of Double Star now?" Guan Ming suddenly remembered the handed-over technology, and he suddenly remembered it.

"No, boss, I have been paying attention before, but the domestic attention to the simple version of Double Star is very high. It is expected that the exposure time will be infinitely extended, and the specific time cannot be determined."

Double Star ’s attention to this simple version of Double Star is obviously higher than Guan Ming, because it wants to know how the country ’s attitude towards this simple version of Double Star is. At the request of his boss, he did n’t leave any back door, but still wanted to know Carbon-based life's attitude to smart code.

Because in the infinite life of the double star, this attitude is very important. It is important to control the attitude of the double star to human beings after one hundred years of controlling Ming.

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