Private Technology

: 439 technical jobs

Seriously speaking, this year Japan is both unlucky and lucky.

Unfortunately, there have been four earthquakes in Japan since the beginning of the year.

Fortunately, the number of people killed or injured in the fourth earthquake was not large, at least not in the category above 7 on the Richter scale.

Therefore, after the last Prime Minister's sudden resignation, the current foreign policy of the current Prime Minister will be worrying. After all, a peaceful country can develop steadily. People who are used to peace will naturally get used to finding mutual benefits in peace.

However, these remarks can also be directed. For example, some people want to use coercion, interests, and even threats as a weight to snoop on the so-called "earthquake technology" in an attempt to manipulate domestic and international public opinion to achieve their desired goals.

Some Japanese official media also spoke one after another, saying that China clearly had advanced earthquake prediction technology, but it was a bad conscience to watch Japan ’s earthquake without warning.

The reason they gave is also plausible. Although there are national borders on the land, the land itself is connected, and it is difficult to have a one-size-fits-all technology.

Of course, for this kind of statement, only a few words were spread in the country, and then the majority of netizens sneered and laughed and gloated.

The Chinese official said that this thing is rigorous data collection and scientific calculations. If Japan wants China to predict earthquakes for free, it is not impossible, then send someone to collect geological changes in your country. And real-time geological change data.

Because the data given by Japan does not meet the standards, there is no way to use the data they give.

However, Japan will definitely not agree with it. Geological and ground surveying and mapping, in the event of a fight in the future, will really be a shot and a shot. In case Japan does not pay attention, bury two big bombs or something, it will be even more tragic.

Obviously, Guan Ming didn't pay attention to this, because it didn't get to his point at all. He was on the third floor of the company and looked at the little thing wrapped in the cold and suspended in the air.


Superconducting materials are one of the necessary materials for star simulators, and also one of the important materials.

Superconducting material means that when the temperature is below a certain level, the resistance is zero.

At the same time, another important feature of superconductors is that they are completely diamagnetic, and the magnetic induction intensity inside the superconductor is zero.

The last important characteristic is the quantization of the flux. At the same time, these are the three basic characteristics of superconductors.

There are many superconducting materials. Guan Ming needs to analyze the limit value of each material and the performance under various conditions, and then determine the superconducting material according to other materials.

After all, whether it is a copper-oxygen, iron-based, or magnesium boride superconductor, each has its own applicable environment. Guan Ming needs to find a superconductor with the highest cost performance to be a star simulator.

The most important thing is that these three types of superconductors can be divided into many interiors, and there must be many unknown superconductors.


"... According to the above data, this aircraft is suitable for air transport strikes, suitable for assaults on the middle of the building and evacuation of people in the city!"

The large oval table was full of people, all of them stunned and young.

Guan Ming didn't mind the information of the engine. Naturally, he made an engine in the shortest time. Regardless of the materials or technology, the requirements of this engine were not high.

For the domestic, this is an engine developed by the Chinese people, and there are rich mineral deposits in the country, but relatively speaking, the service life of this engine is relatively short, but in the service life, this engine fails The rate is also very low, which is considered to be skin-resistant.

Some things are not to say that if you do n’t give them, the above will not be researched secretly. As far as Guan Ming is concerned, the so-called technical guarantees can only be procedural guarantees and controlled by procedures.

Equivalent to QQ, free to use, casual use, but VIP still costs money.

For Guan Ming, it is difficult to keep the hardware secret, but in terms of software programs, it is not difficult to keep it secret.

"The stability of the aircraft is very good. It has a complete backup flight system that can hover in the air stably. Because it is protected around it, it is very suitable for armed suppression in the city." This time, it was another person who spoke. .

"In other words, is there a need for this thing?" There was no sarcasm, just a simple question, the person sitting in the main seat said.

"Yes, it is recommended that the military region be equipped with a small amount of equipment and conduct small-scale exercises at the same time."

The military expenditures of each military region are countable. When it comes to arms procurement, they need to be carefully calculated.

"How about that procedure, if there is no procedure, how stable is the manual control?" The master sitting in the main seat continued to ask.

"The stability is relatively poor, but it is better than the traditional helicopter." The person who reported the report immediately responded.

"Oh, that's it ..." Nodded, clear.


"Oops, my little ancestor, now, you, I am a blind worker for a few days. Hello ~" Looking at the manuscript sitting on it, Guan Ming could not wait to lick up the stains !!

Quickly pick up the manuscript, shake it outside the table, milk stains under the power of Newton's BUFF, began to tick down.

Mu Xiaoxiao has been practicing yoga diligently recently, but even if she is doing so much, she ca n’t feed her while she poses. As a result, she sits next to Guan Ming, while the baby is accompanied by Guan Ming. .

But this is good. Guan Ming's eldest daughter Guan Meng Xi took a sip and turned back on the table, which made Guan Ming feel wasteful!

In particular, these two dolls have a large amount of food. As their bodies grow, the amount of food is getting larger and larger.

Guan Ming was able to quench thirst, but now only thirst is left.

"Giggle ~" Seeing Guan Ming's bitter smile face, Guan Mengxi grinned, and his little hand pia ~ pia ~ patted her little kitchen.

"Be obedient, beware that Dad is angry and spank you ~" He hurriedly turned it twice, trying to get Guan Mengxi's attention to himself.

Mu Xiaoxiao came here to nurse the baby, just to get close to Guan Ming, not to interrupt his work.

In Mu ’s words, it means that Guan Ming makes more money in a day than Mu Xiaoxiao does in a year ~ ~ Nothing bothers him less, and less often bothers him!

"His ~ Babe, lightly! Lightly!" His mouth is a little sloppy, Mu Xiaoxiao looks at the little daughter on the right with a sore face. It may be that the two twists just made her a little uncomfortable.

"The two mischievous little guys are really fascinating ~" After shaking it twice, Guan Ming put his manuscript on the table, and kissed the chubby face of Guan Mengxi affectionately.

I didn't see the distressed look just now, but I was very happy, as if Guan Mengxi had done something good just now.

"Your paper is okay, otherwise I'll go back and help you draw a new one ~" With a slightly hardened arm, Guan Mengxi, like her sister, had a sulking meal, Mu Xiaoxiao came over with some worry.

Repetitive work is prone to fatigue. Mu Xiaoxiao doesn't know what she does to Guan Ming. At least she thinks of her barren head. It seems that besides milking her two children, she only has milk for him, and she also has some. I want to change the job, I want to change a technical job.

"Hey, no need, just let Shuangxing print a copy for me." Taking the other's shoulder, Guan Ming kissed her on the face with ease.

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