Private Technology

: Two hundred and forty-four Shang Guanming will do!

Girls' schedules are relatively normal, or the schedule of college life is generally normal.

Withstand the topic after the girls bedroom lights out, Mu Xiaoxiao is like a big earthworm, arched in the quilt, covered with quilts, which is covered by curtains, the light in the room is relatively dark, otherwise this is like a small hill bag, Normal people know that there is a problem at first glance.

Nokia's mobile phone is straight, there is no Internet access, and the game is only greedy. Although Guan Ming said he wanted to replace Mu Xiaoxiao with a new phone, the stubborn Mu Xiaoxiao said that one was enough.

Of course, with regard to the laptop, holographic projection and recent VR headset, she said that Guan Ming had personally delivered the house, which was controlled by Mu Da Mu Mu. As for the dual-star assistant, well, this is what Mu Xiaoxiao himself wants. Yes, and Guan Ming recharges well.

I turned to Guan Ming's phone number and looked at the time. At 11 o'clock in the evening, I don't know if I will sleep there, but Mu Xiaoxiao thinks, let's send a text message.

She is not a real idiot, she knows that Ma Qingyun is Guan Ming's person. As a result, Ma Qingyun is a transparent person throughout the whole process. It is obvious today that these two people have a close relationship with Guan Ming, but they do not know whether it is Guan Ming's father or mother. Ming other relatives.

Thinking about today ’s move, Mu Xiaoxiao felt so depressed. After contacting him all morning, he returned the taste in the afternoon. Was the IQ squeezed into the stomach by the food? Can't reach my head.


If you don't get into your head at the critical moment to prepare for battle, what do you want!

Mu Xiaoxiao: "Are you asleep?"

Sending a text message, Mu Xiaoxiao muted the phone immediately to avoid being noticed by the roommate.

After about ten seconds, the text message came.

Guan Ming: "?"

These idiots, what's so special, I'm a ghost, it's a late period, you four idiots actually let me strike? Everyone is up and down. You four of these goods are standing in front of the tower of the towering stuffy and dare not come out. Seeing that I ’m dead, I also call me a dish.

Your sister, kill you!

Quan Ming, the conductor of the spring, said that this game is too difficult to play, every time it is 1-9, the global stream lineup is too full, the elves have chosen it, it is really an egg!

At this time, Guan Ming who stayed up late to dota saw a text message coming from his mobile phone, opened the text message for a while, and found that it was Mu Xiaoxiao's text message.

Looking at the newly resurrected ghost, Guan Ming said that I was going to hang up and anger you grandsons!

Mu Xiaoxiao: "I met two people at school today and gave me a voucher. Later I realized that there were more than 2,000 yuan in it!"

Guan Ming: "That's my parents. I was interviewed by a TV program today, but they secretly ran to find you. I didn't know it until later."

People's hearts are not old ~

Even lesbians like Ma Qingyun also succumbed to the claws of Guan Ma, saying that today ’s things are not her pot. If you want to know, you can ask Guan Dao, but if Guan Ming ’s curiosity is strong, she said he can Revealed.

What else can I say? Do n’t ask, just pretend that you do n’t know, opened a Zhou Wu and Ma Qingyun, and there are tens of millions of Zhou Wu and Ma Qingyun, the old couple just have fun, at least Zhou Wu and Ma Qingyun other than this, other I did pretty well.

Mu Xiaoxiao: "..."

The ellipsis represents Mu Xiaoxiao's mood. Although there is some speculation in her heart, when the answer is really obtained, the stomach hurts.

Where is the boy's bedroom?

Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly felt malicious from the school, or he was indeed a family, the excuses were the same ...

Da Xia's mask was hot in the bed itself, but Mu Xiaoxiao felt her face was hotter, probably congested.

After ten seconds, Guan Ming's text message came again.

Guan Ming: "You can keep the card. Anyway, you don't have much money. You just need to buy something by yourself. Tell me when you're done. I'll give you a new one."

Guan Ming doesn't have a gold card in his hand. It is estimated that the card used by Guan's father and mother is now available. The channel is unknown, but Guan Ming said he can get it.

The temperature rose by a notch. Mu Xiaoxiao found that the attributes of his food seemed to be leaked, and it seemed that even his parents knew it!

Too shameful!

Mu Xiaoxiao: "I'm sleeping!"

Looking at the text message on his hand, Guan Ming didn't know what Mu Xiaoxiao thought. He thought that it should be that Mu Xiaoxiao was a bit shy, maybe it was sleepy, he didn't think much, and then played the game.

Looking up, my hometown was flattened, but there were still people in the game who didn't retreat. Everyone [everyone] typed. Guan Ming looked at the chat history, and his lungs were almost out of breath.

It ’s okay to provoke yourself on the opposite side, after all, he is the elder brother of the guard, but his teammates also mock themselves, your sister!

A decisive set of Mandarin triple combos, Guan Ming withdrew, and then the next one.


"Did you finish it? Hurry up after you finish it." Just after eating a fried dough stick, soy milk did not drink half a bowl, and Guan Ming's bowl was taken away.

It was n’t a waste, Guan Ma poured half a bowl of soy milk into Daddy ’s bowl.

Guan Diao's actions of fritters froze, probably shocked.

"Well, let's go." Taking advantage of Guan Ma's effort to pour soybean milk, Guan Ming quickly took a bite of pickles.

The housekeeper was good at breakfast, soy milk fritters came alive, mainly the old couple, this was good, Guan Ming had breakfast for purely forced, and stayed up late last night to dry dota, but was awakened on time at seven in the morning. what.

Dressed neatly, Guan Ming went out with a tired pace.

"Boss, where are you going?" Zhou Wu put his hands on the steering wheel, looked at Guan Ming in the rearview mirror, and felt a little uneasy.

After all, bad things are done, and few don't worry.

"Go to Xiaoxiao's house." I wanted to say that I was going to school, but I remember that today is Sunday. Mu Xiaoxiao will definitely go home to eat delicious food, and by the way, take the living expenses.

And I went to Mu Xiaoxiao's home today, mainly to tell Mu's mom and mom about the show, so as to reassure the two.

Rich, dating and trouble, people are afraid that they are just playing.

I'm out of money and it takes time to fall in love.

The car drove out of the company and proceeded smoothly on the road.

"Looking? Did you go out?" Guan Dad asked next to Guan Ma.

"Well, it looks like this is out." The second floor's master bedroom, the management mother holding a small binoculars, she looked to see if her son is at work or pick up girl.

"That's it, you can brush the bowl." Guan Dian sat in front of the computer, turned on, and prepared his Mahjong life.

"Every day I know that playing mahjong ~ ~ Soy milk is over?" Mom **** her teeth, and she didn't forget the half-bowl of soy milk at this time.

"Hurry up. There is no shortage of this half of the bowl of soy milk in the house. Hurry up and brush it." Guan Daddy pushed the push tube mother disgustingly.

My mother grinds her teeth, but she only grinds her teeth, and then she goes down and pours the soy milk, and she brushes the bowl.

Yesterday, the old couple was the first official contact with Mu Xiaoxiao, and the other party felt very good to them. It is because their son is already a big one. This life-long event must be dealt with quickly, and it must be watched. There are so many in college Outstanding talents, in case anyone ran away Mu Xiaoxiao, the old couple distressed.

It's hard to say clearly that Guan Ming should arrange manpower in key positions, but the old couple felt that due to this many contacts, maybe Mu Xiaoxiao ran home to find the grandparents for the children.

As for college?

Hurry up, go to any university, just go to Guanming!

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