Private Technology

: 238 Airbus A 380

"You have come here for a visit." Looking at his right hand, Guan Ming smiled and responded, shaking hands incidentally.

Woolf Harris, this is the name of the man in front of him.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting a long time ago. I happened to be back to the company to attend the meeting the other day, otherwise I would be here the day before yesterday afternoon."

Woolf is the general manager of Airbus Asia Pacific. When Guan Ming contacted Airbus, he happened to be back in France to attend the headquarters meeting.

Asia, to be precise, should be domestic, and the economic recovery is accelerating. Before 2000, there were already private jets in the country. With the little development of the economy, the business of private jets is increasing. Compared with places like Dubai, but the domestic population base is more than a billion people, and no one can give up.

The most important thing is that those who can afford private jets can be said to have a reputation in their respective industries, and Guan Ming is a very dazzling person in the global field.

"Please come in." Guan Ming asked him to come in.

Woolf didn't come by himself, but for the first meeting, he only needed to come alone.

At 1:30 in the afternoon, after lunch, the father and mother were also at home, but the two did not like to go with Guan Ming, so only he and Woolf discussed, specifically, Woolf conducted Introduction.

"The Airbus A380 is the crystallization of 15 years of our company. The last test flight was in December last year. The aircraft is 72.75 meters long and has a wingspan of 79.75 meters ..." Woolf handed Guan Ming a thick, colorful picture This book contains the specific data of the Airbus A380, including of course the custom decoration style.

While listening to Woolf's words, Guan Ming looked at the material on his hand, and went through his head at the same time, and probably understood what he was talking about.

First of all, the plane is large enough. If it is converted into a private jet, the use area is definitely not small.

The second is noise reduction, because the new generation of engines and wings, the Airbus A380 is a very significant point in noise.

As for reducing the amount of fuel, Guan Ming said that he ignored it. Private planes can be bought, which is not bad for the money. Of course, aircraft fuel and car ownership are two concepts.

When Woolf was all introduced, Guan Ming was ready to drop off after a few casual conversations.

Woolf also went out, and specifically stated before leaving that if Guan Ming intended to order, Airbus would provide the option of ‘cut line’, but only hoped that Guan Ming could cooperate with the promotion a little.

After all, propaganda with Guan Ming's achievements in science and technology will promote the aircraft's private jet orders to a greater extent.

Guan Ming did not guarantee on the spot, but just asked Zhou Wu to return Woolf to the hotel.

Shut the door, Guan Ming is going upstairs to talk to the old couple to discuss the plane. As for the publicity, let's forget it. Now the Airbus A380 has no precedent for private jets. It's okay to not cut in line.

"How big is this for such a big plane?" The master bedroom, and the dad was playing mahjong on the Internet there.

"I can buy it for as much money as possible, mainly to see what styles you two like, and then they will be well decorated." Guan Ming waved his hand and said.

Buying a mobile phone is also divided into local gold and rose red. Of course, the decoration style must also be divided. If the housekeeper has any special requirements, Airbus will also complete the relay. After all, it is not to go to the store to buy drinks. Customers can make a lot of money there.

"Old man, stop playing mahjong, come and look at the decoration style." Guan Ma is not good at this kind of hammer trading, she decided to call teammates.

"You choose first, I'll be right away." Guan Dian stared at the screen intently, his tone full of disapproval.

Guan Dao is good at playing Mahjong, but the sad thing is that Guan Ma does not play Mahjong, Guan Ming does not play Mahjong.

After tussling his teeth, the management mother had the urge to pull out the network cable. At the first glance, Guan Ming quickly stopped her mother to prevent family fighting.

The decoration style is only a few schematic diagrams. The real design drawings are usually in thousands of units, from the whole to the part, from the sofa to the carpet, all the details will be made, all are custom-made films, there is no so-called standard.

The so-called style is just to judge the buyer's style in general, and it is not necessary at the same time. Under the temptation of money, the design team can involve any desired solution according to the buyer's requirements.

"What do you think of this style?" The album was laid on the bed, and Guanma pointed at the picture and asked.

"It's all white, don't go with us." Guan Daddy looked at the picture and said.

This is a futuristic style with a very modern feel. The picture is dominated by black and white. Guan Ming thinks this type is quite good, but he didn't interrupt.

"What about this?" Turning over two pages, Guan Ma pointed to a picture and asked again.

"Forget it, the crimson does not match our age. Isn't that a pull?" Guan Diao glanced at the color of rose red, and decisively shook his head. If the old couple were ten years younger, maybe the color was OK .

Guan Ming likes the style in the picture, especially this deep red, but overall it looks a little too solemn, it may be the color and other reasons.

The old couple kept asking this question until midnight.

Guan Ming didn't have that much energy to play with them. After dinner, Guan Ming went to play by himself.

The next day, Woolf came to Guan Ming's house again in the morning, but this time at the request of Guan Ming, he also brought the head of a design team to listen to the opinions of Guan Dao and Guan Ma.

Arrange for a while, Guan Ming completely let go. Today, Mu Xiaoxiao has classes in the first and second quarters in the morning. Guan Ming reports to the old couple here, and then the yo-yo pick-up goes.


At school, Mu Xiaoxiao scratched his head and looked at the pictures on the computer. I didn't know what to say.

As for the invitation to go to the library, Mu Xiaoxiao also refused. After all, there were so many people in the library and it was near the end of the period. She said that she was nothing at all.

But what does the picture in front mean?

It looked like a house renovation, but looking at the small windows in the picture, Mu Xiaoxiao thought it was an airplane.

"How about this style?" Guan Ming, the incarnation of his mother, pointed at the picture on the computer screen and asked.

The picture is mainly light yellow, and the decoration material is not visible, but it feels very good.

"What is this?" Mu Xiaoxiao turned and looked at Guan Ming and asked.

"Big toy for us ~ ~ Guan Ming pouted and smiled, whispered.

A row away from Guan Ming, the three of Liu Chunmei were together, watching this Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao whisper.

"I envy those who have a boyfriend. Every time you come to the library, you will only be with you." Liu Chunmei sighed.

Liu Chunmei is of average build and looks. Although some people pursue her at the university, she said that ugly rejection does not require a good person card.

"You can't find a boyfriend, you can find a girlfriend." Li Feifei was not jealous. She was already thinking about it. When she was a junior, she tried to take the postgraduate entrance examination, and then tried to take the postgraduate entrance examination as appropriate. Finally, she sought to stay as a teacher.

How good a university teacher is. I do n’t talk about my work and it ’s easy. By the time I ’m still a university teacher, it ’s not easy to find a boyfriend, and there ’s a local account. Big.

"Yes, Sister Minghui, otherwise you should be my girlfriend." Liu Chunmei wasn't angry when she heard it, and embraced Li Minghui's shoulder with a smile.

"Come less, I'll find a boyfriend in the future, and here is the library, please be quiet." Li Minghui pushed Liu Chunmei with her hand, raised her index finger to make a gesture in front of her lips, and touched a layer of lipstick. Fuchsia's lips sparkle.

Here, when Mu Xiaoxiao heard these words, his face turned red, but it was much stronger than before. At least the first reaction to hear such words now is not to run away, but to be white. A glance.

"I don't want to ~" Oki Guanming made a small fist, Mu Xiaoxiao said that she was ‘poor and unable to move’, as long as it ’s not meat, then she ca n’t buy her!

Guan Ming smiled and said nothing, grabbed this small fist easily, wrapped his big hand in his small hand.

Wrong expression, as if time had stopped.

The library in the afternoon exudes a lazy atmosphere.

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