The sales of the car are still unknown because the sales method has changed.

Like Foxconn, Great Wall is responsible for production and sales.

Like Foxconn, Guan Ming uses activation software to calculate quantities, and then calculate income, and so on.

However, there is still a big difference between Great Wall and Foxconn. Here we are not talking about products sold, but sales methods.

Foxconn produces, packs, and mails, but the Great Wall does not have the process of sending by post.

Relying on the Great Wall, there are specialized facade stores in major cities that sell directly to consumers. This car is sold in the same way as ordinary cars. If the foreign market opens, the sales method is also the same.

But now, this car has not yet entered the market, because there are too many things to prepare in the early stage.

Because this is not just a car, not just a city transportation, the most important point is that driverless cars have no legal reliance in China.

Although there is no deeper communication with President Wei now, when they first met, the two also conducted some discussions in this regard.

The first is to open up the upper decision-making layer, and then the middle and lower layers to work hard.

But the middle and lower levels here do not refer to the aunt of the neighborhood committee, but the one with the right to submit an application.

The specific management is not clear, but it seems that in the two sessions or any special meeting, the people's congress representatives can submit applications.

But who knows, anyway, Guan Ming is responsible for the superstructure.

This time to go to the imperial capital, Guan Ming also talked to the previous Shanghai stock market boss. He did not give a positive answer on the spot, but Guan Ming could hear it, and the probability of passing would be very high.

With the advent of unmanned aerial vehicles, the technology on Guan Ming can be said to have improved by another level, even if it has been infinitely close to the peak before.

Judging from the current performance of the aircraft, it is entirely possible to preset multiple solutions in advance, and then the aircraft can make different choices according to the current environment, which is more efficient than manual driving.

Because when someone is on the aircraft, they need to consider a series of indicators such as the acceleration of the aircraft. At least the pilot cannot be disabled. However, if there is no pilot, the aircraft will perform the most efficient solution under the choice of the system. task.

Correspondingly, in the previous year, Guan Ming hadn't found a car talk about the automobile. Actually, a small-scale discussion has been conducted on this issue.

However, the focus of discussion is naturally not on cars, and the content of the discussion cannot be only cars. You must know that it is a giant meeting, and everyone ’s time is precious.

What they value more is whether Guan Ming's technology can be applied to the military field, what impact this technology will have on domestic and foreign economic systems, will foreign countries take some actions against the country as a result, and for Guan Ming, Whether some administrative treatment should be improved.

For civilian products, after the giants added their affection for Guan Ming, they also felt that as long as it was safe, they could do it, and everything was mainly safety, and nothing more.

As for the following people are obstructed because of their interests, in their view, the problem is not big. There are so many domestic cars, but few can rank in the world. Moreover, why is Guanming among so many companies? Choosing Great Wall is also worth thinking about by these companies.

The news media said that Guan Ming's product was very optimistic, and most of them began to imagine what the user experience of this product would look like.

The new product launches of Guanming Company were all presented to reporters, both as gifts and unboxing tests, but this time Guan Ming did not give them.

It wasn't because he was digging the door, but this thing hasn't been able to hit the road yet, Guan Ming can't check the car to the reporter's door.

"Oh, come on, I'll read it for you ~" After reading the newspaper, Guan Ming laughed after reading the middle paragraph, his elbows rubbed against Mu Xiaoxiao's shoulder and said with a smile.

Looking back, Mu Xiaoxiao's black face question mark.

"... Guan Ming, who is low-key, rarely talks about his family, but this time he wore clothes made by his lover at the press conference. Although the clothes were slightly out of shape in the eyes of reporters, but ... "

Barabara, the newspaper praised Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao without any restraint, but the newspapers all refer to Mu Xiaoxiao as 'Guan Ming's lover'.

The general idea is that Mu Xiaoxiao is very good at Guan Ming. In such a rich family, he will also sew clothes for Guan Ming himself. He must be a very good wife.

Guan Ming said that he likes his wife very much. In the face of the global media, even if the clothes are not fit, but they still wear them out, saying that the Guan Ming couple must be very loving.

Hearing the praise from the outside, Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes didn't smile, he grinned, and he was an expression with the rhubarb when he was scratching his chin. Just entertain yourself ~ "

She patted Guan Ming's shoulders, and Mu Xiaoxiao looked proud and even used her accent.

Put a lip, Guan Ming doesn't want to evaluate Mu Xiaoxiao's current state. He is very malicious in conjecture. If this reporter knew Mu Xiaoxiao's true state, his face would probably hurt.


There are many troops in the country, such as the Golden Army.

The Gold Army, as its name suggests, is a treasure hunting unit for gold. It has in-depth research in mineral deposits and is also very professional in geological exploration.

Most importantly, they are troops, capable of order prohibition and quick response.

The first group to reach a certain place in Sichuan Province was the Gold Forces. They conducted geological exploration, not to find mineral deposits, but to collect detailed geological data.

Use more professional technology ~ ~ to collect more accurate data, then upload the data, and have more professional people to process and compare the data, and use a larger amount of super calculation to process these data. Simulate geological changes in the future.

However, this information was also transmitted to Guan Ming simultaneously.

The car got out, and Guan Ming also got a lot easier. During this time, he mainly focused on the geological problems in Sichuan Province. Through scientific calculations, he needed to analyze.

The point in time of my last life can be determined, but the point of time of this life is yet to be studied.

Although Guan Ming's rebirth is only a change of one person and one individual, it is not known whether other changes have been caused by it.

From the data provided by Double Star before, Guan Ming knew that the Sichuan earthquake was really likely to happen, but it was very important that it was one day earlier or one night later.

Accurately grasping the time, the resettlement of the population, not only has great benefits for disaster evacuation, but also has a certain effect on post-disaster reconstruction.

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