Private Technology

: Two hundred and eighty-three

"Great for my management, 450 million? Or dollars?"

"The bulls forced me clearly, is this to return the plane?"

"It feels like a slogan, but it's great."

The electric fan was facing Mu Xiaoxiao, Xiaofeng was blowing his face whisperingly, watching the live broadcast of Weibo pictures while blowing.

Her hair was blown and fluttered, and she felt a little gray hair.

Guan Ming invited her to the company to take a closer look at the other side of Guan Ming, but Mu Xiaoxiao was not mentally prepared and was ready to persuade him for a while.

Although she was worried about whether she was being monitored by a monitor on the plane that afternoon, she had a hard time asking about it. Now Mu Xiaoxiao still remembers ... No, she still remembers the tongue being pulled.

It's like stuffing a fat stomach in your mouth, you can't bite ...

In order to prevent the fan from getting into her hair, she put the fan a little further and squinted her eyes. Her mouth was blown by strong winds from time to time, and the air in her mouth looked funny and stupid.

Air conditioners are nothing new, but if the demand is not big, there are not many ordinary users who will buy it at this age, at least the Mu family did not buy it.


Regarding the 450 million US dollars, that is just a casual statement. Who stipulates that no bragging rights can be made at the press conference?

Guan Mingchang is handsome and handsome, Yushu Lingfeng, eight pack abs, and heavenly, in fact, he really has bragging genes in his bones, um ... he was bragging in the previous paragraph.

Eight pack abs? Don't make trouble with the old iron, it's all old age, Guan Ming has returned to one early in the morning ~

"Mr. Guan, the current lawsuit of Double Star Assistant can be said to be a big win. What products are you planning to launch next? Or do you want to update the previous products?"

When it came to the reporter ’s question, Guan Ming was very clear because the first question was closer to the semicircular platform.

Deep V-neck, big fierce girl, white leather clothes, brown curly hair, looks OK.

At first glance, you are not a serious, seductive, low-handed person. It must be conspiracy, and it must be to change the topic!

"Sorry, this is not the subject of today's press conference, next."

Guan Ming motioned to the staff and hurry to sing ... oh, it's slicing.

"General Manager, how did you calculate the compensation for the price of 450 million US dollars? Can you elaborate?" It is also a white man, but he is a man, and the questions are more in line with the question.

The compensation is all stipulated. I ca n’t drive you to a chicken and drive it. As a result, your chickens have eggs and chickens. Let me compensate a chicken farm.

But bragging isn't against the law unless you make a big death.

"There are a lot of money. I have never endorsed any products. First of all, my portrait and reputation have been affected. Secondly, my rights. This may involve my future product parameters and even the core ideas of the product. It can also be regarded as a business spy and so on. "Guan Ming has not read a few legal books seriously, and when it comes to the end, his output basically depends on the editor.

The so-called $ 450 million is just a gimmick. Guan Ming is disgusting to the other side.

Want him to swallow his voice, okay, no problem, but first look at a few pounds or two.

Take the Prism Door incident, Guan Ming ignited complicatedly, and the rest shrank. To put it plainly, he is still a virtual US. If not, he would stand up and hard **** America.

But he couldn't pass his anus, so he swallowed his voice and got a little trick behind him, that's all.

But Airbus is different. First of all, it is an enterprise. Secondly, France and even Germany and Spain. Together, this country will not let Guan Ming back down.

"General Manager, have you ever thought that Airbus, as the second largest aerospace company in the world, may not have been installed by Airbus, or may it be its rival? In this case, will your action be deficient in consideration this time. The third question was a black-skinned, rare, fat and thin, not very visible, because Guan Ming looked at a big white tooth in the air.

"You mean the Boeing Company in the United States? If you have evidence, I don't mind going to another company to sue, wait, let me see your unit." Guan Ming pressed his right hand in the air and motioned to wait for a while, The sound of Double Star was transmitted to Guan Ming through the Bluetooth headset.

"Oh, AFP, one of the four major news agencies, no problem, I am looking forward to your breaking news." Guan Ming raised a thumb at the big white tooth.

AFP, one of the world's four largest news agencies, is the oldest qualified news agency and also affiliated with France. Coincidentally, AFP is also affiliated with France.

Perhaps the monitor was put in by the United States, but Guan Ming did not care about it and stared at Airbus.

The persimmons should also be pinched, soft and comfortable.

I can't see what the expression of Big White Teeth is, but Guan Ming thinks it should be a bitter smile or something else.

Probably he did not expect that Guan Ming could know his origin in only a few seconds.

There are many unethical media who are not easy to identify because of their looks. Various digging pits ask tricky questions. They are asking for a stream. Who cares about your second wave of statements and explanations, but was caught on the spot. This reporter It's pretty embarrassing.

"Hello President Guan, I would like to ask, before your company has sued the United States for more than a thousand cyber attacks, what is the current progress?" This is the first yellow-skinned reporter to ask questions. If Guan Ming remembers correctly, then Part of it should be the China region.

"Uh ... it should be in the forensics stage. I do n’t know much about it, but what I can guarantee here is that I can provide a lot of information and money to run this lawsuit. At the same time, I still have the last and current US leaders Some regrets, because of the last prism door incident ~ ~ because this year actually said that the Chinese Internet company many times the United States. "Pause, Guan Ming decisively changed the topic.

If it wasn't for this reporter's question, Guan Ming would have almost forgotten that one lawsuit has not been completed, but I feel that this lawsuit can be used to a wild age.

After Obama came to power, the interpretation of the Prism Gate incident was diversified. There are three specific points. First of all, it is stated that there is such a plan, but the scope is not so large, and it is not targeted at the leaders of other countries. Since 2000, there have been a large number of cyber attacks from China every year; in the end, it has been stated that there must be terrorism using its own hacking techniques to steal information from leaders of various countries, and buckle the feces in the United States.

Three explanations, the last one implicitly refers to Guan Ming, and the second is to frame China.

And Guan Ming's remarks also aimed at Obama's inaction.

Even though your **** is accurate, I have to struggle twice to show that I am innocent.

The next reporter asked a question, and it turned out that Guan Ming successfully crooked the building.

This world is not just China and the United States. There are other sovereign countries in the world, including pro-China, pro-American, and neutral, but no matter what position, I hope Guan Ming can better disclose the news and let his own report. More shocking.

Sales represent money, but also the media's right to speak in this circle, and it also represents the brainwashing power of this country.

Without the virtue of Guan Ming, talk about two others, and put up the Airbus ticket to hang it. Under the prism door incident, the US general election and many other things, Airbus successfully played a role against Guan Ming Roles.

Even if the other party is not willing.


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