Private Technology

: 258 Evidence and Toad

Place: The fourth floor of the company.

Time: 13:17.

"... We have no reason or need to choose a lie. In fact, when we become a first-class company at home and abroad, we know that we will face more challenges, including market and policy, including challenges in the industry, including domestic However, we have always been good at others, and we are not willing to make enemies easily, but we have a bottom line. We will not unconditionally accommodate anyone, whether it is an individual, a company, or the authority of some countries. "

There were crowds in the lecture hall. This time, Liu Mengmeng did not invite according to the number of seats as before, but expanded the number, and even issued a 'stop ticket' because she needed to let the news out faster and more violently. .

"I know that many people will doubt and doubt everything I say, because even if I speak on behalf of the company at the moment, it may be a lot lighter than some departments, but it does n’t matter because I have There is evidence. "As he said, Liu Mengmeng held the small remote control in his hand and pressed it. The pictures on the big screen behind him quickly swept from the largest to the smallest, flying from the middle to the edge.

Even if they couldn't see clearly, the reporters in the audience took a breath of air, because they understood what ‘evidence’ is.

On the Internet, it is not easy to achieve this. At the same time, it takes time to operate. Unfortunately, Double Star's response speed is very, very fast.

"Thank my boss for being a technical bull. Maybe after the incident was exposed for the first time, the other party will start to erase the clues and traces on the Internet. It will not happen until after it is really dealt with. I deny everything, but unfortunately , We have some evidence. "

Behind Liu Mengmeng, the flashing pictures that appeared quickly continued to shrink, and finally the head of Guan Ming was not clear, but it was enough to distinguish.

This is not required by Guan Ming. This is what Liu Mengmeng instructed her to use the dual-star assistant in her computer. The more you use the dual-star assistant, the more you will understand its power. And in the company and at home, the so-called dual-star assistant is only dual-star. Protective coloration.

Liu Mengmeng knows that Guan Minghui will watch this conference remotely. This is the best opportunity to make a flattery and make Guan Ming shine all over the world!

"... After the end, I will give each media friend a USB flash drive with some evidence about our collection ..."

"Below, reporters begin to ask questions. Reporters who need to ask questions please raise their hands."

The long arm is like a forest, and the flash is like a star in the night sky.

"Hello President Liu, I would like to ask, isn't the so-called evidence you provided synthesized from pictures or videos?" A white reporter asked.

"Whether it is a synthesis, you can ask a professional to review it, the next one." According to Guan Mengmeng, Liu Mengmeng had only one chance to ask a question.

"Hello, I want to ask, what will your company do next?" This time I asked a yellow-skinned mandarin, which is standard in Mandarin.

"In the next step, we will formally sue the U.S., because of the special unit of the other party, we will turn to the country and hope to get a fair and equal lawsuit in the international community." Liu Mengmeng had a bright smile on his face a few years ago. She just wanted to mix her salary for a few months, but who thought that she could stand in front of the global media a few years later, and blatantly accused a powerful unit of one and only one superpower.

Every picture emerged in her mind, some of her shameless flirting, her well-dressed visit to Foxconn, her hair caressing the beauty of Chinese beauty, and her busy work in the unit until late at night.

"Hello, there are too many people who don't know the pattern of cybercrime. So how do you know that it is really the FBI and NSA?" Another yellow-skinned person, but the question is very unfriendly, not just doubting that Guan Ming provided The evidence that came out also directly pointed out the names of these two evil organizations.

"I was able to answer this point, and it was interesting to say. At that time, my boss didn't know what the other party was, so I went to find the other party's IP, the IP in the United States, and my boss could naturally find out who this IP is and what the other party ... …. ”The palm was drawn unconsciously in the air twice, and no appropriate adjectives were found.“ Then silence and negative resistance have hitherto, even now, it is difficult for me to imagine why the other party has such courage to continue Attack, attack a company that can resist more than a thousand times, or people. "Shrugging his shoulders, Liu Mengmeng taunted.

In fact, it is not Guan Ming's passive resistance. The double star is basically a resistance, and the attack intensity is not high, so the double star has never been taken seriously.

This paragraph is also the benefit of Guan Ming Liu Mengmeng said, although it may involve US national security and so on, you have no evidence to sue me.

Guan Ming is legally blind ~ ~ He doesn't know what will happen in the end, but he knows that the country will definitely not give up on him.

In fact, when Guan Ming knew that his company had been attacked for a long time, he instructed Shuangxing to secretly copy the databases of the two organizations and save them, but he didn't mean to hand in this part, mainly because he was afraid of being sold.

Hearing Liu Mengmeng ’s remarks, the reporter at the conference seemed to fry, shouting madly, hoping to ask a question, and getting Liu Mengmeng ’s answer. In the large lecture hall, the reporter in front took an impetuous step forward. Then, the crowd rushed forward like the sea, and the company security and school supporters quickly leveled the scene.


Maldives, on a boat, a laptop computer was playing the press conference in real time, but the computer was buckled upside down and the boat was empty.

Underwater, Mu Xiaoxiao really has a diving suit, like a big toad, with both hands and feet to pounce down, the whole person is head up and then vertically in the water, but she can maintain this state.

She didn't shoot the water, she sank down, and when she patted the water, she could only maintain her height and couldn't get up.

It's not that the equipment is not strong, but that she is in the wrong posture, and fortunately, there is enough oxygen in the oxygen cylinder, otherwise she would have swallowed ~

Guan Minghui, he went to the beach with his father to fish for shrimps when he was young. When he was older, he went to the sea with his father to swim in the sea. One of the things he was most proud of was swimming while booing in the sea. It was only later that I found out that such a move is really special.

The diving suit is a tight-fitting one. With a mask, Guan Ming looks at Mu Xiaoxiao in the seawater. His body is uneven, which is very indecent, of course, and very interesting.

The bodyguard wandered around, like an arrow target, surrounding the steward and the Mu family of six people.


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