Private Technology

: 404 processions and experiments

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There should be some understanding or opinions on things, let alone talk about pitting others, what to do if someone gets pitted?

Obama's pitted face was all black, not the kind of face to face, but the black that plunged into the coal pile.

Many human beings have slightly different ideologies because of their skin color and country, but this difference is not large.

The death of a man is also good. This is what the old ancestors concluded. In most cases, it is a universal principle. At least, a large part of the people think that Fuld's spit is a word. Something.

Although everyone knows that this is his desperate blow, in the face of bills and deposits, reason is probably only possessed by handsome people.

Countless people took to the streets, waving their banners and yelling loudly.

"Damn, doesn't he know that this country is not me alone?" Looking at the dense crowd outside the window, Obama said with an expression of indignation, and gave a fist to the window sill with a firm breath.

My hand hurts a bit, and I feel a little trembling.

But no matter how trembling it hurts.

The United States is a relatively open-minded country. At least the White House can be bombed in movies and the president can be teased in programs.

Racial discrimination in the United States is nothing new. The reason why black people are second-class citizens is not just a matter of color. In fact, it is more about education.

When Obama was not president, all his information was exposed, and after he became president, early information was even more exposed.

Blacks, early years of smoking, divorced parents, etc. These are all Obama's black spots.

He has no impeccable past experience, nor a perfect family. People always subconsciously think that he is not a qualified president. This kind of subconscious thinking is called colored glasses.

The famous "xx talk show" has teased Obama publicly, saying that he was picked by the president. In order to verify this view, he also interviewed passers-by randomly on the show, but most of the people interviewed were white, and the results are self-evident. .

A program deliberately voted for the past presidents of the United States. Although the original No. 6 Bush Jr. dropped to No. 12 but Obama was No. 36. At present, the President of the United States counts No. 44 Obama, which shows how much he is. Sad reminder.

The little secretary was a man. Obama and the two were in the office. He didn't say a word.

He knew that what Obama needed was not comfort, but self-pacity. If he didn't know that Obama would definitely have something to arrange, then he would choose to go out and leave Obama a separate space.

"When will the people from the European Central Bank come." Taking a deep breath, Obama asked.

Anger is not a solution to the problem. What he needs is immediate and immediate treatment. He needs to carry a heavy load and carry out a career while carrying a lot of dark history.

He still has some ideas about the euro area, but some of his original plans will be interrupted, especially the health insurance issues that he wanted to implement before.

"At three o'clock in the afternoon, they will be in your office, Mr. President," said the little secretary.


There are too many ways to save the declining economy. Taking history as a mirror, there are too many ways to deal with global modern history, but the larger the country's mass, the more difficult it is to regulate.

It is not without reason that South Korea can quickly become a developed country in modern history. Of course, it is also easy to return South Korea to developing countries. After all, South Korea has a lot of farts and is restrained by too many points.

Although the United States is not limited by many points, it is more difficult to maintain its current position and resolve this financial crisis.

However, these are not related to Guan Ming. Perhaps the raw materials will be more expensive and the product sales may be a little less. However, for Guan Ming, the most important thing is the development of driverless cars.

After the successful deployment of navigation satellites, Guan Ming has the confidence to promote his own navigation system globally, but it needs a carrier.

"Boss, are you sure that you printed the material with a metal printer? You know, the strength is not enough. Perhaps the car's life is only a few hours, or it is at a top speed." The sound of the double star echoed on the second floor, and Opposite the glass wall is a car that is two meters high, two meters long, and one meter five wide.

The shape of the car is different from that of a common car. The biggest difference is that the front face is much thinner. The cross section of the car is relatively steep, of course, it is also curved.

The shape of the car determines the air resistance. This car also can't run fast. The so-called top speed is 80km / h, and it can't even get on high speeds. It belongs to the city.

The chassis is not high, but the seat is relatively high from the ground.

Many devices can't just count on the front face of the plug. A considerable part of the device is controlled by the roof and the bottom of the car, including radar, including infrared, and so on.

"It's okay, try your hand first, but you monitor well, I don't want to take a plane ~" Guan Ming, with little excitement, ignored the double star's advice directly.

Compared with the traditional stamped steel plate, the metal material printed by the metal printer is probably a bed plate nailed by nails and a wood chip bed glued by glue.

Sleeping for a baby may not be a big difference, but for a larger person to come to bed, the latter must have gotten the box lunch early.

Considering that the self-driving cars are currently only for urban cars, Guan Ming also wants to actually try the performance of this thing.

Although the metal materials are printed, the interior is not printed either. The driver's seat and the co-pilot are all made of very good quality materials.

"Okay, boss." Shuangxing said, and across the glass wall, the car drove towards the elevator automatically.

In fact, Guan Ming does not need to specifically instruct, and Double Star must be given priority to Guan Ming, and the amount of calculation is instantly idle, which is specially used to estimate this car.

Turn back to the elevator and go directly to the first floor.

The ground floor is a security site, and the hall is not small. Spring has not yet fully arrived, but the evergreen tree in the center of the hall still emits a green luster, reminding Guan Ming of the forgiveness hat.

The bodyguards from near and far ~ ~ look around everything around, but their eyes are always unnaturally placed on that special car.

The security guard who entered the distance can even see that this car does not have a steering wheel!

If it weren't for his own boss to sit in, the security guard would have thought it was a ghost filming scene.


"Report the situation in real time." The car drove out of the company door, Guan Ming leaned on his seat and asked casually.

The interior of the car is very different from ordinary cars. First of all, there is no steering wheel, gear, throttle, brakes and clutch.

The instrument panel is still in the driver's seat. The front and back of the car are two, but they will be wider. At the same time, the backrest can be folded back.

The car is equipped with dual-star navigation, which can be connected with a mobile phone's Bluetooth or a data cable.

However, the car's automatic driving system is not too intelligent, but only based on data transmitted by navigation satellites, plus radar and infrared to assist judgment.

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