Private Technology

: 252 First, you need dignity!

Guan Ming looked at the document in his hand and quickly marked it.

Although he will turn in these documents, it does not mean that he will wait for the decision to be made, and then what.

Above is his protective umbrella. In the collision between nations, it is the person who gave him protection, but Guan Ming also needs to do it himself in order to get enough food and clothing.

Without notifying anyone, Guan Ming went directly to Qian Junhao.

Bian Chengwen left early, probably when Guan Ming handed over the technically simple version of the double star, and retreated with the army. He is a computer expert and he is qualified to analyze what Guan Ming has submitted. Get involved and research.

"How come you came to me?" Qian Junhao's secretary poured tea and left the office.

The school and the company are neighbors. It took less than ten minutes to drive to the place, and Guan Ming relied on his face. He did not need to check at all, and only reported after passing.

Therefore, Qian Junhao didn't know that he was going to come just a few minutes before he saw Guan Ming.

"Come here to give you a big gift, but I don't know if you dare." Put the document bag on the coffee table, Guan Ming raised the tea cup and drank.

The tea was initially imported and felt a bit sour, but then it seemed a bit sweet, astringent and bitter.

Guan Ming did not study tea, but he knew that it was definitely not that the tea was broken. Besides, the broken tea was probably not sour.

"As long as it is not a property, I dare not collect anything. By the way, how are you doing recently? Recently, China is also paying close attention to it." Qian Junhao joked.

Guan Ming ’s gift is definitely not a property. At least Qian Junhao has this consciousness. Even if it is sent, Guan Ming is mostly tobacco and alcohol. At present, the intensity of anti-corruption is not so great. Qian Junhao does not think he can pour on tobacco on.

Qian Junhao also knows a lot about the international assistants on Double Star.

"It's okay. I've investigated something useful here. I think it's also very useful for the country compared to me." Guan Ming pointed to the unopened document bag.

"To what extent?" Frowning, Qian Junhao couldn't help but straighten the waist version, and reached out to hold the document bag, and retracted it.

There is such a thing in the workplace that you need to pay attention to. It ’s all right. Do n’t inquire. What you know, you will slowly know. What you do n’t know is wrong.

The officialdom is above the workplace.

"Ah ... to the extent that probably the EU would dislike the United States." Rubbing his lips, Guan Ming said.

The European Union is a multi-national assembly. As of this year, that is, 2007, there are about 26 or 67 countries as member states. Although there are many countries, a considerable part of them are mixed with the United States.

This is not very accurate. It should be said that quite a number of countries have been restrained by the United States.

As the younger brother of the United States, even the EU must dislike its big brother. The contents of this document bag are a bit hot, and they are particularly hot.

"Your boy, let's get some moths, so let's do it today. How do I deal with this matter, I will tell you later." Fingers pointed out Guan Ming, although his tone was not good, but his face was still smiling. .

Striving for development under struggle is a guideline policy for the country when it enters the year of peace. It can add chaos to the opponent, and in some ways, it is developing itself.

Divide the other side and draw the other side into your own strength.

If you want to dominate the world, you must first have enough voice, just like the United States.

"Then you better hurry, here I have marked the time point, it is the time point for my own action, after all, some things you broke out badly, the contradictions will sharpen." Guan Ming specially ordered Qian Junhao.

The dialogue between nations cannot destroy your whole family with one word, but the reflection of the domestic people will also affect the decisions of the upper levels to a certain extent.

The United States is a governmental and ruling state body. In order to transfer contradictions, the United States may create more contradictions, such as Clinton, Bushton, and so on.

"Rely on!" Qian Junhao, who was twice as old as Guan Ming, couldn't help but scream.

"Okay, hurry up, I'll look for it above." Qian Junhao stood up in a hurry, holding Guan Ming as he walked to the desk, and took out a full metal case from the cabinet under the bookshelf.

It's probably for document bags, but who knows.

"That way, then I'll withdraw it first." He waved his hands and Guan Ming walked out of the office.

Today, there were dark clouds and thunder and lightning, but the wind was not strong and it didn't rain. The weather was humid and sultry. Guan Ming suddenly wanted to see the Maldives.

Regarding walking south and north, Guan Ming is really not as good as his father and mother. In this life, Guan Ming has never been abroad and has not traveled specifically. When I think of the photos sent by his father, Guan Ming really feels a little excited .

"Boss, go back to the company or go home?" The car shook and stopped.

Looking at the boss in the rearview mirror, Zhou Wu asked.

"Go to Mu Xiaoxiao's house." Guan Ming hesitated and said.

He is not the one who thinks of it, but the wayward person will always be free and easy.

It may be simpler, simpler, and easier to satisfy yourself if you don't care about others' eyes and live for yourself.


"Why are you here?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked with a popsicle, curious.

The white sprint shorts, the ones that are longer than the four-corner safety pants, have a fat waistband on their upper body, a tall ponytail on their head, and look at Guan Ming with a stunned look.

Maybe it's black bra. At least it's Guan Ming's recognition of bra. The color of the shoulder strap should be ...

"It happened to be something. I wanted to find my uncle and aunt, so I came here." Standing at the door, Guan Ming was embarrassed to let her rush out of the way.

"Here is the little tube, come in here, you girl, what are you doing at the door of the pestle?" Mu's hand was soaked in white flour, and she pedaled Mu Xiaoxiao's calf.

The flesh was soft, and Mu Xiaoxiao didn't feel the pain, and she didn't think her dignity was insulted. She honestly hid and let Guan Ming come in.

Guan Ming saw the scene of her being repaired n times, insulting with dignity? What a joke, we must first have dignity!

"Hello aunt, hello uncle." Upon entering the door, there was a table in the living room with a panel on it, probably cooking dumplings or chaos. A military-themed TV show on TV. This TV show made silly fire all over the country. Of course, one day in the future, Stupid relied on his agent and wife, and fired again ...

"It's better to come early than to come by chance. I'll eat here tonight, and my uncle will make dumplings for you." Mu Da said with a smile ~ ~ It's great. I usually don't eat much dumplings. On. Guan Ming will certainly not give Laozhangren face and slide down the pole.

"I don't know if you like to eat pork or scallions, but it's definitely not as delicious as your company's." Mu Mu motioned for Guan Ming to sit on the sofa with a smile on her face.

"Hi ~ The chefs in our company make rare dishes that are delicious, but the common dishes are still a bit poor." Guan Ming did not leave a trace of smacking the fart, and the smile on Mu's face was even brighter.

"Cut ~ hypocrisy ..." Mu Xiaoxiao was very disdainful of Mingming's behavior, and he didn't talk about it. It was too obvious to slap.

Mu Xiaoxiao said that she would be happy to eat the meat made by Guanming's chef. Mu's craftsmanship is a long way off, and apart from that, at least she is not willing to put meat!

Less pork than green onions? Can this dumpling be eaten? Is the green onion the essence?

"Every day you have a lot of things, go get a small tube and popsicles." Mu Xiaoxiao glared, and Mu's mother bleeds her small ice storehouse.

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