Private Technology

: 276 I'm never naughty again!

Mu's attitude towards Guan Ming is still very good, at least talking and laughing.

I didn't ask where I was going, just that Mu Xiaoxiao would be returned at night.

Walking and swaying, the breeze is coming, the skirt is fluttering, and it is very literary girl style.

"What's the matter with you?" After taking two steps, Guan Ming turned back and saw Mu Xiaoxiao lag behind himself a lot.

I didn't pay much attention to the stairs, after all, one after the other, but after going downstairs, the other party's speed was slightly slower.

"It's nothing." Shaking his head quickly, Mu Xiaoxiao was embarrassed to say he was beaten.

When I was a kid, I hit the clapper board, but later I could n’t hold the pen because it was too painful. Then I changed to spanking, and then I went from childhood to childhood.

I don't know what she's going to do, but Guan Ming also put down his footsteps and moved slowly with Mu Xiaoxiao.

Time slowed down in an instant, as if even the nine o'clock rising sun, also a little bit hot.

There are very few people nearby at this time, because today is a working day, and because of being in a metropolis, this time is also close to work time.

"Get in the car." Opening the back door, Guan Ming motioned to Mu Xiaoxiao.

"Uh ... I can't go up from there." Mu Xiaoxiao asked awkwardly, scratching his head.

"Of course you can." Who knows why Mu Xiaoxiao did this, and ate too much in the morning? Not full in the morning? who cares?

"That ... I want to climb on the back seat, okay." Looking at the car, Mu Xiaoxiao flushed.

Guan Ming buys the latest car every year, there are extended versions, there are sports cars or something, but when going out, Guan Ming rarely take these cars, because he usually does not go out, just go out to find Mu Xiaoxiao or what It is probably used to a low profile.

Although the car in front is very luxurious, there are also on-board TVs, but there are only two rows in the row of driving and co-driving. In other words, if Mu Xiaoxiao wants to lie on the back seat, Guan Ming will either go to co-driving. Sit down, either as a pillow in the back row.

Guan Ming didn't get on the car for a long time, and Zhou Wu, who was sitting in the driver's seat, got off the car and wanted to see if something had happened.

Waved his hand, motioned to the other party to go back, nothing happened.

"Shit? Spanked?" Guan Ming's head turned, and he could guess that it wouldn't be out of the question.

If it wasn't for being beaten, Mu Xiaoxiao wouldn't be able to lie on his back if he was lazy. At most Ge You was paralyzed, especially today she walks very 'lady'.

"Um." Bow, blushing, red to the ears, have all gone to college, and have been stabbed by the old lady, saying that it was shameful to go out.

"Then you go from here." Patted the door, Guan Ming motioned to the other side to get in.

"Oh." Slowly bent down, like an earthworm, arch by arch, the whole man was tucked into the back seat of the car.

Guan Ming never considers himself a gentleman. Smelly shame is synonymous with him. He walks around from the side of the car, Guan Ming opens the door on the other side and drills in.

"Ah ~ how did you get up." Ming Huangxiao's big buttock floated on his head, Mu Xiaoxiao quickly supported the seat with both hands, avoiding Guan Ming's heaven ... buttocks.

Bang, Guan Ming pushed hard, and the door was closed.

"Let's drive," Guan Ming said, pressing a button, separated by front and rear bezels.

"Come on your back, afraid that you will be bored alone," Guan Ming patted his thigh, Guan Ming said.

Standing high, the neckline is slightly larger, and you can see the basic elements of fire. Well, it is very white and full.

I do n’t know if Guan Ming ’s eyes are too bright or too deep. In less than two seconds, Mu Xiaoxiao supported the back seat with one hand and covered the neckline with one hand. The pouting can hang the oil bottle, and his face has always been ruddy. It hasn't cooled down till now.

"Get down and get away from here to the airport." Guan Ming urged again.

"Huh!" He snorted hard, Mu Xiaoxiao's arms relaxed, and his chin rested on Guan Ming's leg, but his position was a bit awkward. Guan Ming said that today's jeans were worn wrong, and trousers and the like should be loose A little pants.

Perhaps Mu Xiaoxiao realized something, perhaps because the car was not wide enough. Alas, Mu Xiaoxiao crossed one leg and moved his chin to the other.

What's so special, you should wear thinner pants today, Guan Ming complained in his heart.

Although I can't see it, Mu Xiaoxiao's neck is long and I don't care about a thick leg. Unfortunately, Mu Mu created the opportunity today.

If he had known this, he would have to wear a beach short!

The car started slowly and was very stable. The two were a little awkward, but Mu Xiaoxiao was best at playing with herself. She was poking at the door with her hand and wanted to study what the material was.

July is considered to be the hottest day in summer, and a big urn on the head, scientific name is Wanzitou, in order to expose the back of the neck, cool and cool.

Pull it twice, swing it back and forth twice, pull it twice, swing it back and forth twice, like a spring with insufficient elasticity.

"Hey, what are you doing, don't fiddle with my hair." You can bear it once, and you may come across it accidentally, but then come again, that is to find the difference.

Lying on his side, Mu Xiaoxiao squinted at Guan Ming and asked angrily.

"It's nothing, but suddenly I think your hairstyle looks like a pickle, um ... also like a potato." After touching this little cock, Guan Ming nodded in a serious way.

"Bite you!" Mu Xiaoxiao threatened.

Skimming her lips and not expressing her stance, mainly because she didn't dare to gamble. Although the easiest place to speak is the legs, it is one thing for Mu Xiaoxiao to dare to speak. It hurts.

Seeing Guan Ming's refusal, Mu Xiaoxiao snorted and turned to study the car.

I glanced at the man lying on his leg, and the curve of his back was very beautiful ~ ~ The waist was sunken and exquisite.

Although Mu Xiaoxiao is not tall, the car is not wide, the calf is bent, and dangling, he will kick into the window from time to time, and then erected quickly, like a telephone pole.

Fortunately, the windows are single-pass, otherwise someone will definitely associate with some indescribable car activities.

The skirt is slightly upward, and you can see that the legs are bent inside, which is fleshy and very interesting.

"Let me take your shoes off." Guan Ming said for a while.

"Oh, thank you." Turning around and looking at his feet, Mu Xiaoxiao folded back hard.

Guan Ming doesn't have foot fetishism. Ma Liu took off her two shoes and put them on the pedals. She wore socks and sandals, which made her easy to take off.

"Yes, why did your mother hit you again? And so cruel?" Guan Ming belonged to nothing.

In the past, Mu Xiaoxiao was beaten, and he slept on his stomach for one night. It did not affect sitting the next day, but it was obviously not Mu Xiaoxiao who had just slept this morning.

"Well, naughty." With a sigh, Mu Xiaoxiao was downcast.

She remembered that dark night, she was pressed to the sofa, her old lady was sitting on her waist, crying and rushing to the ground could not save the interrupted tickle.

The most annoying is his own father, although he has never been able to get rid of himself, but the ability to add fuel and vinegar is too powerful, so powerful that Mu Mu gets more and more angry, and the more angry, the harder.

That hurts ~

"Haha, I guess so, personal suggestion, it's better to offend your mother less. I was beaten by my mother last time, as if it was high school or when I was here." Guan Ming recalled that once, it seemed to be a treat The subject was arrested, but of course it is impossible to say something to Mu Xiaoxiao.

"I'm not naughty anymore!" Mu Xiaoxiao was also deeply convinced, with endless grievances in his tone.

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